Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

Almost done with Season 2! I just finished MMMystery on the Friendship Express and I must say I really liked that episode. Especially the movie references in the middle.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

Repelling Spider wrote:

Almost done with Season 2! I just finished MMMystery on the Friendship Express and I must say I really liked that episode. Especially the movie references in the middle.

And now all you have left is the super amazing finale. >:D

I love the Julia Child parody in MMMestery on the Friendship Express (Mulia Mild). xD

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

It's BUMP time!

Does anypony know a good way to tell (and explain why to) a parent you like MLP?

Why am I asking this, you say?  Well, I recorded the MAD episode on TV that parodies MLP ("My Little War Horse").  My mom found it on the DVR and watched some of it.  She said "it had ponies and rainbows" and that it "wasn't something I'd [she'd] expect you [me] to watch" (words preceding the words in the brackets are what she said, words in the brackets are in the context of this post).  She deleted the recording, thinking it was a mistake.

I watched that MAD segement on YouTube after that, and it was no more girly than MLP is.  So I knew she was basing what she said off of the subjects of it (ponies, rainbows), which are usually considered girly.  But in both the segment and the actual MLP show, they aren't portrayed as girly.

I think I need to tell her, so she won't be concerned about me.  But I'm not sure how to do it.

In other pony-related news:

Through my recent wanderings on Know Your Meme and YouTube, I found that some bronies are so-called "cloppers" (I'm not going to say what that is, look it up) and some are troll-like.
It doesn't make much sense, because those things go against everything MLP is about.

Two possible explantions for this:
1. They aren't really bronies, just trolls impersonating bronies.
2. They're bronies, but they still retain qualities prior to becoming a brony (trollesque behavior, perversivity) because they don't apply the show's lessons/values to their own lives.

The former seems more likely, but the latter is still possible.

I think I'll call such brony-trolls draconequi (plural of draconequus), which is what Discord is.  From the Know Your Meme entry (I didn't watch that episode yet, I watched episode 12 today), Discord is a troll-like and part-pony, like how the brony-trolls are part brony, part troll.

If you've read my new signature, you know that "derp" has become my favorite word.  Somepony told me what it means in chat a while back, but I got a better understanding of it from Know Your Meme.  I think the main reason I like it is because  it's a funnier way of saying "duh" or "durr".  Also, it just sounds funny.


Hee hee!

What does this have to do with ponies, you say?  I'm getting to it.

At school, on an anonymous feedback sheet for a recently completed research paper English project, I drew a picture of Derpy Hooves's derp face.  I mentioned on the sheet that I thought "I hope I didn't derp this up" while I was writing the paper.  Because of that, I had an idea to draw Derpy's face on that feedback sheet.  "Why the hay not?", I thought.

Last edited by minifig051 (June 19, 2012 (03:29pm))

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

Does anypony know a good way to tell (and explain why to) a parent you like MLP?

When I first watched the show, I recorded an episode in the morning and watched it before all of my family got up so I could decide what I thought of it without them being all judgey on me for watching a pony show. After watching it and enjoying it, I didn't hide my love for it, and just watched it when I liked. My younger brothers and my sister thought it was a bit weird, but didn't hate on it when I explained that a lot of guys actually liked it. When my eldest brother walked into the living room one morning while I was watching it though, he was very disappointed. He decided we should watch a guy movie to balance it out, so we watched Die Hard. After a week or so of watching episodes, my mum thought it was just too weird, and disallowed me from watching it. I was somewhat depressed, but got through five ponyless months before I was once again allowed to watch it in November after it came up in conversation and she changed her mind.
I WAS SO HAPPY!!! mini/delirium
I'm not really sure how you should tell her, or if you should, but she might think it would be odd that you've been keeping it secret, though, it is perfectly understandable.
Oh! I have an idea: pick out a really good episode, and have her agree to watch it, and get her to agree before you actually tell her what it is. This would probably be good since most people think it's a silly show for little girls, but after watching it, it becomes somewhat more obvious that it's much more intelligent than that. Then explain that it is a popular show among your age. It seems a lot less weird knowing it's actually a relatively normal interest, and you're not some random weirdo who likes ponies.

