Re: Ban the Above User Game
Ban Buggo for joining in February
We are a friendly filmmaking community devoted to the art of stop-motion animation using LEGO® and similar construction toys. Here, you can share your work, join our community of other brickfilmers, and participate in periodic animation contests!
A place to discuss, share, and create stop motion films.
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Ban Buggo for joining in February
Ban Cromo for joining a whole month after me.
Ban BuggoBricks for joining 5 years after myself
Ban Puskov for not joining in 2023!
Ban Cromo Animations for not joining in 2022!
Ban Hamrichonn for joining in 2022!
Ban Buggo for joining 3 days before Valentines Day!
Last edited by Cromo (June 18, 2023 (11:56am))
Ban Cromo for not being a romantic. What’s wrong with Valentine’s Day! Lol
Ban Buggo for having a different opinion than me!
Ban Cromo for not having the same opinions as me! Lol
Ban Buggo for copying my ban reason!
Ban Cromo because I worded my copy differently!
Ban Buggo for being Blonde
Ban Periwinkle for being Bruno.... bruno? Is that the guy version of brunette? Idk, but ban him anyway.
Ban Buggo for talking about Bruno (no no no no)
Ban Hazzat for talking about talking about talking about Bruno (no no no no)
Ban periwinkle for about Bruno (no no no) in a really roundabout way.
Banned for entering BRAWL
Ban 2x4 for using a reason that applies to like, 20% of all BiM members.
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