Thanks for all of your comments!! All of the great feedback is overwhelming, I'm so glad you guys like it.
Sméagol wrote:St. Peter won't call my name = AWW MAN now I gotta build hel
When you have a chance to turn a castle into hell, YOU'VE GOTTA DO IT.
Timothy R wrote:Too bad you didn't have the BrickForge musical instruments for this, hehe.
I wanted to make the guitars look like the actual instruments from the 2008 tour (if you look up Jonny Buckland Viva/Guy Berryman Viva you will see pictures of them with their guitars), so generic brickforge instruments didn't really appeal to me. I understand that some people might not like it, though.
Hazzat wrote:Everything in the video was very literal, much more notably so for the first minute, and this is a shame.
I totally agree. I know this is many people's biggest gripe with the film (even mine), but it allowed for some cool visual effects . If I were to redo it, that's the one thing I would change.
MadBrick wrote:Now we can place bets to see how long it will be before Coldplay notices this.
You can't begin to imagine how happy I would be if that happened.
J.TProductions wrote:I tweeted this to Coldplay, btw.
Hopefully they see it!! Thanks!
KG wrote:One question, though: why did it take two years to make this? I'm genuinely curious.
Because I am lazy and procrastinate. I worked on a lot of other brickfilm projects during those two years, and often just didn't have time to animate. It definitely took a while to make this though, regardless of the other projects.
Smeagol wrote:I noticed that the story appears to take place in Ontario, Canada based on the last shot, haha.
I love all of you.