Re: What was the last TV show you watched?
The Goldbergs this week featured tons of classic board games!
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The Goldbergs this week featured tons of classic board games!
Power Rangers: Ninja Storm
Just finished the season. I really enjoyed it from start to finish. The characters were much more fleshed out than some seasons, and it had this levity that a lot of the preceding seasons felt they should avoid (even though it's a kid's show and kids like funny stuff). Apparently they appear again in the next season, Dino Thunder, in a team-up episode, so I'm looking forward to that.
Again, just finished season one. Even though Laurel's kind of annoying, I found the series quite compelling, and it's interesting that they show such a dark portrayal of Green Arrow (not that he's ever been that light-hearted in the comics, with the exception of Justice League: The Villain's Journey, which I urge any DC fans to read). What was also interesting was that
ultimately, Green Arrow actually lost. The bad guys succeeded in their plan to level a large chunk of the city, and even though Ollie supposedly kills Malcolm Merlyn, the main antagonist, apparently he comes back later on, which means that the season finale ended in total failure. That's not something you get very often, and it was really refreshing.
"What if you found a portal to a parallel universe? What if you could Slide into a thousand different worlds? Where it's the same year, and you're the same person, but everything else is different. And what if you can't find your way home?" - That is the premise of the show.
We follow a boy genius, Quinn Mallory, his best friend, Wade Wells, their college physics teacher, Maximilian Arturo, and Rembrandt Brown, a tag-along musician. The cast is wacky, the "worlds" that they go to are usually based on interesting twists to history, and the writing is superbly self-aware for a 90's sci-fi.
There is a steady decline of quality (or, at least, original ideas) in the 3rd season onward, but, even at that, it's bare-able. The effects aren't always that impressive, especially the 3d ones, but, overall it's a good show.
By god, if you like Dr. Who, you'll love Sliders! I know I do. The characters are interesting enough to keep you watching episodes, and, the stories are short enough to not seem rushed within the 40 or so minute time limit each episode has.
I really like this show. It's something I'd recommend to any history buff or action fan.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I just finished the final season of this show, and I can safely say that it is in my top 5 favorite shows, ever. Heck, it might even be number 1. Throughout it, I've connected with the characters of the show in ways that I have with very few others. They all just feel so real and full of heart and complexity. None of them are prefect angels, who don't do anything bad or morally questionable through the series' run. They all have faults, they all do some really crappy things at some point, but they still pull through and you root for them through it all. They're all just a lovable bunch of characters. When they're sad, you're sad. When they're happy, it makes you really happy because you feel like you've been with them through the struggle and it's satisfying! And then you're sad again cause Joss WON'T LET YOU OFF.
The writing and direction of the series is just fantastic, in my opinion. I can honestly say that, in the entire 144 episodes of the show, I can think of no episode that was bad, or just stuck out to me was bland and uninteresting. When the show's good, it's really freaking good. When it's great, though, it's some of the best television ever. Period. I'm not gonna name any episodes because I want you all the experience how great this is first hand, no spoilers given.
I don't know if people will think I'm overstating any of this, or if they feel like this about a lot of shows. But I just really. freaking. love. this. show.
I'm just so glad that the series is continued with a comic book adaptation/continuation, because I really, REALLY need to know what happens next in this story. I'm also beginning to watch Angel, as I've heard many great things about it and I'd like some more of this stuff in my life for a long while.
Mystery Diners.
Haven't seen it in a while, but now they're putting hidden cameras in company cars and the homes of mystery delivery order diners. The outcome is what I expected:
the one guy who ate from the order he was supposed to deliver was fired, and the other who took breaks during delivery was disciplined and kept on the crew.
I liked Sliders too back in the day.
Mystery Diners.
I really hate stopping at small town diners after watching this show.
I'm just now getting into Battlestar Galactica (the newer one). About 8 episodes in, plus the opening miniseries. I love the premise and the string of difficult decisions. A couple of groaners here and there but for the most part I think I'm going to enjoy this series quite a bit.
