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The Goldbergs
Hill-arious episode. They went to the movies to watch E.T. The father was asking why everyone made a big deal about a puppet! Adam said, "Is Fozzie Bear only a puppet? Is ALF only a puppet? Is Yoda only a puppet?" Anachronistic thing about this was that ALF wasn't around for another 4 years. The show is always non-specific 1980s. It was a new year's episode and when the Big Apple dropped, the year was 198-, with Barry standing in a way that blocked the TV view of the last digit. (It looked like I saw part of a "4".)
The Flash
Finished catching up on the series. Right now I am waiting for episode 8 to premiere here in the UK.
What can I say? I am really liking this series so far! It does have those one or two cheesy parts, but thats what near makes this show suitable for younger viewers. My favourite villain as of yet is Captain Cold, and the portrayal of him as well is excellent too!
Well, the technically correct answer to this is I DREAM OF JEANIE, but last night I watched Last Man Standing. Funny juxtapositioning of the show and an ad! The young boy, Boyd, saw the family's old Duran Duran ornament. He asked, "What's 'Duran Duran' mean", to which the Tim Allen character replies, "Not much in 2014." Within a few seconds they cut to a commercial, which used as its background music, "Girls On Film", Duran Duran's first hit (1981). Ironic, as it means something at least to the advertizer.
Person of Interest
I got a DVD of Season 3 of Person of Interest for Christmas so now I'm (finally) watching that. I've just watched The Devil's Share (episode 10).... and... wow.
Despite that, it's a really good episode. They really built up the tension in the last few episodes, what with the Russian/HR war. I think it's actually one of my favourite PoI episode thus far.
It's interesting that they hinted at the death of Carter already quite a bit (to the point of perhaps getting heavy-handed), with her saying goodbyes and seeing her flashbacks and all that, but I really liked (from a writing perspective) that they didn't actually kill her right away, instead actually having her accomplish her mission--only to be almost randomly killed by Simmons at the end. Still really unhappy she got killed, she's a really great character.
The only thing I didn't get, though, is that she was for the most part working to bring down HR on her own, which is weird, since Reese and Finch would have certainly helped her. It just seems pretty stupid, not to mention downright suicidal to ignore help like that.
The writing is great, I especially love the use of flashbacks for all of the characters, which all are very similar (in terms of setting and cinematography)--it's done in a really clever way. Elias especially has an amazing part. I love his bit at the end--it's like he's the only one willing to do what nobody else wants to do, which almost gives him a "necessary evil" feel. It's as if he's almost like the dark counterpart to Finch/Reese, being for want of a better word, balance. I don't know if I can fully articulate it, but it adds a really interesting dimension to the story. Either way, Elias has climbed several notches on my "favourite villains" list.
Everybody Loves Raymond... My favorite episode was on... Somebody Hates Raymond. The name of the guy who hates Raymond is Jerry Musso. My brother thought Jerry Springer played Jerry Musso. I didn't think they looked alike and he had to read the credits to dispel his suspicion.
Now that the Community forum has been re-opened to the public, I have moved this thread to the more appropriate forum.
Black Mirror
I finished the first series last night. Really, really, enjoyed it. Imaginative, smart, on point. I hope the second series continues the excellence.
Not bad. Everyone will start comparing it to Monty Python, but they're legendary in their wit and should not be compared. It was enjoyable, a lot of innuendo, though, but that's expected on everything on TV these days. And the theme is infectious. It's refreshing to se a musical these days. Can't wait to see Weird Al in an upcoming episode!
The Eric Andre Show
One of the most original and downright hilarious shows I've seen in a long time. I'm not the kind of guy that laughs out loud when I think something is funny, but this show changes that completely. Gut-wrenchingly hilarious.
Person of Interest
What a episode last night. The stakes have never been higher. Definetly writing a review.
May Shaw rest in peace
black'ish (I think that's the correct pronounciation and capitalization of the show.)
First time watching. Usually turn it off after Goldbergs because I hate Modern Family, but tuned back in this time. I liked it. I'll try to remember to tune in next week. ABC is really the place producing the sitcoms while everyone else seems to make just "sits".
A promising start to the final season.
(Yeah, that's right. I'm a fan of the show)
Are you watching DVDs or Netflix? I thought Glee ended years ago.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu (The Rebooted season)
I watched the finale and the episode before that. They are so epic. Jay Vincent is an excellent composer. His music is similar to the epicness of Dr. Who's soundtrack sometimes. The storywriting is great too. I'd love to make a film that compares to it. The finale was so emotional, even though I've seen it before. The cliff-hangar is bothering me, though, I can't wait for the next season!
THE GOLDBERGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a Transformers: The Movie Episode! And they showed actual animated clips from the film! Not only that, the Adam plot was all about him being dejected when (29 year old spoiler) Optimus Prime died, and he tried to make his own film where Optimus lives and kills Megatron! (Both the film he was making and the stop-motion one from his real childhood were better than anything Michael Bay could ever do!) And the GOldbergs set the record straight: Transformers is the best 80s cartoon of them all!
I just noticed that I ended every sentence here with an exclamation point! Just had to!
Probably one of the worst television shows I have seen in quite awhile. And looking at what's currently on the Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon, that's saying something.
Me and a bunch of buds were at a friend's house last night, and we were gonna watch a little TV before going to see The Penguins of Madagascar (for me, a second time). The episode in particular that we watched was the holiday special. The quality is akin to that of a straight-to-Walmart movie, and that's actually what I thought we were watching. The acting is terribly uninspiring, with a cast of nobodies to make everything worse. And even though I should have been humored by the idea of a science-y dohickey that turns a town into anime, stopmotion, and traditional 2-D-animated adult cartoon characters, I wasn't. In fact, I was disgusted.
It's a revolting cross between something Adult Swim barfed up, and a long-time tenant of Walmart's store shelves. I'm offended by the fact that this show lasted an entire five seasons. But, I'm also grateful that the network finally stepped up and cancelled the darn show. I vow to never watch another episode of this ever again.
Last edited by Mickey (January 31, 2015 (08:23pm))
The Flash
Gorilla Grodd!!!
The Flash
Besides the developments about
Grodd and Ronnie
I can't say this was one of the stronger episodes. It seems to me that it was more of a "leading into the next big development" sort of episodes, so it didn't try to be that impressive. I really like how they explained what happened to
Ronnie (I was right!)
leaving lots of room for following the lead, and also how there was the sneak peek of one of the major Flash villains (which I can't wait to see more of).
Are you watching DVDs or Netflix? I thought Glee ended years ago.
Nope, Glee is still running. On it's finale season.
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