82 CANON EOS 4000D DSLR Camera

by Chalios Animations

88 Lego Studios SoundFx CD

by Armin Films Entertainment

90 Exporting to Import.

by StafFilms

91 Software Inquiries

by StafFilms

92 Render too dark on mobile?

by mad_hatter

94 Render settings - 15fps

by mad_hatter

96 Issues with c920 in Dragonframe

by kylewaselewski

97 New Stop Motion Software

by [deleted140356]

99 DSLR shutter speed for Canon.

by Antonio Ferrara

103 Vegas Pro 12

by Mr.78

104 Lube your Lego (or not)

by Stopper

106 My Brickfilming Haul

by deletedaccount140517

108 Delete this post please. . .

by [deleted140356]

110 Manual Settings?

by Jevy

111 General Lens

by Jevy

117 Dragon frame question

by Blissfilm_Productions

118 Stop Motion App Advice

by Crimson Disk

120 Dragonframe Questions

( Pages 1 2 ) by PlasticPointProductions