Re: Ban the Above User Game
Ban Buggo for posting this message 8 days ago
We are a friendly filmmaking community devoted to the art of stop-motion animation using LEGO® and similar construction toys. Here, you can share your work, join our community of other brickfilmers, and participate in periodic animation contests!
A place to discuss, share, and create stop motion films.
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Ban Buggo for posting this message 8 days ago
Ban Cromo for not having it spelled like "Chromo"
Ban Orbital lizard for being tired of sleeping.
Ban Buggo for saying Orbital Lizard instead of Orbital Lizard Studios
Ban Cromo Animations for being a Member.
Ban Hamrichonn for being a member in December.
Ban Cromo Animations for making a rhyme.
Ban Hamrichonn for having an issue w/ rhymes.
Ban Cromo for not gracing us with his poetic skills before!
Ban Buggo for putting an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence.
Banned for having three ugly links in your signature
Ban Owen, for not having proper punctuation.
Ban Periwinkle Productions for having the word Productions in his username.
Ban Cromo productions for using the wrong word in his username.
Ban Buggo Bricks for saying 'Productions' instead of 'Films'
Ban Cromo Films for saying 'Films' instead of 'Pictures'
Ban Hamrichonn for posting this message at 01:50am
Ban Cromo films for posting that message at 9:40am
Ban Hamrichionn for not having 'Pictures' in his BiM username
ban cromo films because his picture is scary
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