201 Sliders - An Interdimensional Sci-Fi series!

( Pages 1 2 3 ) by Dyland

203 Dr. Who LEGO Series

by TheLoginProductions

204 Hatred

( Pages 1 2 ) by Scypax

205 I Am The Night

( Pages 1 2 3  17 ) by Squid

208 EXPANSE - Production Thread

by RedBrick1

210 THAC XII Progress Thread

( Pages 1 2 3 4 5 ) by Nathan Wells

214 Reason (Update Thread)

by Joe Sitch

216 New Halloween Film!

by PixTron's Personale

217 Sherlock Holmes Update Thread

by backyardlegos

218 Game of Brickfilmers Updates

( Pages 1 2 3 ) by Lechnology

221 BRAWL 2014 Update Thread!

( Pages 1 2 3  27 ) by Fun Sucker

223 Johnny Thunder - Immortalized

( Pages 1 2 ) by Dyland

224 Aviators

by Squirrels Armed Studios

225 Hand

by Carousel

227 Jango Fett, the brickfilm

( Pages 1 2 3 ) by Galactic Films

228 Learning to Forgive Part 1.

by jediknight1997

229 Dark Eidolon

by Halfbrick

230 The Odd Friends: Episode 1

by PixTron's Personale


by Squirrels Armed Studios

233 Tripp Connors & The Dragons Eye.

by Antonio Ferrara

234 REDWOOD, Assembling a Team to make an Epic Movie

( Pages 1 2 ) by Fantasyfilmer