Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

- The whole crack theme was an almost exact clone of the Bad Wolf strategy, yet you miraculously think them apparently different. Just think about it.

I'm not one for the super-subtle "Bad Wolf" type arc. You don't hardly notice it at the start, it has no reveals on it partway through, and just how many people missed it until they started re-watching the whole series? It's fine in the fact that it's different, and having the same style arc all the time would get boring, but it's not my favorite style for sure.

Bad Wolf was just a phrase repeated over and over. Sometimes the characters mentioned it, and sometimes not. The time cracks were not only responsible for the very first episode's story, but played a huge part in the Angel two-parter, and had further developments in other episodes. (Vampires, Cold Blood)

Personally, I think Series 5 had the best arc. Series 3 was decent, Series 1 is about as little as you can do and still keep some semblance of foreshadowing, and Series 2's "Torchwood" was, with the exception of one episode, just a name drop.

And to address the article:

I don't really care for reset buttons, but when done well, and remembered, I don't mind that much.
In fact, The Big Bang is my favorite finale.

OK, I haven't seen the first half of Series 7 yet, but....Just how complicated can the Pond's timeline be?
Why couldn't it be strictly the same as the air date order?

Yeah, maybe Moffat should tone things back a bit, simply because that's what he's been doing and you can use with some change at times. But generally I'm not seeing a huge problem.

WHAT? No way. Sure, series 5 had a few stand alone episodes, but that's just for variety. It's the gold standard for a series arc IMHO. As for 6, we had stuff in each episode, but he's right in that there wasn't much of a series arc. The Doctor's death didn't have much impact outside of about four of the shows. Amy's pregnancy was probably the biggest thing, but that was still nothing more than a flashing screen. And while River's origins were explained, that too only took a few of the shows.

Series 7 had the "Erasing himself from history" and Clara. (Obviously) But the split series with different companions and stories did keep any series wide arc from forming.

While they have a good point with the two Amys, the parents are rarely if ever mentioned again, so it appears that the writers just wanted to keep consistency in the characters and forgot about that one change.

But if that's your base for no character development, that's not that great. They had a lot of change on-screen in the episodes, which is what really counts.

It's too bad that they didn't wait until the end to publish this, as I feel that Clara did develop over time.

"...nothing of her actual personality."
I really don't see this at all.

Seriously, the gun question again?
New Incarnation, new rules.

He didn't like them back in Time of the Angels, and he used one in a town called Mercy. Big gap there folks, new universe for that matter. He can change his mind you know. And he didn't mind River blasting away a bunch of Silence.

River is a equal with the Doctor, but only later versions of her. 

The writer has some points, but every era has it's faults, and I for one find Moffat's era overall more enjoyable on the re-watches. Whereas I've seen enough of a large number of RTD's era shows. And when you think about it, how many of these faults also plagued much of RTD's era?

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Well that's what i've been saying although you did it much better as I was too lazy. The third point in that persons argument really doesn't make any sense. Also how could he/she completely forget how much Rory has changed during his 2½ seasons. Look at him in The Eleventh Hour and then look at him in The Angels Take Manhattan, there is a huge difference, if you look at Rose in... well Rose and Rose in Doomsday I can't see anything different, she's just as bitchy (can I say that?) and annoying as she had ever been (seriously one of the final things she said was that the Doctor could blow up those 2 universes just to say goodbye to her because "it's worth it", anyone who says that can not be allowed to be called one of the best companions of Doctor Who.)

EDIT: Also the gun thing... the fifth Doctor has used guns, pretty much all the doctors have used a gun except probably Chris Eccleston and Paul McGann who ironically had the shortest time as the Doctor. One of the VERY last things that the 10th Doctor did was using a frickin' gun, this is nothing new!

Last edited by Lucas (May 21, 2013 (07:20am))

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

It appears that I'm the bearer of good news today, because Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who.
I literally cried with joy and did a happy dance. Good riddance you subpar stone of an actor.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Good news???!!!

