Re: What are we missing?

Has anybody mentioned the monkeys? We need more monkeys.

Re: What are we missing?

In the last two movies I've released, I've had a monkey. mini/smile
My current movie in post production stage has a monkey too.

Re: What are we missing?

We all start somewhere though. Even the great brickfilmers we look up to once made brickfilms like us. Through practice and dedication, they were able to improve to where they are at today. As older members may grow up and leave, people will look up to us new members, as the brickfilming gods. As Onion said, we are in the middle of a transition period.

bricksinmotion member of the year

Re: What are we missing?

I agree. Even WtA is an example of the transistion. Just in the beginning of the year, he claimed his account was hacked by his own minifigures, and now he's a respected member of the community.

Oh, and don't forget the monkeys. We need more monkeys. Cookies are nice as well.

Re: What are we missing?

Living LEGO wrote:

I agree. Even WtA is an example of the transition. Just in the beginning of the year, he claimed his account was hacked by his own minifigures, and now he's a respected member of the community.

Oh, and don't forget the monkeys. We need more monkeys. Cookies are nice as well.

It's almost like a revolution of brickfilmers in a sense. I can imagine everyone in the future looking up to animators like Jstudios and RobBrick (and all the other up and coming animators out there.) I don't get why you guys are worrying about maturity so much to. If this place was serious all the time I wouldn't like it as much. You have to have a fun environment in order to learn. I love this community the way it is. How everybody is so welcoming to newcomers, and never afraid to leave some helpful advice. And what are you talking about Living Lego? I'm still a part of MASA.


bricksinmotion member of the year

Re: What are we missing?

We dont need anything. As long as everyone enjoys the hobby we call brickfilming it should not be of any importance. I dont believe we should be defining our films by the rest of the community wants we should be defining our films on what we like and want. As far as youtube goes I consider them to be my audience too. Frankly, why shouldnt they be considered my audience?  I hate to say it but sometimes you guys can be overly stoic and harsh. Thats not to say I dont love this community just that for some of you uppity ducks there is really no way to please. What I find even worse is some of the newer an less recognizable members who suck up to the bigger members.  End of mini rant.

Re: What are we missing?

The past 3 years or so have been a very controversial time for brickfilms.  By that I mean animators like Fancypants, Keshen and others are making great original films with an actual story line and good animation.  But this is only a few people.  Some people are making good animation but with pretty bad story lines.  Some have great story and very poor animation.  I've wanted to bring this conversation up for a while now but do you remember the Fame, Infamy and Glory contest?  That gave you a challenge.  You had to make a story, a story that had 3 elements.  Fame, Infamy and Glory.  The contest made 3 of the best brickfilms I have ever seen.  Including the winner of the contest Grace.  I want more contests like FIG.  One that makes  the director make a great story.  The ToY contest doesn't help the Golden Age come back.  It lists a theme, Tales of Yore.  But it doesn't give you and challenge at making a good storyline.  Some people could just animate a knight on a horse for 30 seconds and it would be accepted to the contest.  Avant-Guard was half and half.  You had to make a film about something that was never done before.  Some people interpreted this wrong.  Some people made films that were just eye appealing.  Some people actually could of make a story about something that was never done before.  STAR was... Sorry...  HORRIBLE.   It just had to be about space no real story challenge.

Once again Binding Bricks has blamed contests for the Golden Age of Brickfilming's disappearance.

Re: What are we missing?

Then again, contests ARE optional...

Re: What are we missing?

Nevertheless, contests still affect the brickfilming community.
He may be right. It's an interesting theory.

Re: What are we missing?

I'm enjoying hearing everyone's views, thank you for putting them out there. I really do think we have some superb animators born from the remains of the Golden Age, like those you mentioned, WelcometoAwesomeness and Binding Bricks. What I want is for these people's (occasional, I'll admit) masterpieces to be recognised much more than, well... say my 'pet hate' of ForrestFire's films. (Nothing against the guy, but he gets too much attention for too little work.)

I have to say though Binding Bricks, contests are take-it-or-leave-it when it comes to creating stunning brickfilms - all your points are valid. Inspiring original titles, or maybe just resurrected beauties, may bring out the best in some new and novice brickfilmers.

I don't make Brickfilms. I trade virtual hats.

Re: What are we missing?

I'm kinda depressed there is really no horror brickfilms, pretty much just comedy.

