Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

Anteater wrote:

Ok, what the heck was that??? Terrible movie. Halfway through I thought I was watching G-Force. The "special"-effects, story and acting was awful! Oh and.....Where were all the extras in the film?


The Ghost of Mrs. Day studios: Home of mediocre brickfilms.

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

Your opinion disappoints me.


Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

The labyrinth worst movie ever... everything was wrong, the singing, the terrible effects, the acting, and on and on and on. I think I would break the screen before letting it play. mini/wink

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

Hunger games

T'was an awful film.

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

I read the name of this thread and thought...
Hunger Games
and then I saw what jediknight1997 said.  AGREED.

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

JonnDthunDer wrote:

I read the name of this thread and thought...
Hunger Games
and then I saw what jediknight1997 said.  AGREED.

At least someone agrees with me.

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

Battlefeild Earth was terrible. I think it was even reviewed worst movie of all time.

Killer Clowns from Outer Space ...


Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

Is it bad that I like (no, nearly LOVE) many films listed here. mini/jaw
When a "studio" like The Asylum makes films based upon bad movies (i.e. Transformers) It can only end up bad.
However, I do have a list of my own:

James Bond, Superhero movies, and low-budget films DON'T COUNT
Seriously, people who make films with plastic building toys aimed at children are arguing about how "seriously" a film can be taken. What about Doug Vandegrift's Pirates and America:Outlawed? GREAT FILMS, but, how seriously can you take these at the end of the day... Very. Thus, you should be able to "believe a man can fly," or a British agent goes around killing men and getting girls. Seriously

I, personally, don't like 3d computer generated effects. I nearly **** my **** when I saw the trailer for Amazing Spiderman with it's SO bad looking 3d pipes on top of a building. Though, apart from effects, both mentioned films were OK, but predictable. However, so is Casablanca if you watch it for the first time post 1940's... Really, these films are SO famous, sometimes they're infamous, however, it doesn't mean they are bad.

I went to the bookstore the other day and nearly **** my **** again when I saw there was now a "Teen Paranormal Romance" section! Not "Teen and Paranormal and Romance," not "Teen Paranormal and Teen Romance," but Teen Paranormal Romance... The only good "Paranormal Romance" movie was Ghost, but, even then, it wasn't as bad as Twilight.

Anything New that's not original
Today, audiences are SO split on what they do/do not like. I mean, Indy 4 was bad, but so was Temple of Doom. However, the only people that would complain were Ebert and Siskel - and now they're both gone. However, they would at least make logical points in their argument, and, even if you disagreed with their overall review, there was at least SOMETHING that you'd agree upon. (i.e. the Original Star Wars trilogy was perfect, right? Wrong, does anyone remember the Ewoks... I rest my case)

Overall, things like Batman Begins, Superman Returns, Sherlock Holmes, and The Amazing Spiderman were pretty good films, however the fact that they were reboots (along with anything you may personally have against them) makes them less... great. And, really, what I love to watch are Great Films. (Which, are usually classics)

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

Killer Clowns from Outer Space, huh? I'm going to have to check that one out. mini/tongue

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

ZP wrote:

The dark crystal
It was the worst movie of all time.


"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

The worst movie I've ever watched: Manos: The Hands of Fate.  And I have to disagree with Max: it's not so bad, it's good.  It's just BAD.  Fortunately, I was able to watch this on Mystery Science Theatre 3000, where it's bearable (and which made it known to the world).  This movie was a point of contention on the TV series, "How I Met Your Mother", where Ted argued that it was the worst movie ever to a new girlfriend, Stella, who insisted that Plan 9 was.

The most overrated movie ever: Titanic.  Or maybe Avatar, whichever made more.  Adjusted for inflation, I think it was Titanic.  Cameron is incapable of character development or any kind of depth.

Worst big-budget film: the sorry excuse for Transformers 1 by Michael Bay.  Real Transfans know that his movies don't count.  I should know.  I own 1000+ Transformer toys and their original boxes (400 are Generation 1 (1984-1990)), plus 15 prototypes, the TV DVDs, 300 comics, original concept art, entire McDonald's Happy Meal displays, Mint-in-Package Underoos, Sandstone figures, SHBM Galvatron and Lava Galvatron, and TF stuff you probably don't know exists!  After watching the 1st movie, I knew never to waste money on anything beyond that.  Here's a song my band Tinnitis recorded about it in 2008.  It features the SHBM Galvatron (limited to 400 pieces and only available at a 1998 TF convention in Japan):
This song is exactly 14000 times better than the movie, as determined by a study using powerful university computers.

But the worst EVER is MEGA SNAKE, a Sci-Fi original movie featuring 1 minute or less of Feedback, winner of "Who Wants To Be A Superhero" with Stan Lee.  A common joke in our household: STAN LEE: "The winner of this contest will appear in a sci-fi original movie.  Runner up will appear in TWO Sci-Fi original movies."  It turns out that almost any movie that channel makes is worthless.  I then wonder how easy it could be to get into television.  Just write something slightly better than their movies and submit it to them.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

TrollBridge Studios wrote:

James Bond, Superhero movies, and low-budget films DON'T COUNT
Seriously, people who make films with plastic building toys aimed at children are arguing about how "seriously" a film can be taken. What about Doug Vandegrift's Pirates and America:Outlawed? GREAT FILMS, but, how seriously can you take these at the end of the day... Very. Thus, you should be able to "believe a man can fly," or a British agent goes around killing men and getting girls. Seriously


Anything New that's not original
Today, audiences are SO split on what they do/do not like. I mean, Indy 4 was bad, but so was Temple of Doom. However, the only people that would complain were Ebert and Siskel - and now they're both gone. However, they would at least make logical points in their argument, and, even if you disagreed with their overall review, there was at least SOMETHING that you'd agree upon. (i.e. the Original Star Wars trilogy was perfect, right? Wrong, does anyone remember the Ewoks... I rest my case)

Opinions are opinions, but I feel the need to say what I think about these points:
I like Bond movies, actually. Especially if they're well done like Casino Royale or Dr. No. Of course, there have been bad movies in the Bond Franchise, but that doesn't mean they're all bad. After all, I don't think you can judge a movie just because it's part of a franchise (they made 12 Star Trek movies, yet they still have some fresh ideas that actually work).