While I agree that he should be replaced soon-ish just to keep the show going on, I loved his doctor.
He was great, and will be missed. mini/yes

I think Clara is confirmed for Series 8, so it'll be nice to have the old companion/new doctor dynamic again.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

i am so happy that matt smith is leaving you have no idea

same boat as Carousel over here. it is a happy day for TRUE doctor who fans. : - )

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Guess what? I didn't love this Doctor. I'm very happy today. Yay.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

I was a big fan of Matt during maybe his first and second seasons, but since then he's been kind of stale to me in a weird way I dunno. I just feel like the show needs to change really badly.

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

I love Smith, but he's had a good run.  I like a good Doctor, but it's nice to have some change after a while.
I just really hope that we get a good replacement.  I'm still hoping for Bill Nighy or Tom Hiddleston.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

not tom hiddleston please god no

not because i think he'd be a bad Doctor but because of how horrible tumblr fangirls would be about it

i mean they would like it too much

basically i dont want tumblr fangirls to be happy

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

I'm hoping they go with an older, wiser, possibly slowed-down Doctor for Twelve. It would be a nice change from the more goofy child-like Eleven. But since we're getting that with the Hurt Doctor, there's no telling what Twelve will be like.

Well, in other news Series 7A just hit Amazon Prime, so I'm going through and watching all of the episodes now:
(Note: Yes, I'm behind, and all of these issues have been brought up long before and beating to death by now. But I like reviewing things, and have just now seen it for myself. So please just skip over this and continue with the other discussion. )

Asylum of the Daleks.

OK, seeing The Name of the Doctor before this one kinda explains away Oswin, and even though I haven't seen it until now, this episode has been out long enough that spoilers are impossible to miss.

The idea of the Asylum is cool, but fundamentally flawed. 'Victory' showed that the new daleks were perfectly OK with killing other, perfectly fine daleks, so the idea of a hospital/mental facility doesn't right true. Also, they do take it out in the end, so the only reason they possibly couldn't at the start was the force field, which could have worked as the excuse. But, again, big flaw, because the controls being in the Asylum is like giving a prisoner the key to his cell, but not giving one to the guard.

The 'Traps' for Amy and Rory are creepy and cool, but the one for the Doctor is obviously a trap and yet he walks straight in. Also, the divorce thing is just stupid, and with all of the explaining being in Pond Life, regular episode watching will mean nothing but confusion. The reasoning isn't that strong anyway, so it was just an excuse to add some more (Un-needed) tension.

Love Oswin though. Clara is nice, but it's also cool to see slightly different personalities and traits in the 'echos'. I almost hope that we get to see more of them in Series 8. Rory's a bit of an idiot smacking the Dalek, and interacting with them instead of running, but I guess he's come back from the dead enough by now not to be bothered about caution.

Leaving Rory and Amy together like that was clever of the Doctor, and it made a nice scene, but the logic just wasn't there. Nine got healed by Nanogenes in the Empty Child, so why isn't Eleven affected? Ok, fine, different genes, different programming. That excuse works, but still. Gotta say, what's the point of the chains if they could so easily be broken?

Oswin should have forgotten the Doctor after deleting him from the web thingy, but it's a minor flaw after the rest of the stuff. And it's a great reveal....Had I not already known about it. mini/confused

Overall it's a nice episode, but only if you don't think too much about the flaws. Seems like that's been happening a lot lately, they've generally been great episodes, but nearly every one has been flawed somehow. It's going to be nice to see the 'forgotten the doctor' dynamic in future episodes, but only if it's done well. I think this will get better with more viewings, as my first watching are usually tainted by other's reviews/opinions.

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

I gotta say I was really looking forward to this one. I’ve managed to avoid most of the info on these middle three episodes, so they give off a lot more of the “Brand  new episode” feel.
The big crew is nice for a change, but the Egyptian doesn’t add that much to the things. Brian was nice, and the hunter guy is cool though, so it’s all fine.

