Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Unfortunately, I have never seen this actor in anything besides his brief role in Doctor Who.

However, he's old, but not too old.  I've been really wanting an old Doctor, not because I hate Matt Smith or his age, just because it's nice to have some variety.

But now I'm really curious about how it is that they're going to go about his costume design, they almost always seem to be very clever and careful about that.

If he did get that part, then I'm sure he'll do a wonderful job.

It's pretty funny that both the 12th Doctor and Amy Pony were in the Fires of Pompeii.
I wonder if there are other actors in that episode who will later become important.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Amy Pony. mini/XD

Well, I can't really say what I think of the new Doctor, I'm just going to have to see him in action to decide.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Mighty Wanderer wrote:

Amy Pony. mini/XD

Oh, wow, I actually typed that. Ha ha ha ha
Probably my mind trying to tell me I watch too much pony.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Actually, the new Doctor does look pretty old.  It's funny, because with a bit of imagination he almost looks like an older version of Eleven.

I haven't seen him an anything else (aside from the Doctor Who episode in which he plays that Roman mini/XD ).  It'll be interesting to see his interpretation, and what sort of costume he'll wear.

On another note, I've been on something of a Who-thon lately and watched the first four series of the revived show.  I might post my thoughts on it (if anyone is interested, that is...)

Carousel wrote:

It's considerably hard to beat Matt Smith's nether quality in 'acting', so I'd say we're in the clear.

Without this degenerating into a massive argument, is Matt really that bad?

Pritchard Studios wrote:
Spoiler (click to read)

four doctors in the 50th. The three known, and then 11 regenerating into 12.

Now that would be amazing.

Sadly, it won't happen--it's been stated several times that Eleven is going to regenerate in the Christmas Special.

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Peter Capaldi is a great choice. He was great in Torchwood and hilarious in The Thick Of It. I'm glad it's an older Doctor with Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee being my favourites.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Super bump!

Spoiler (click to read)

Poster for the 50th, along with....
All the wonderful info such as the 75 minute run time, the episode name, and more.

Warning, spoilers galore!

I'm hyped, and just can't wait. This is going to be amazing, I know it.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

None of this is a spoiler.  You can know the name of an episode and see a poster without ruining something. mini/tongue

Pritchard Studios wrote:

75 minute run time

This disappoints me.
I was hoping for something really, really long and epic.  I enjoy long episodes and movies, since they can have a lot more to them.  I thought Moffat himself said that it would be really long.
That's not even as long as the typical two parter.

I guess it doesn't need to be long really, but I thought it would be nice to have something really detailed and epic for such a momentous occasion, but oh well.
I just hope it doesn't feel rushed.

Also, the name could be better.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Well, Moffat does seem have quite a reputation for being less than truthful when comes to the TV shows he's involved in... though I do agree, 75 minutes seems pretty short (to be fair, most DW "specials" are usually around an hour, but then again this is hardly a typical special...).  Still, I'd rather have an excellent short special rather than a bad long one.

Last edited by Mr Vertigo (September 11, 2013 (02:04pm))

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

I think 75 minutes is adequate, plus any more time would probably lead to additional plot wise convolution and the like. As for the naming, it's not nearly as bad as 'The Name of the Doctor' but nevertheless, it isn't particularly astounding.

To note, the poster contains 'Bad Wolf' and John Hurt appears to be surrounded by exploding Daleks which could be a hint to the Time War.

Anyhow, I remain predictably pessimistic about the 50th. I'm just exited for Peter Capaldi.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

I'm not too sure but it looks like John hurt is holding the futuristic sonic screwdriver in his left hand... This looks like it's going to be epic. mini/wink

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)


[warning: lots of cursing, but this is a video with peter capaldi so what are you expecting]

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

These jokes got old about a month ago and I'm getting pretty tired of people constantly going on about it--especially considering Malcolm Tucker is hardly the only character Capaldi has played.  He's being typecast before he's even started...  That said, I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the "Run, you clever boy!" "Oh, **** off!" line.  And you just know that somebody at the BBC is going to reference that time-travel line...

Anyway, I'm glad to see some RTD-era characters return; this is one thing I kind of missed from what I've seen of Moffat-era Who.  Back in the Eccleston/Tennant days you'd have various companions teaming up at some point, or Captain Jack randomly popping up for an episode or two ("DOOOOCCCTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRR!").  Though I just wish it wasn't Rose.... again.  I would much rather see Martha or Donna appear in the 50th--the latter especially would go a long way to rectify the downright insulting story-arc ending she received...  Seriously, Rose has got to be the most annoying and overrated companion of all time (for the record, I actually liked her until after Doomsday, after which she became really annoying and clingy and basically suffocated any chance of the other companions developing their own characters....)

