What's been happening is LEGO is placing the crappy LEGO sets in high-traffic areas. (i.e. Wal-Mart, Target, LEGO Store, etc.) All the good sets are only available at either the LEGO store in limited quantities, or online, where it's even more expensive because you have to pay Shipping & Handling. The Fleshies are good for "Limited Time Offers," (Maybe the first 500 of a set.) but I'd rather see yellow heads instead. Why LEGO had the "dead light bulb" thought to use Anime for its heads, we'll never know. The best lego head is this one:

As for the licensing nightmare that has become the IJ, BM, and SW series, licensing a Movie series is a great idea, but STICK WITH IT TOO LONG, and it will become boring and crappy. It feels like Disney and Lucasfilms are holding LEGO at knife-point and forcing it to make crappy sets.
As for Ben 10:
. Why not just take three purple bricks, vomit on it, let it dry, repeat twice over, and sell it as "Barney the Purple Dinosaur."