As for the other thing, there's a dark and disturbing side to just about everything, I try to just stay away from the inappropriate pony stuff, (though impossible to fully stay away unless you never look at any pony thing on the web).
It's always important to remember that some of us do have standards. mini/smile

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

minifig051 wrote:

Through my recent wanderings on Know Your Meme and YouTube, I found that some bronies are so-called "cloppers" (I'm not going to say what that is, look it up) and some are troll-like.
It doesn't make much sense, because those things go against everything MLP is about.

Cloppers exist, and they are bronies like everyone else. In fact, a recent survey by Know Your Meme found that 13.14% of bronies describe themselves as "ponysexual", so it's more common than you might think. Someone linked this interesting explanation as to why on a brony forum I frequent, maybe you'll find that informative.

As for trolling bronies, I guess it depends on the case. "Bad bronies" do exist (there was a horribly embarrassing video a while back of a group of friends harassing someone behind a fast food counter by singing Winter Wrap Up very loudly - now removed) but the response they receive from acting like that is so negative that they don't keep it up. They'e very much in the minority.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

minifig051 wrote:

It's BUMP time!

Does anypony know a good way to tell (and explain why to) a parent you like MLP?

Why am I asking this, you say?  Well, I recorded the MAD episode on TV that parodies MLP ("My Little War Horse").  My mom found it on the DVR and watched some of it.  She said "it had ponies and rainbows" and that it "wasn't something I'd (she'd) expect you (me) to watch" (words preceding the words in parentheses are what she said, words in parentheses are in the context of this post).  She deleted the recording, thinking it was a mistake.

I watched that MAD segement on YouTube after that, and it was no more girly than MLP is.  So I knew she was basing what she said off of the subjects of it (ponies, rainbows), which are usually considered girly.  But in both the segment and the actual MLP show, they aren't portrayed as girly.

I think I need to tell her, so she won't be concerned about me.  But I'm not sure how to do it.

Well, my parents are very open minded, although they don't really think it's that good, but they haven't seen the show and I should search for a subtitled version since I don't want to show them the dubbed version. I just didn't hide that I like the show (actually I didn't hide just from them, I don't really bring up the discussion), and put Applejack as my Desktop image.
Anyway I always have the excuse that I watch it because the animation is so good and I'm learning flash.
I think you should just tell her why you think the show is good and why do you like it, or show her something you think she'll like.

Btw, I have to show some episodes to a friend, but the only guy that had them on youtube, in high quality and with good subtitles took them down when Season two ended. He instead put up a site where I can download the subtitles. Does anypony know where I can find a place to download the episodes?

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:

Does anypony know a good way to tell (and explain why to) a parent you like MLP?

I'm not really sure how you should tell her, or if you should, but she might think it would be odd that you've been keeping it secret, though, it is perfectly understandable.
Oh! I have an idea: pick out a really good episode, and have her agree to watch it, and get her to agree before you actually tell her what it is. This would probably be good since most people think it's a silly show for little girls, but after watching it, it becomes somewhat more obvious that it's much more intelligent than that. Then explain that it is a popular show among your age. It seems a lot less weird knowing it's actually a relatively normal interest, and you're not some random weirdo who likes ponies.

I think she'll be fine with me keeping it a secret, she was okay with it when I didn't tell her I liked a girl (at school) for a year (I told my mom "like", but what I'm really feelin' is more like love).  But this is different, though.  I think I'll tell her how long I've been a brony after I show her MLP is not what she thinks it is.

Thanks for giving me a good basis plan!  I can work out a more detailed plan from that.  Such as how to introduce it; "You know that MAD episode I recorded that parodied My Little Pony?  Well, the My Little Pony show itself isn't as girly as you think it is."  That way, I'm indirectly saying that I watch it.  She connects the dots, I offer for her to see for herself.  Then I'll show her the same episode that made me a brony, Bridle Gossip.  Not only is it a good introductory episode, the lesson in that episode deals with things not being as they appear, which would drive the point home that MLP is not what she thought it was.  And then I'll go into the fandom and stuff like that there.

And Hazzat, thanks for the info.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

For me, to get my dad to understand it a little bit better, I showed my dad Over a Barrel, The Return of Harmony, Swarm of the Century and MMMystery on the Friendship Express. He enjoyed it, and said he could see why I liked it.

Though he still makes fun of me for it, mainly by claiming that I'm in love with Scootaloo and that Rainbow Dash farts rainbows.