I'm also glad the Daleks are appearing in the 50th.  Seeing as they are the Doctor's oldest and most famous enemy, it's only fitting they should be a part of it.  I'd really like to see the Master make an appearance, too, since he's one of my favourite DW villains--though that's probably going to be pretty unlikely unfortunately. mini/sad

Also, something random I noticed: if you take the names of the last two actors who've played the Doctor [Peter Capaldi doesn't count since he hasn't officially appeared on-screen as the Doctor yet] you get this:

Matt Smith + John Hurt =

John Smith

John Smith (as you should know) is an alias the Doctor sometimes uses.  Coincidence....?

Carousel wrote:

Anyhow, I remain predictably pessimistic about the 50th.

why not be optimistic instead?  i find it's much better for your health mini/smile

Well anyway, sorry for my somewhat long post, hope you don't mind.

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

So I'm going back and watching Season 4 (I skipped over it before because of Donna), and I'm glad I did get around to watching it. I like this season so far.

Spoiler (click to read)

In The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky, the Doctor is told to put on a gas mask and as he is doing so he quietly says "Are you my mummy?"  I literally laughed out loud at that.

I don't really have anything worthy to contribute about the 50th, except that I'm being optimistic about the whole thing. mini/tongue

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

FlyingMinifig wrote:
Carousel wrote:

Anyhow, I remain predictably pessimistic about the 50th.

why not be optimistic instead?  i find it's much better for your health mini/smile

Being pessimistic about the future can actually occasionally have a positive effect.

By being pessimistic, about it, you won't really feel disappointed if it really is bad, as you were not really expecting better anyway, so there's not really any loss.

If you're optimistic, and it's bad, you might feel very disappointed that it's bad when you were expecting so much more.

Of course, there's also negative pessimism (or excessive pessimism) where one is so pessimistic about something that they refuse to even try it or look at every single bad detail and don't enjoy it when it might have actually been possible with a more open mind (I myself am guilty of this sometimes).

I try to maintain a slight level of pessimism along with some healthy optimism most of the time.

Though, being a person who enjoys every single Moffat episode with great delight, I don't really feel a need to be pessimistic here.  But almost anything could happen.

So I'm going back and watching Season 4 (I skipped over it before because of Donna)

I skipped over it before because of Donna

because of Donna

Go to your room.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Donna's first impression left me not really liking her. Now I do like her, though.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Yeah, I was the same way. HATED Donna in her first episode, warmed to her by her third, and was sad to see her go in the end.

I'm super-hyped about the 50th, I mean, the first truly multi-doctor story of the modern series, a longer than normal episode, time-war stuff, the reviving of a classic villain, Dalaks, and Moffat's sweet timey-wimey writing. Yeah, it will have flaws, it will have some less-than-perfect elements, but I'm sure it'll be fantastic.

I know people are mad about Rebound Rose coming back again, but here's a few thoughts on that.
Had Nine returned for this, we would have gotten her anyway. But a less mature, more annoying version.
She is the first companion of the modern series, and was a huge part of getting the show back on air.
From what we can guess right now, she really isn't in it that much.

Yeah, like others I would have liked a classic doctor and companion in the mix somewhere, but since my two favorite doctors are in it, I am not complaining.

I too am sick of all the Doctor/Malcom 'Jokes'. I'm also not convinced about how much I'll like his doctor, so that slightly pessimistic attitude that Squid just talked about perfectly describes things. So far, I've loved each modern doctor more and more, and I guess that may reach a peak point and start dropping with 12. Still, I'll wait for his first episode or two to pass before casting judgement.


Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Squid wrote:

Being pessimistic about the future can actually occasionally have a positive effect.

By being pessimistic, about it, you won't really feel disappointed if it really is bad, as you were not really expecting better anyway, so there's not really any loss.

If you're optimistic, and it's bad, you might feel very disappointed that it's bad when you were expecting so much more.

Of course, there's also negative pessimism (or excessive pessimism) where one is so pessimistic about something that they refuse to even try it or look at every single bad detail and don't enjoy it when it might have actually been possible with a more open mind (I myself am guilty of this sometimes).

I try to maintain a slight level of pessimism along with some healthy optimism most of the time.

Though, being a person who enjoys every single Moffat episode with great delight, I don't really feel a need to be pessimistic here.  But almost anything could happen.

True that.  But there's no reason to be pessimistic about something unless there is a good chance of it being bad.  I'm not completely over-the-hill-with-joy-and-believe-this-is-going-to-be-the-best-ever-thing-in-the-entire-history-of-history-no-matter-what-happens-type optimistic, and I realize there is a chance of this ending up bad, but I have enough faith that the BBC and everyone involved in DW will do their utmost to give an amazing, brilliant and Fantastic 50th, and as such I have no reason to be overall pessimistic.

