Re: Princess Storm - Production Topic
Is this film complete
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Is this film complete
The lighting, the camera angle, everything is just perfect.
That looks fantastic! It's got a lot of depth to it, and great colors and framing.
It's exciting to see you working on this again!
Beautiful lighting and framing (like everyone has already pointed out, but doesn’t hurt to mention it again). I’m glad to hear you’re still working on this! Looking forward to seeing it completed!
That lighting is beautiful, rio. Did you use some sort of soft box or something?
Yep, I have a softbox for general illumination, and 1 - 2 desk lamps for white and orange light (I forget how many I used for the above shot).
I've been making slow progress, as I got a little lazy for a couple weeks there (not to mention i sliced my thumb open so it was difficult to animate with a big ol' band aid ). But production for my class period officially starts in a week or two, but while the semester isn't going (and I'm not responsible for 5 classes plus animation), I've been working on the film. This week I plan to really buckle down and animate a bunch... wish me luck!
For a scene with a bow and arrow shooting, I had to modify one of my precious LEGO bows to chop off the arrow. But I think the results look great.
I've hit the 5 minute mark of production! I'm assuming the film will be between 8 and 14 minutes (large difference, I know ). My script is 14 pages, but my editor shows 8 minutes. So whooo knows! But I'd like to think I'm over the halfway mark.
I've been animating every weekend, and will be until mid March. So production is speeding by, but I keep finding other projects to do as well heh.
Here's a peek at what I animated today.
That is some beautiful lighting, Rio.
Looking good!
This is going to be awesome, can’t wait, except why would you damage the LEGO bow!!
I animated the "last scene of the film" (but not the last scene I'm gonna animate lol, i'm working out of order) and I'm excited. I've hit the 8 minute mark of rough cut editing, but that could change a lot before I'm done animating. I anticipate it getting longer, actually, but who knows until I'm finished animating!
I don't want to spoil too much, so I'll just post a couple unassuming pictures.
Awesome! It's great to see more progress.
Looking very good indeed! I love the approach of using the window as a large “natural” source of light. Feels less staged and more realistic in a way.
The "natural" light lights the scene very well.
And I am also kinda doing the same thing with The Story of Scout, animating out of order.
And I am also kinda doing the same thing with The Story of Scout, animating out of order.
I have to shoot out of order because my film cuts to so many different scenes all throughout, but I've had to actually make a legit shooting schedule to keep track of it all. A simple spreadsheet to some, but I've got to follow it so I don't miss anything lol
I know I just posted an update but I was proud that I was able to replicate lighting I did in 2015. This shot is in the middle of a scene that I had animated way back then. And it fits! So I'm stoked about that. The animation continues......
Oh man, that lighting is neat! I love the shadow. It makes it seem like there's a pillar off-camera and makes the room feel more real.
I might as well keep sharing pictures! It's my last week of production, since I'm on a deadline for school. But it's a long road ahead in post-production. But just finishing soon gets me super excited. This week being spring break, I'll be animating every day until the movie's done. I'm already making good progress, so that's fun. Here's a frame!
That lighting in beautiful. The inset lighting looks great. The bokeh is great. Is there any particular reason you used a lense with 5 blades instead of more for a more round bokeh?
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