It’s great that the Doctor is showing a bit more change by being away from the Ponds. The two-hundred year gap last time with no change was a bit beyond unrealistic. The beach was obviously on the space ship, so they were a bit thick to not notice that right off, but hay, this is a great romp so far.
The CGI is surprisingly good for there being so much of it, and this being a TV show. The Silurian was a great surprise, And you gotta love the triceratops. It was great to see The Doctor finally act like a medical doctor, even this once. The robots were entertaining, but they killed the dino!

The queen’s role seemed tacked on, and was only there to really giver her something to do. Everybody else was great. Wow, it does seem like the Doctor has gotten more violent without the ponds, but it’s not a bad change. The ending is funny, and overall this is a great ‘romp’ episode. Sure there’s not much in regards to a bigger plot, and it’s not that deep or thought-provoking, it’s one I’ll be sure to watch again soon.

A Town Called Mercy

Gotta say, this was the one I was most looking forward to in Part 1. It's got a wild west setting, a darker Doctor, and interesting villain, and best of all.....Americans! mini/tongue 

Anyway, while this one certainly has it's great points, it also lacks a few things. First, there's the bit about who the Gunslinger really targets/kills. At first, it appears that he hunts any and everybody, but later, he only goes after Jex. A bit of clarification on that would have been nice. Second, because of how he acted, it was kinda hard for me to really villainize Jex. If we had gotten a glimpse of the footage the Doctor had seen, or had very short flashback from the Gunslinger's point of view, that would have helped. But it hay have gotten a bit graphic for Who, so it may have been better like this.

Yes, the Doctor grabbed a gun. Yes, he pointed the gun. But he didn't use it. Other's seem to get all up in arms about that scene, while forgetting that both Nine and Ten used guns at some point. (Ten arguably did some things even worse than simply shooting somebody.) Jex was a bit of an idiot for not crossing back over the line in time, and caused the death of one of the few really likable characters.

It is a good episode despite it's flaws, and does a great job with setting, and keeping, the western theme throughout. The Gunslinger is a great threat, and the teleporting makes a great approach. I found the ending a bit lacking, as the gunslinger's role was fairly easily predicted, and Jex's suicide was a quick and easy way out for the writer. But Who's been like that lately, so as long as the first third of a show is really good, everything evens out.

It was a fun episode that got you thinking a bit, that being a good combination in my opinion.

The Power of Three.

Well, every season has it's forgettable episode. And this is it. Really, Kate Stewart is the major redeeming factor in this show, but here appearance is mostly playing second fiddle to the (Mostly) uninteresting cubes. Oh, and I hate long time montages. Really, why couldn't the time be a month? Why a whole year?

The characters interacted with, and kept an eye on the cubes like they were still fresh-ish, but trust me, I'd loose interest way before that year was out. And really, I lost interest quite quickly with them. Sure, the concept is intriguing, but they only play an active role in the last half, and do nothing but sit there in the first half. Sadly, the writer just didn't hit the right balance between "Learning about/fighting the cubes" and "Pond's needing a normal life." The writer should have picked one or the other, and not both.

Brian was a good character, and his devotion was touched on quite well, but it couldn't help but to give off the impression that he was a bit simple-minded. Still, it's the first time we've seen true on-Earth with "Domestics" episode since RTD's era.

The Shakri hardly even showed up, and were defeated with just a bit of hand-waving. While the Gallifreyan fairy tale line did help a bit, they never seemed like much of a threat, and the cubes were never properly explained. Too much time had been giving to other things early on, and left the ending only a fraction of the time it deserved.

It was great to see UNIT back, but all we really saw was one room of cubes, and a small platoon of solders. One of my favorite bits of The Sontaran Stratagem was seeing UNIT taking on a bigger role and being capable of doing something.