And frankly, being excessively pessimistic about a TV show is just a bit sad.  I've got far too many things going on in my own life to waste any time worrying about stuff like that.

Also, it's been scientifically shown that optimists tend to live longer and have a better quality of life.

Squid wrote:

So I'm going back and watching Season 4 (I skipped over it before because of Donna)

I skipped over it before because of Donna

because of Donna

Go to your room.

Yes.  We are very, very angry with you.  We are very, very cross.  GO. TO. YOUR. ROOM!!

Seriously though, Donna is the best RTD-era companion.  Rose just got annoying after Doomsday, and Martha was never given a chance because the Doctor treated her like baggage or someone he owed a favour to rather than a true companion, and even afterwards she was basically "Rose #2".  Which is ironic, given she probably did the most to save the Doctor....  I agree The Runaway Bride (which is easily the worst DW Christmas Special ever) isn't the most stand-out first episode, but she was OK even in that (it was the horrifically cheesy villain that mainly ruined it for me.  Which is a shame, because the trailer and introduction for it was one of the most brilliant ones ever... but I digress...).

You could tell Donna and Ten had the best chemistry together, and for once they were more like friends or brother and sister rather than some romance (which, no matter what way you slice it, just ends up being creepy seeing as the Doctor is over 900 years old...).  And her snarkiness and general attitude were a refreshing change from the previous companions.  I really hated the way her character arc ended though....

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

I think it's perfectly justified to be even slightly pessimistic about the upcoming Doctor Who 50th. Especially so if you contemplate how much of an overall train-wreck (subjective, yes, but still applicable) the past few seasons were. I see around three rough potential outcomes for the 50th Anniversary Special, either:

a. It follows the same general direction as the rest of the Moffat-as-showrunner-era and thus succumbs to/contains elements of:     

- Overly complex and convoluted plot lines.
- Overuse of such conventions as timey-wimey and the totes underused reversed timeline.
- The regular appearance of the 'reset the universe button' to amend story lines.
- Underdeveloped yet supposedly pivotal/universe-changing characters.
- Large amounts of silliness and stupidity that are not compensated by good acting/gravitas.
- Poor scripts and writing.
- How much a kid's show Doctor Who has descended into recently.
- I would put 'poor casting' on the list, but since John Hurt and David T are onboard, it isn't relevant on this occasion.

... and ultimately fails to be a substantial and fitting tribute to the long running and very fantastic show that is Doctor Who.

b. Moffat recovers his DW writing mojo from whatever dark crevice it has been hiding in for the past three years and manages to pull off an entertaining and fitting 50th that truly deserves praise. If he could produce a script akin in quality to his work in the RTD era and utilise the great actor lineup, there is potential for a great 50th. I feel sad to say this, but I highly doubt the wishful thinking above will eventuate.

c. In my opinion, the most likely - the Doctor Who 50th ends up being the love-child of the above two points. A strange mixture of both the typical mediocre Moffat-as-showrunner-era annoyances + the arguable brilliance of Steven Moffat during the RTD days. Very good in some places, but thoroughly flawed in others. I'd think the combination would lean more towards the latter.

I'm also pissed that there is great potential for Steven Moffat to ruin yet another classic monster, the Zygons (who happen to be one of my favourites).

Another thing, why not utilise Tom Baker (the Fourth Doctor) whilst he's still alive? Quite irritating.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

"Reset the Universe" buttons and cop-out endings?  Underdeveloped characters?  Silliness and stupidity?  Poor scripts/writing?  Being childish/silly?  You do realize all of these problems were present in the RTD era, many to an arguably greater degree than they are today?

Also, "subjective yet applicable" doesn't mean anything.  Subjective is subjective.  I could claim that Moffat is absolutely brilliant and everything in the RTD era was rubbish (which I'm not, for the record) and it could also be "subjective yet applicable".

From what I've heard, Tom Baker has in the past been pretty reluctant to reprise his DW role, so there's a good chance he'd have turned down an offer to be in the 50th if he was given one.

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Carousel wrote:

why not utilise Tom Baker (the Fourth Doctor) whilst he's still alive? Quite irritating.

He is pretty old right now.
He looks very different from how he looked back when he was the Doctor.  The Doctor it's really supposed to get old like that after regenerating, unless he regenerates into an old man.  And in all the time Baker was running, he never looked like that and it would feel a bit off.

I'm sad though that they're not having David Bradley play One.  He's playing William Hartnel in another production, so it'd be nice to also see him in a new Doctor Who story since they do look similar in costume.
It would be really cool if he did a cameo or something.