Re: I Am The Night

Normally I'm pretty skeptical of copyright-themed brickfilms, but this one's looking pretty good. Keep up the good work and good pictures.

Re: I Am The Night

Great progress! I really like your Riddler figure, quite creepy!

RedBrick1/LegoTrain587 | EXPANSE | A Brickfilm

Re: I Am The Night

Looking back over your characters, I was struck by the thought that a Scarface microfigure would be fantastic.

Re: I Am The Night

Wow I love the characters.My favorite is Mr.Freeze.I like how you made your own versions they look more creepy and cool like the comics.By the way the bat-mobile is great it's so sleek.Also,Wayne Manor looks great I like how you added a little reminder that he's Batman it was quite clever.

Re: I Am The Night

I finally got my new camera.
It's a Nikon D3100, and it's looking pretty sweet. mini/smile

And here are some edits with colour contrast, and other stuff:

Still trying to figure some stuff out, and I need a macro filter before I can do any close-ups, but I'm really loving the quality. mini/smile

Re: I Am The Night

yep. I was going to say maybe a black head and add the white eyes in post...

Re: I Am The Night

Alfa Animations wrote:

yep. I was going to say maybe a black head and add the white eyes in post...

Actually, I used the glow head here, it's just so bright, and the face wasn't charged, so it looks black. I have a picture from the same angle with a glow face charged nicely, but since it was so bright here, I decided to go with the not glowing picture.

And I'm not going to add it in post production, I don't think I'd be able to pull it off very well. xD

Re: I Am The Night

Those are some great-quality pictures!

I don't get why you're using the glow head. I know you want to use a different head because the official head is in pale skin and you want yellow skin. I think it would look better if his mouth is showing. Try this: Take one picture that has a mouth visible and take another picture with a blank white head. Then, mask one frame onto the other.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: I Am The Night

@ Minifig
Nah, because I don't have onion skinning, and CAN'T get it, as I've described in detail, it would be extremely difficult and time consuming to put his cowl on in exactly the same position again for every frame. That would be a big bother and a gigantic distraction. Plus I don't think I'd like the end effect even if I could get it with no trouble at all.

Anyway, I've destroyed Wayne Manor, (after finishing it) and here is how it's going to look.

Pretty good I think for something only for one shot.
Though, I'm glad I got to use it for the end of 'Vango' too. mini/smile

Re: I Am The Night

Wow. That looks great! I like how you built that stone walls beside the staircase leading to the door. You, sir, have a great eye for building!

Back In Black!

Re: I Am The Night

Thanks. mini/smile

And in case anyone wanted to see, here's the insanely ugly other side of the set:

ha ha xD
I love how horrible looking these turn out to be.

And here's my first really, really, cool picture of Batty with the new camera:

Just turned the main lights off and left on the sky lighting and the crystals. mini/smile

Re: I Am The Night

Awesome sets, ANP. I like the amount of detail you packed into them. The main complaint I have is that the topmost leaves on Wayne Manor look a bit out of place. And why is Batman's face blue?

Re: I Am The Night

You're making an action batman film that's appropriate(unlike most batman brickfilms).
I like how much effort you're putting into this,this willl be a great brickfilm!!!

Re: I Am The Night

I can't say nothing except wow. mini/bigsmile
Jesse the Ninja - filming 50% - editing 20% - over all 35,0%

Re: I Am The Night

Not to try to convince you one way or another, but I've found that this head works quite well with the Batcowl. The headband creates a somewhat demonic look for the eyes and the mouth expressions fit Batman rather well. Just a thought.

P.S. Every time I see this thread in the 'Topics with new posts' list, I sing its title to the tune of The Beatles' 'Here Comes the Sun.' And now you know.

Re: I Am The Night

Jargon wrote:

Every time I see this thread in the 'Topics with new posts' list, I sing its title to the tune of The Beatles' 'Here Comes the Sun.' And now you know.

Hahaha xD

Well, after putting this off for a while, I've gone and taken pictures of nearly every possible head to use so they can all be seen and compared. Please tell me which ones or one you like, dislike or any thoughts you have on these.

#1: The greenish glow face
One of my favorites, being that it looks so cool and eerie. Downside would be having to charge it every shot, and some people don't find the green colour particularly pleasing, or the fact that he doesn't have a mouth. I personally think it makes him look creepy and inhuman, which I think is rather cool.

#2: The glow face (without charge)
Basically very dark, not much in the cowl, but sometimes a greenish look is seen when the light shines in correctly, and he could go to 'glow mode' when using night vision or something that scans the area and puts up interface, and would only need to glow for a few scenes which is convenient.

#3: Black
Basically, total darkness, nice and simple.

#4 Transparent
In this lighting, it looks EXACTLY the same as the Black head
Same as the black head, though, in some lighting situations, a kind of misty look can be seen inside the cowl, which can be kind of interesting.

#5: Bug face (From Space Police)
A rather creepy and extremely inhuman head with rather disturbing teeth.

#6: Grey
A medium between white and black.

#7 White
Makes him a little bright, but without glowing like crazy, and no greenishness.

#8 Roy from Exo-Force (as suggested be Jargon)
(Arr, gabatay, red eyes don't show well here) Only face where we can actually get a mouth, along with some red eyes. I find, however, that the colours really, really don't fit, they're way too bright. But the eyes are very interesting.

Anyway, please tell me what you think. mini/smile

It's also an important consideration is that I'd rather not do a face that's printed (Roy or Bug face), as I have to take the cowl off, turn the head, and make a sad attempt to put the cowl on in exactly the same place when turning the head. which is not very fun at all. With black faces, I just have to turn the cowl, nice an simple. Also, glow face ads difficulty with charging every frame, and I believe there will be a slight facial flicker, but it probably won't be awful.

Re: I Am The Night

They're not bright.

They look good. I'll be honest, I like the figures, but not as much as I would if they had real faces...

It's a good idea to have original figures, but some are almost unrecognisable in my opinion...

But anyway, the red eye batman is my favourite so far.


I just looked back a few pages, Alfred is PERFECT, and your batmobile is epic.

Re: I Am The Night


Re: I Am The Night

I like the red eye and the white
this looks pretty cool!

Re: I Am The Night

Black, I tryed glowing Scarecrows face but it changes every shot ever if u do charge it... but as scene here I've added VFX eyes for him and they look great, so that's what I'm going to do with all of Scarecrow and some scenes of Batman, it means u can change the eye colour at will for different modes.