Indy 4 was actually entertaining to me, and in no way I can think of Temple of Doom as a bad movie. Also, I don't think ewoks completely ruined the movie.

GEF wrote:

The labyrinth worst movie ever... everything was wrong, the singing, the terrible effects, the acting, and on and on and on. I think I would break the screen before letting it play. mini/wink

I disagree, Labyrinth is well done for it's time, and if David Bowie is in a movie, then there must be something good about it.

Now, that's just my opinion.

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

The Karate Kid (1984)

Ya rly.

I just think it's pretty soft for an action film, or the like. It's got all these romance bits in it and the ending is kind of confusing. Ralph Macchio is kind of annoying, especially in The Outsiders. The director is the same director of the first few Rocky movies, and it seems to me like he's trying to ressurect his old ideas and put them in some kids movie. It wasn't hard to tell the differences between this film and Rocky. The underdog isn't the underdog anymore, blah blah.

It isn't the worst movie ever. But, it's one of many bad films I've seen. Many. And, I usually rate films with a 9.3/10 usually.

Red Dawn (2012)

I think I had already stated my dislikes in the movie review thread (not this one). But, basically, I just think they throw in some budding cast of teens and give guns, and that's it. If they're trying to bring back the old 1984 original (which was reasonably good; my review of that film can also be found in the Last Movie you Watched thread), it's not working too well.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

HoldingOurOwn wrote:


Oh my gosh, I love this fandom name! That's just awesome! I am so going to start saying that now.

As far as worst movie probably it's like one of those talking animal movies like the Air buddies series or G Force (ahaha just HOW high do you even have to BE just to DO something like that...) My sister loved those as a kid so I was subjected to many painful hours of watching skiing CGI dogs and stuff. EDIT: Forgot Beverly Hills Chihuahua. That was probably the worst of all of them.

Another classic bad film is The Creeping Terror, which is honestly hilarious as hell mini/tongue It reminds me of something I would have done like a year ago when I didn't care about production values at all. Like the monster is just 10 people under a large picnic blanket. And they accidentally dropped the soundtrack in a lake (IN A LAKE!!!) so they just hired a radio guy to narrate the whole thing (and then Captain John said, "Good Job!" with a lot of enthusiasm or somethin like that.) So yeah, this film was definitely hilarious.

It's a shame you didn't like Karate Kid, Mickey. I probably shouldn't say this because I wasn't even alive in the 80s but it's probably more of a generational thing. Action movies today are more story and FX based, and back then it focused a lot more on characters and was more introspective.

EDIT: just something I hate: the cliché of "a boy and his dog." it's in every movie. ENOUGH. Not everybody in the United States of America loooooooooooves dogs! Maybe some cats for once! Or maybe take a risk and give the boy a ferret or a kangaroo!

Last edited by topit (May 8, 2013 (03:04pm))

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

We ride kangaroos to school here in Australia. There's nothing risky or wow factor about it.

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

I have a few
OMFG It's Damn horrible and its very !@#$ , get this the jokes are corny and the turtle suits look like they have been shrunk since the first movie. Its tremendous that the effects are so terrible if you saw the near end the guy fall off the mountain and there was no splash effect , its like 30 meters far and he just dissolves. Plot is Cliche and the characters make brief appearances and they don't follow any of the comics or Animated series.

It gives it a direct 1/10

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

The worst to me is probably "North" (1994)

It is one thing to mess up fictional characters like superheroes, but you go too far when you offend people of the World by making a horribly written film that is filled with stereotypes. These are so apparently offensive that even in an uneducated stereotyping America people would find these to be historically inaccurate.

For it to be a PG rated film is horribly unethical! If parents ever chose to share this with their children, those children will never help humanity to "blossom" and most likely destroy it.


As Roger Ebert said in response to the film: "I hated this movie. Hated, hated, hated, hated, hated this movie. Hated it."

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

Here is the Nostalgia Critic Review of the film I mentioned above:

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

After reading this thread, it seems I have to watch more bad films. mini/lol

Anyway, the worst film I can remember is probably Snow Buddies (2008), along with The Dictator (2012) and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011) (which is probably one of the most overrated films I've ever seen--or rather didn't see, as I was struggling to stay awake half an hour into the film).  Battleship (2012) was pretty mediocre, as was The Hunger Games (2012).  I remember Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) and The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) being pretty rubbishy too.

And, even though it wasn't actually bad per se, I felt The Avengers (2012) was pretty underwhelming.

Last edited by Mr Vertigo (June 8, 2013 (11:51am))

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: Worst movie you've ever seen?

I agree with you on all except The Avengers , it perhaps was not as good as we were led to believe by reviews, but it was still a fantastic film.