Thanks for the tips! I'll definately keep those in mind as I animate some more tests.
So here's the update:
I thought I had my script almost done with this production topic. I was already starting production, drawing concept art, making minifigs, even beginning to design the sets. Then I realizes it ended terribly and it was too long. So I've been revising and rewriting a lot, and am now back in pre-production. However, this is not a bad thing, because I feel that the script is coming along much more nicely than the original one.
Today, I took a short break from writing and made the following little test. Basically, I am trying out digital decal replacement so I can have a lot of different options for some scenes when I need specific wardrobe changes. It's not perfect yet, but it's a good start. I will need to work on simulating depth of field, making the hand overlay the decal instead of going behind it, and a few other things before I can actually use it in a film. But at least I'm making progress.
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