My dad is basically a 3rd grader in an adult's body

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

minifig051 wrote:

Does anypony know a good way to tell (and explain why to) a parent you like MLP?

You have to remember that we parents are all too familiar with the sappy, feminine MLPs of the past.  My first reaction to the current popularity of MLP was also confusion and a raised eyebrow.  However, after watching "Return to Harmony" with John de Lancie as Discord, I was hooked.  I have since watched every episode and turned most of my sons into bronies. mini/bigsmile  My husband and one of my sons watch the episodes and like them well enough, but they still think the whole brony thing is a bit strange.  I think some people's over-reaction to the show (ie they literally can't live without it) is a little disturbing to many parents, since we don't want our kids to lose perspective of what is truly valuable and meaningful in life.  "All things in moderation..." etc.   

If you have parents who are fans of Star Trek TNG, I recommend showing them the "Return to Harmony" episode.  If your parents are fans of musicals, especially "The Music Man," try "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy" episode.  My point is, try to find an episode that your parents can relate to, and don't go overboard in your enthusiam for the show.  That will help a lot. mini/smile

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

My parents were none too pleased to learn of my love of ponies. Then I showed them the episode "Dragonshy," because it was available on demand on our TV, and all my father's worst fears were confirmed.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

mini/lol You are not being very helpful, Smeagol, but thanks for cracking me up, anyway.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

My parents don't talk about it that much. My mom thinks it's very weird, saying she didn't know what to say when I told her I was a brony. I've never heard my dad say anything about it, except he did show me this picture saying, "I thought you'd like this".

My parents think I'm weird (slowpoke.jpg).

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

My parents don't mind at all, though my mom finds it a little odd. mini/lol This is my dad's opinion on the show: "I like Johnny Bravo better." (paraphrase) My little sister loves the show and watches it with me a lot. My older brother was at first very against it but after getting him to watch it he now enjoys it some too. My girlfriend enjoys watching it too which is great.

I have now watched every episode and I am ready to purchase a t-shirt. I'm leaning towards the Fluttershy "Yay" design. mini/smile

Last edited by Repelling Spider (June 2, 2012 (06:57am))

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

Judging from all these posts, it looks like our parents' generation (especially moms) think that liking ponies is weird.

[voice=Big Mac]Eeeyup.[/voice]

(I've been working on an imitation of Big Mac's voice, by the way.)

While I was watching one of the episodes recently (up to episode 16 now), I decided to watch all of the theme song.  Before, the very beginning made me skip over it.  But now that I watched the whole thing, it isn't that bad.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

minifig051 wrote:

Judging from all these posts, it looks like our parents' generation (especially moms) think that liking ponies is weird.

Ahem... did you even read my earlier post?  Being that I am one of your "parents' generation" I think I addressed (pretty accurately IMO) why many parents may have issues with the show.

Now re-read the post and pay attention to it or GO TO YOUR ROOM, YOUNG MAN (heeheehee)!

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

Get off of Brick7's lawn!

crazy whippersnappers

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

Brick7 wrote:
minifig051 wrote:

Judging from all these posts, it looks like our parents' generation (especially moms) think that liking ponies is weird.

Ahem... did you even read my earlier post?  Being that I am one of your "parents' generation" I think I addressed (pretty accurately IMO) why many parents may have issues with the show.

Now re-read the post and pay attention to it or GO TO YOUR ROOM, YOUNG MAN (heeheehee)!

Yeah, I read it, I just didn't fully understand it.  In general, my generation has some trouble understanding your generation.
For example, I didn't really get what my dad meant when he told me I needed to "socialize with my peers" more.  I understood what he said, but I don't know what he meant by it.  I guess it was one of those things he thinks is important for me to do, but I don't understand why he thinks that.

I was just being a Captain Obvious, that's all.


Heh heh.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

Hahahaa! Most of your (internet) "peers" are watching ponies as we speak.
(I don't get why I tend to check the MLP thread, maybe it's to understand you guys and for the excitement)?

"Of The Pond Films"
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

If you don't understand our excitement, just go watch all of both seasons already.

jeez >:I

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Appreciation Thread

Just Kidden wrote:

If you don't understand our excitement, just go watch all of both seasons already.

jeez >:I


It seems like a good show. I guess I check here to see what makes you like it and I understand why. ;3

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook