Re: What are we missing?

Living LEGO wrote:

No, what you are talking about are "LEGO MUVEEYS".

Nope, I'm pretty sure he was talking about brickfilms. And he's right.

Re: What are we missing?

What do I miss?
1. Downloadable versions of the brickfilms I like - The fixation on YT is not a good thing, e.g. YT does not let me watch "The Pilgrim's Son" and several other films ("Not available in Your country due to copyright whatever"). Maybe the risen importance of copyright issues is the reason for another thing I miss:
2. music videos (Is anyone besides Oblong Pictures doing them these days?)
3. A certain lightness in story and style, in general. A while ago, I stopped watching films, where minifigs talking serious stuff in a dark setting.
4. A further discussion of this topic.

I can't be staying here too much. I want to get a good education and this isn't going to help me. - StevieCollins

Re: What are we missing?

Brickfilms used to more entertaining because people had focused more on storyline rather than big explosions . Nowadays, brickfilms have more VFX than a gripping storyline. mini/sad Guys like Smeagol and MindGame focus on storyline, and look how famous they are.

Last edited by Thunderbolt (January 14, 2011 (04:36am))

Back In Black!

Re: What are we missing?

Brickfilms used to more entertaining because people had focused more on storyline rather than big explosions .

Watch this.

Re: What are we missing?

willem wrote:

2. music videos (Is anyone besides Oblong Pictures doing them these days?)

To be fair, I'm only doing music videos because I can't record dialogue on my computer. Aside from that, I guess you're right - the crackdown on copyright violations on youtube makes it possible that your film will be pulled or have ads plastered all over it. Also, music videos are quite hard to do.

Re: What are we missing?

I didn't mean to say, music videos are easy to do (at least they shouldn't be). But they were/are a good thing to start with for beginners.

Brickfilms used to more entertaining because people had focused more on storyline rather than big explosions . Nowadays, brickfilms have more VFX than a gripping storyline.

I agree, Brickfilms used to more entertaining, but to me it's because so many of them want to be seriously artful, or randomly funny.

Last edited by willem (January 14, 2011 (03:37pm))

I can't be staying here too much. I want to get a good education and this isn't going to help me. - StevieCollins

Re: What are we missing?

willem wrote:

What do I miss?
...2. music videos (Is anyone besides Oblong Pictures doing them these days?)...

Oh don't worry willem, I've got something you might like mini/wink

Re: What are we missing?

NXTManiac wrote:
willem wrote:

What do I miss?
...2. music videos (Is anyone besides Oblong Pictures doing them these days?)...

Oh don't worry willem, I've got something you might like mini/wink

Oh, let me guess...

Spoiler (click to read)

Viva La Vida

Back In Black!

Re: What are we missing?

I love to see someone make a music video for The Devil Went Down to Georgia.

Re: What are we missing?

We need more monkeys.


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: What are we missing?

Oh stop with the monkeys. Saying that once is enough.

Re: What are we missing?

I have found after watching some older films that they had a sense of fun! They don't really take themselves too serious.

RedBrick1/LegoTrain587 | EXPANSE | A Brickfilm

Re: What are we missing?

MPfist0 wrote:

Oh stop with the monkeys. Saying that once is enough.

mod edit: no thanks

Re: What are we missing?

Well, everything I could ever think of about the change of Brickfilms has been said in this topic. I'd like to add a little something myself: I remember the first Brickfilm I ever watched was about 4 years ago, probably more. It was 'Random Acts of Lego-ness Part I'. I loved the film then, and for whatever reason I love it now, along with the sequels. Why? Although it doesn't have a great stroyline (zombie-type outbreak and a secret base, a little overused), or smooth animating, or great special effects, or even decent sound and voice acting, it was fun. It made me laugh, not just once or twice, but a load of times each part. I still can't put my finger on what made it so funny, but perhaps it was because the film was so terrible. I enjoyed watching them, even more so than most of the incredible animations today, with flawless everything. I guess what I'm saying is I agree with those who think Brickfilms should be more fun, rather than making it funny.

Also, I'd like to point out that it's not always easy for animators to produce serious Brickfilms, as they are basically trying to make stories involving what are essentially pieces of moving plastic. Not everyone uses mouth animations, so it's very difficult to involve drama or sadness when using bricks, with a very limited amount of movements. However, this is no excuse for pathetic stories, or indeed pathetic presentation.

I don't make Brickfilms. I trade virtual hats.

Re: What are we missing?

By making a brickfilm available for download, one can post it in YouTube, and if the WMG decide to silence the YouTube, then one can put a link to the downloadable version in the description, thereby eliminating the threat of video defecation by a third party. Whether or not one will get sued into the next millennium, is a different matter.

Re: What are we missing?

I don't really think we're missing anything. Brickfilm movies are being modernized that's all. And having huge awesome explosions in brickfilms is just a result of Michael Bay's evil influence LOL mini/bigsmile

P.S. People who really want to tell some story will focus on the story and those who just love awesome effects will put those effects anywhere they can....

Re: What are we missing?

That's true, but a lot of Brickfilmers have become kind of connoisseurs, and want to watch films with good stories. Thats what most Brickfilms are, after all, made for: so people can watch them. I know I'd rather watch a great story than a great animation.

I don't make Brickfilms. I trade virtual hats.

Re: What are we missing?

Danimation wrote:

I love to see someone make a music video for The Devil Went Down to Georgia.

I've actually been considering that.

Re: What are we missing?

Also, we need more explosions that have "BOOM" or "KA POW!" written on them.

Re: What are we missing?

Disco Music Videos would be nice...

That's the way I like it.. anybody?