Re: Critique My Frame!

Thanks! I agree. I was trying to go for a dark depressing/scary mood but missed a lot of detail that was important to the story. Here is the final frame without final colour correction

This world is a dark place. One day I will see my Savior face to face.
My Youtube

Re: Critique My Frame!

Looks wonderful.

"Bless you for making this." -Sloth 2016 * on "Chicken Shaped Lighthouse Attacks Police"
Ephesians 4:29 -"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."

Re: Critique My Frame!

I like the framing a lot more, and the colder color correction looks good.
(It obviously depends on the tone of the context and scene, but this style still looks neat.)
The light coming from the doorway is just one of those great details that I missed with the first picture.
It looks fantastic. Great job.

Re: Critique My Frame!

The frame is nicely balanced, and I love the practical lighting.

Re: Critique My Frame!

Thanks, glad the lighting works!

This world is a dark place. One day I will see my Savior face to face.
My Youtube

Re: Critique My Frame!

I did some practical effects for my D&L entry, and one of those is using an iPhone screen to display an image, then masking around a certain area to make the iPhone go away, while keeping the part of the screen that needs to be there. Long story short, I have been doing some masking, and i need some opinions on if it looks good or not:

I posted a similar frame to this a little while ago on another topic, and it was really badly done, so I'm trying to improve it. Please share your comments and suggestions! mini/smile

Last edited by rioforce (July 28, 2015 (04:35pm))

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: Critique My Frame!

As far as masking goes, I think it looks good, rio! I'm a little confused as to what this is supposed to be, though. Is it like a screen behind some sort of bubble?

Edit: It looks like there's a little bit of light peeking through right below the minifig's helmet.

Last edited by AnimatorUnknown (July 28, 2015 (05:00pm))

Re: Critique My Frame!

I think it looks pretty darn good, I like the effect you've achieved; and I'd imagine it will look even better in motion when tiny flaws are extremely hard to spot.

Re: Critique My Frame!

Looks MUCH better!
The tweaks are pretty small, but really improve the frame.

The effect is good, and like Backyard, I'm sure the little flaws will disappear into the motion of the final clip.

Re: Critique My Frame!

It's a really neat effect but the screen seems too bright. It might look better if you dimmed the image a bit. It may look too dim in real life when it looks like it has the right brightness for the shot.

Re: Critique My Frame!

Looks great, Rioforce. Especially if you're going for a hologram-type effect.

It's not an upcoming brickfilm, just a scene to test if I could achieve dingy prison lighting.

I haven't animated for so long, it's taken a few days to get up to scratch.

Re: Critique My Frame!

I'm not done with this yet, but I'm not sure what I should do to make it better. Any suggestions? (The lighting isn't done yet)

"...just take stuff apart.  Be heartless, do not develop feelings for these sets..." -Squid
My standards: Philippians 4:8

Re: Critique My Frame!

Why is one door a normal house door, and the other one is a glass door That makes it look a bit out of place. Usually offices in the same building have the same kind of door. Also, (this is just a nitpick) signs look more professional if you type them and print them out then if you write them with a pen (unless it plays into the story).

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: Critique My Frame!

Is he a real stock broker? Because I would never trust a stock broker who resorts to hand-written signs with my money.

Re: Critique My Frame!

@rioforce, There is actually only one door in the picture. The others are all windows. Perhaps I should make that more clear.

I will for sure switch it to a typed sign. I will also search for my elusive "glass" doors to replace the house door.
Thanks to you both.

"...just take stuff apart.  Be heartless, do not develop feelings for these sets..." -Squid
My standards: Philippians 4:8

Re: Critique My Frame!

also, if you added the persons last name, so, say it was "Spencer Stock Brokers" might look even better.

Re: Critique My Frame!

I think the problem is that there are three pillars and two spaces. The human brain likes symmetry, and so we conclude they are both doors because that would be symmetrical. If you have the parts, I'd suggest putting another window in on the other side.


Last edited by Brickyman (August 5, 2015 (02:56pm))

Re: Critique My Frame!

Brickyman wrote:


we made a secret pact at midnight for all of us to ignore your frame. we would have invited you to the ritural frame ignoring ceremony, but, it'd really be a conflict of interests for you... so we decided to have it without you instead. I ate your Marshmallows.

the lighting looks good, I still think your much to high and need to go off the tripods, or whatever to lower the camera. mini/bigsmile

Re: Critique My Frame!

Oh. Well that's lovely. mini/lol

Too high? Is that not an acceptable camera angle?

Re: Critique My Frame!

I enjoyed the Marshmallow. such a shame Im allergic to them though, and are now writing this from a hospital bed....

it feels like its looking down on the minifigure, but, not enough to be CCTV....

maybe a smidge lower, and move he camera so he is sorta like 2/3rds across the screen, not the 3/3rds... might make it better...

but, you dont have to listen to me, after all, I ate your marshmallow.