So I've taken your advice from several people.
Al thought its not finished its more of a work in progress. (I actually finished this scene the way the setup was previously. But deffs learned some great things from the great advice given that will be implemented in the future scenes/films.
@Harborlight Productions: I have made some attempt to fix up the blue background with adding hills, for the side green baseplate's I really do dislike it, but I have no blue cardboard at the moment to fix that issue, when I do it will be removed. This scene, was more a talk with the king and a knight.
@Troodon, althought it looks terrible I did attempt the ground with adding in texture, I am not currently at my place to have all the parts accessible, of course this would be replaced with brown, to add for logs and stuff. I have so many flowers but again not with me.. Palm tree is out lol. (The big one).
@Rioforce, the camera has been lowered it is so weird for me as I was use to shooting above the characters, but I am excited to try the new setup thanks for the advice! Also I made the hills although their not the best, it is something I'd like to use later on.

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