441 Camera Shake Or Not

by Larmz

442 Explosion VFX Artist Needed!

( Pages 1 2 ) by Splash

443 "Portal Bullet" Effect

by UniLego

444 Bledner rigging help

by Mutuceba

445 iMovie fps help

by nate13545

446 Tutorial-Before Animation

by legostudiosplus

448 A specific Gimp question

by Daniel

449 Walk Cycle tutorial

by legostudiosplus

451 Blender 2.53 problem

by Mutuceba

452 MonkeyJam or Helium Frog

by Xtreme-Lego

453 Blocking Out Windows?

by Misstardis

454 Youtube HD

by BuilderBrothers

455 Blender

( Pages 1 2 ) by eoh49

457 Adding frame blend/overlay...

by Saminatorger

458 Is this stretched?

by Larmz

459 Lettering on Objects

by RoyalbrickStudios

460 The use of CGI in films...

( Pages 1 2 3 ) by Leonardo812

461 Invisible Effect

by randomparrot

462 Survey: Your settings

by AncientEngine

463 Back grounds in Blender?

by RoyalbrickStudios

464 Help me with LightSaber effect!

( Pages 1 2 ) by Oromis-elda

466 Smoothing?

by mobiledeli

470 Effects needed for Order 23

( Pages 1 2 ) by legostudiosplus

471 How do we make rain in GIMP

by Juggernaut Pictures

472 i suck at GIMP!!!

by flchorton

474 Masking Trouble

by UniLego

475 Closed: Gun Shot Tutorial!

( Pages 1 2 ) by Oromis-elda

477 Muzzle Flare Help Me!!!!!

by Oromis-elda

478 3D Brickfilming tutorial

by mjthriller

479 Flintlock guns firing?

by Gospelnut

480 Need HELP with CGI flying text

by AncientBricks