Re: Collaborative BiM Half Hour Christmas Special!
I've looked into the time formatting for a half hour show, and while I couldn't find any hard answers, it seems like each station has their particular format, but overall it comes out to about 22 minutes of content and 8 minutes of commercials. I don't mind moving a minute or two in either direction depending on what people submit. Here's my idea for a timeline:
Show (opening): 3m
Commercial: 2m
Show: 8m
Commercial: 3m
Show: 8m
Commercial: 3m
Show (finale and credits) 3m
This can be tentative until we have all the submissions in, then when the framing device is created things might need to be adjusted slightly, and that's ok, but this should give us an idea of how much time we have for the different things.
If the commercials are exactly 15s or 30s each, then we could fit the exact number of commercials in the time slots.
Figuring in an extra 30 seconds or so for the introduction and reaction of each story, I'd say in 8 minutes we should be able to get 3 or 4 stories, depending on length.
Last edited by thistof (September 30, 2017 (02:35pm))