Re: What are we missing?

Kinz, that's what makes you an original brickfilmer.  So if I were you, I wouldn't encourage other's to make horror films because it's like your trademark.

Re: What are we missing?

Binding Bricks wrote:

The past 3 years or so have been a very controversial time for brickfilms.  By that I mean animators like Fancypants, Keshen and others are making great original films with an actual story line and good animation.  But this is only a few people.  Some people are making good animation but with pretty bad story lines.  Some have great story and very poor animation.  I've wanted to bring this conversation up for a while now but do you remember the Fame, Infamy and Glory contest?  That gave you a challenge.  You had to make a story, a story that had 3 elements.  Fame, Infamy and Glory.  The contest made 3 of the best brickfilms I have ever seen.  Including the winner of the contest Grace.  I want more contests like FIG.  One that makes  the director make a great story.  The ToY contest doesn't help the Golden Age come back.  It lists a theme, Tales of Yore.  But it doesn't give you and challenge at making a good storyline.  Some people could just animate a knight on a horse for 30 seconds and it would be accepted to the contest.  Avant-Guard was half and half.  You had to make a film about something that was never done before.  Some people interpreted this wrong.  Some people made films that were just eye appealing.  Some people actually could of make a story about something that was never done before.  STAR was... Sorry...  HORRIBLE.   It just had to be about space no real story challenge.

Once again Binding Bricks has blamed contests for the Golden Age of Brickfilming's disappearance.

Dude. You joined last year. You just compiled loose thoughts from other people talking about the "Golden Age" and tried to make a point when you weren't even there. God I hate it when people do that. Sorry for snapping, it's just theres too many 11 year olds trying to fit in with the Vets by using common knowledge.

Other then that, you do make some good points.

Re: What are we missing?

Danimation wrote:

Has anybody mentioned the monkeys? We need more monkeys.

Lots and lots more monkeys.


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: What are we missing?

I wish there were more "serious" films like Unrenewable and Zombie Genesis.

Re: What are we missing?

I love how Zombie Genesis is serious, but it still has at the same time a very lighthearted fun feel. mini/smile
Now THAT is great.
I hope to make I am the Night like that.

Re: What are we missing?

I have two faaairly serious films coming out.

They're cartoony but have a serious.. Ish message.

Called "Magic Touch" and "Appreciated".

Re: What are we missing?

Golden Ages?
For me the Golden Ages were in 2001 right when I started. There were nearly 80 movies listed on And most were amazing for it's time. Months later it doubled and that doubled again, up to thousands nowadays.

I rather would see the pioneers come back again to brick filming like myself who quit in 2004.

Re: What are we missing?

AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:

I love how Zombie Genesis is serious, but it still has at the same time a very lighthearted fun feel. mini/smile
Now THAT is great.
I hope to make I am the Night like that.

Zombie Genesis serious my a**... it's a frickin comedy brickfilm! It's a parody of behind the scenes footages of the nowadays movies. There is no "seriousness" in that video. Come on!

Re: What are we missing?

Stoppedmotion wrote:

We dont need anything. As long as everyone enjoys the hobby we call brickfilming it should not be of any importance. I dont believe we should be defining our films by the rest of the community wants we should be defining our films on what we like and want. As far as youtube goes I consider them to be my audience too. Frankly, why shouldnt they be considered my audience?  I hate to say it but sometimes you guys can be overly stoic and harsh. Thats not to say I dont love this community just that for some of you uppity ducks there is really no way to please. What I find even worse is some of the newer an less recognizable members who suck up to the bigger members.  End of mini rant.

Thanks to you I didn't have to write what I feel!

Youtube has a way bigger audience and if the youtube community enjoys my films I'm really happy! I don't really give a crap what the vets think since most of them ignore my or the other 'mortal animators' existence... some of you are way too cocky... don't forget you're no stars... stop motion is a dying art and only because a few suck ups are kissin' your butt that means nothin' at all. Don't take it too personal guys, I still like you guys it's just that there are things really wrong with this community (the community consists of few great animators and a whole bunch of suck ups) and they can't be improved unless people actually start to understand the stuffs that is happening in here. I still respect these 'great' animators cause they put a lot of work into their films it's just that some of them are giant jerk faces!!!!

Mod edited for language.

Last edited by Leo's World (June 23, 2011 (05:20pm))