While it was nice to see Brian again, the Ponds have reached that point where they really need to leave. They've had a record two and a half series, and it's time to move on. This was the only episode where the companions had to be the Ponds. A better format, as I saw suggested in another review, is to let this be a doctor-lite episode. Have the Ponds do research on the cubes, have them work with UNIT, and keep the Doctor out for the most part. Doing so would have freed up a lot of time for a good ending, as well as better illustrate the post-Doctor life of the companions.

I won't be skipping this when I watch through this series, but I won't be seeking it out any time soon either.
It almost felt like something from the RTD era, and probably would have fit better back then. But because of the high standards set thus far into Series 7, this certainly didn't impress.

Last edited by Pritchard Studios (June 4, 2013 (01:12pm))

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Another regeneration coming soon... … doctor-who

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

So happy Matt Smith is leaving.
Although he was the weakest doctor to date I blame it more on the stories
he had to wirk with.
I hope the story writing improves and they get back on track to what this
show so great.
Quick thing to think bout tbough.
What ever happened to the Doctors daughter?

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

At the end of the fiftieth anniversary, David Tenant should suddenly awake, rendering the awful writing and acting of the Moffat era a mere, nightmarish dream that never actually happened. That'd be great.

Doctor who has nose dived from being universally appealing to that of a silly children's show.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Carousel wrote:

At the end of the fiftieth anniversary, David Tenant should suddenly awake, rendering the awful writing and acting of the Moffat era a mere, nightmarish dream that never actually happened. That'd be great.

Doctor who has nose dived from being universally appealing to that of a silly children's show.

What would be the greatest is Russell P Davies returning.
He has to be involved in some way with 50th anniversary.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

I've seen the most recent episodes, but haven't gotten round to commenting on them.  Just wondering:  Why is nearly everyone saying that John Hurt is the "real" 9th Doctor?  I thought he was either a future regeneration (though apparently this is not the case) or an old regeneration, before he became the "Doctor" (i.e. a regeneration from before the 1st Doctor)--which would actually make sense, given 11's speech about his adopted name, and how Hurt didn't act in the "name of the Doctor".

Carousel wrote:

Guess what? I didn't love this Doctor. I'm very happy today. Yay.

What if the next Doctor turns out to be worse?  Just saying...

Last edited by Mr Vertigo (June 6, 2013 (09:10am))

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Hummmmm, Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee and David Tennant were my fav Doctors. I must admit Matt Smith I hated to start with, but he grew on me slowly. The problem really is Moffat. I liked the episodes when he wasn't the writer. Gaimans twist on the Cybermen to make them more formidable was good.

Well for those of you not in the UK, Doctor rumours are flying full on in the terrible tabloids.
Here are some of the highlights

Next Doctor will be........

A ginger haired actor
a female Doctor
obviously no one is falling for the wind up of John Hurt being the next Doctor.

But the best one as to be the one the Daily Star published

Michael Jacksons daughter is the next Doctor Who (this was the day before she tried to kill herself !)

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)


Apparently, the actor who is going to play the new Doctor is going to be revealed tonight, in a program airing at 19:00 BST on BBC 1. 

Can't wait to find out Who it is! mini/wink

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Yeah, this is one of those times I really wish I had BBC America.
Still, I'll only have to wait that half-hour to find out the big news.

Hate to see Matt leave, but if things go a certain way, we may even see

Spoiler (click to read)

four doctors in the 50th. The three known, and then 11 regenerating into 12.

Now that would be amazing.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

I'm incredibly excited! It's considerably hard to beat Matt Smith's nether quality in 'acting', so I'd say we're in the clear. Twelve minutes to go.

Re: The Doctor Who Discussion thread(SPOILER ALERT!)

Double post
Ninja'd by Carousel.

Well, it's official...

Spoiler (click to read)

Peter Capaldi is the Twelfth Doctor.

Not sure what I think, will be looking him up further later today.
I was hoping for Idris Elba myself, but that was a long shot at best.
