Topic: Where has LEGO gotten?
LEGO is coming out with a "Ben 10" line.
W. T. F.
LEGO's newer themes have kinda been suckish. I mean, I can look forward to Toy Story, but Ben Frikkin 10? Prince of Persia? Speed Racer?
And let's not forget Bionicle. I remember the old days, where the 6 Toa would have to save the Matoran fron Makuta. Now, they're trying to live on a damn island. Its like an episode of Survivor, but with Robot-Creatures.
And Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Lucasfilm was a great production company. Star Wars, Indy, hey...did you know that Lucasfilm founded Pixar? But they took a huge step backwards when they made some crap CG called "t3h clon warzz!!1!". You'd think LEGO would say "What a crap movie! Who would buy these toys?". But apparently the aim of the board meetings was "How can we lose as much money as possible? Appeal to confused, helpless 5 year olds of course! But how? Let's manufacture Clone Wars toys! Losing Money, Wasting Plastic AND Ruining Reputations!". Apparently, LEGO does not plan on renewing it's license for Star Wars in 2011. (Yeah, SW brickfilms usually suck, but) Those were the sets we know and love for 10 years! They used to be the best. A-Wings, Cloud City, Slave I, Millenium Falcons that DON'T force you to declare bankrupcy, those really small sets of "The Final Duel" get it. LSW was good for a while. Now its just Fleshies and Anime Eyes.
At BrickFair, I got to see some older stuff people were selling. From the GOOD lines. Ninjas. Wild West. Blacktron. Fright Knights. You get the point.
LEGO has seriously declined in the last 2 years. They need to come up with some more original ideas. Instead of doing what they usually do, which could be:
- Get licensing for a kid's show
- Revive an old line
- Re-Release old sets as "Limited Edition" and raise the price by $100

"actuallly this involves spiderman too, not batman. but im also taking a new approach, more comedy, less action. i dont see to many movies like that with more comedy than action" --SteveStarfyTV on an Indiana Jones meets Star Wars idea.