Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Very interesting theme, it could produce some pretty amazing films. 

Now I just need to think of some awesomesauce idea...

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

I actually don't really like it when there are contests all the time, becuase I am trying to work on a long movie, and that dosen't help with there being a contest to distract me every month, becuase I'm about to get back to working on my long film, and them there's another contest that distracts me, but I never get around to doing any of the real work for the contest. mini/sad


Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Awesomeonomy, Goliathan and I are doing a co-production for this contest! mini/bigsmile

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]


Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

I can't say count me in, because I have a very bad record of saying I'll enter these contests, and then not finishing, or in some cases, starting my entry. However, this contest has piqued my interest, so I'll definitely think about making a film. Those are some pretty good prizes there as well.

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Can't wait - better get started ASAP mini/delirium

I am now a partner! mini/bigsmile

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Sméagol wrote:

The deadline for submissions will be Sunday, July 24th, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. UTC.

Sunday, July 24th 2010 doesn't exist. I think you either mean Saturday, July 24th or Sunday July 25th.

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Just Kidden wrote:

Awesomeonomy, Goliathan and I are doing a co-production for this contest! mini/bigsmile

co-producing? cool...I might enter to this one, but my current project will take a break...

Last edited by MPfist0 (September 8, 2009 (09:11am))

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Smeagol you bloody legend, the whole Summer to work on this. Although a lot of my brilliant ideas never make it, I have one which I really hope I can run with. It'll also give me a chance to start working on my own music if I can get a decent microphone.

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

This sounds great. I think I've got a nice idea.

You can do anything, just have fun while doing it.

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Nice theme, I might be enter this time. Since I failed on STAR earlier it´s my "duty" to enter a contest with a good (hopefully) entry in life.
Yeah, Good luck then.........
EDIT: Whoa, the deadline is when I might be on holiday. That´s a big big BIG problem. mini/sad

-BrickStudio1 mini/wink

Last edited by Brickstudio 1 (September 8, 2009 (07:10am))

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Although I'm gonna say: "zOMG I AM SO ENTERING", dont put your hopes up...


Max, She/Her

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Wow! What an awesome contest, hopefully I can get started once I've finished my current project. I find it kind-of annoying that these contests always seem to avoid the summer holidays for us in the northern hemisphere, but nevermind, we have the winter holidays instead.

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Yikes, I just realized that the competition ends at 4AM EST!

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

I can't promise I'll enter but I'll give it a shot.

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Wow. Amazing idea. And I'll be able to animate again by that time, too. mini/smile

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

So many possibilities.


Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

Brickstudio 1 wrote:

EDIT: Whoa, the deadline is when I might be on holiday. That´s a big big BIG problem. mini/sad

The entire month of July?  Note that you can submit any time in July.  If it's still a problem you could probably contact me ahead of time and work something out.

CheeseyBricks wrote:

I find it kind-of annoying that these contests always seem to avoid the summer holidays for us in the northern hemisphere, but nevermind, we have the winter holidays instead.

It really depends where you live, I guess, for me a July 25 deadline would give me almost all of summer break to work on an entry and I know that's the case for many others in the United States.

thijsvanbrunschot wrote:
Sméagol wrote:

The deadline for submissions will be Sunday, July 24th, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. UTC.

Sunday, July 24th 2010 doesn't exist. I think you either mean Saturday, July 24th or Sunday July 25th.

Whoops, fixed, I meant Sunday, July 25th.

Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]


Re: BiM 2010: Avant-Garde [CLOSED]

My original idea for STAR would be neat for this, but I doubt I'll be able to enter being Sméagol's animating slave...  mini/tongue

Life is like a box of LEGO, you never know what you're gonna build. - mrgraff