Topic: Leog spiderman

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Leog spiderman

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This is a short but cool video I made yesterday when I was bored.

Re: Leog spiderman

Pretty cool!!! What's up with the lasers?

Re: Leog spiderman

pretty good, but you made a mistake in the spelling mini/wink

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: Leog spiderman

All I had was lasers...

Re: Leog spiderman

Nothing wrong with it, but it was just odd. mini/tongue

Re: Leog spiderman

Guys stop rateing this guy Two stars. mini/sad  It was AWESOME. mini/smile

Hi'ya. mini/smile

Re: Leog spiderman

Stop bumping old film threads without saying ANYTHING worth it.

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: Leog spiderman

LOL, leog Spiderman mini/XD

Edit: meh, kinda lame remark of me, sorry.

Last edited by Darkman (March 18, 2010 (12:07am))
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Re: Leog spiderman

Good opening. The alarm was a little annoying. It would of been nice to see little more of a story. The animation was alright, nice to see no light flicker/set bumps. Next time try to do 15FPS, however, will make it look better.  The action scene was a little iffy. Lighting could of been better, as far as brightness/mood went. I liked the set, simple, but effective. The Dark Knight music didn't fit all that time go with something more spiderman-ish.

And there's my review. 4/5.
Into the darkness once more. I walk into the unknown. To a far better life than I've ever known.

Re: Leog spiderman

Batman music in a Spiderman film!? Next thing you know, people will be eating cookies for breakfast.


Anyways, the editing could stand to be trimmed a bit. There were too many unnecessary pauses which sort of takes away the tension in the scene. Also, I think you forgot to include one of the laser-beam bullets when Spidey was dodging them.

ScypaxPictures wrote:

Next time try to do 15FPS, however, will make it look better.

I believe that was 15 fps.

Oh, wait a tick, this is an old thread.

Re: Leog spiderman

Spiderman really is a mod edit - please don't try to bypass the word filter


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