I recommend the original BSG. I watched the pilot to the new version and gave it up right after watching.
The Flash
Just after finishing the first episode. May I say, I am impressed. Much more better than Arrow in my opinion.
The Flash
I have a friend who says I don't have very good taste since I don't watch much TV, but I honestly think this is one of my favorite TV shows. It has a very classic superhero feeling, but a bit darker - not my favorite, but it's what you get with CW, it seems.
I kind of like the "villain-of-the-week" setup, with some returning baddies and a very interesting overarching plot.
The Flash
I have a friend who says I don't have very good taste since I don't watch much TV, but I honestly think this is one of my favorite TV shows. It has a very classic superhero feeling, but a bit darker - not my favorite, but it's what you get with CW, it seems.
I kind of like the "villain-of-the-week" setup, with some returning baddies and a very interesting overarching plot.
MW, I think you have good taste because you don't watch much TV. And I agree that the Flash is one of the best dramas today. Better than SHIELD and much better that Arrow, in my never-to-be-humble opinion (yours may vary). It turns out that the Flash premiere is the most-viewed program in the CW's 9-year history.
The acting and action are both well-written in The Flash, and I see this really developing into something even bigger in the coming months.
The last TV show I ever watched was more of a movie, but it's a tv movie reunion of a TV series, so it fits best here: The Waltons Thanksgiving Reunion (1993). Besides the fact that the cast should have aged an additional 10 years than they did, it's my all-time favorite Waltons special... or episode (tied with The Fire Storm).
Last edited by HoldingOurOwn (November 28, 2014 (07:43am))
Mighty Wanderer wrote:The Flash
I have a friend who says I don't have very good taste since I don't watch much TV, but I honestly think this is one of my favorite TV shows. It has a very classic superhero feeling, but a bit darker - not my favorite, but it's what you get with CW, it seems.
I kind of like the "villain-of-the-week" setup, with some returning baddies and a very interesting overarching plot.MW, I think you have good taste because you don't watch much TV. And I agree that the Flash is one of the best dramas today. Better than SHIELD and much better that Arrow, in my never-to-be-humble opinion (yours may vary). It turns out that the Flash premiere is the most-viewed program in the CW's 9-year history.
While I'm absolutely loving Flash, in my opinion Agents of SHIELD is better, and has been from episode six of the first season. I'm not sure why there's been so much hate for it (until the Winter Soldier tie-in happened) but I think people were expecting too much of it. I've enjoyed it from start to finish and as good as Flash is, I find the characters in SHIELD (particularly May and Ward) extremely engaging.
I recommend the original BSG. I watched the pilot to the new version and gave it up right after watching.
By the pilot, do you mean the 3-hour miniseries, or the first regular episode? Either way, you and I hold very different opinions on this matter, and I cannot take your recommendation.
RevMan, I mean the miniseries. I also have learned later on from watching Sci-Fi channel that there is very little original programming from the modern era Sci-Fi channel that's worth tuning into.
JamPot, because I said Flash is better than SHIELD doesn't mean I'm hating on SHIELD. I think SHIELD is a good series and I enjoy watching it. Still don't know why Doug Heffernan's friend Spence and Ted's girlfriend from How I Met Your Mother are SHIELD agents. I thought Spence was a subway employee and Robin was a newscaster.
JamPot, because I said Flash is better than SHIELD doesn't mean I'm hating on SHIELD.
I know, I wasn't saying you did. It just came to mind when I saw your comment.
The Flash.
The best part was when Felicity's top caught on fire.
The Flash
This was a really great crossover. It didn't make either Flash or Arrow look less important overall, and actually drove Flash's story forward. I'm sure the second half, in this week's Arrow, will be the same.
I'm not sold on this version of Firestorm, though. While it's great that a lesser DC superhero will be getting some screentime at last, one of the main attractions is that he's actually two guys who fuse together; having him simply be a metahuman takes that away.
Goldbergs/ Middle.
Two great episodes.
The Flash
Wow, that was a really great crossover.
One thing that I thought was really great is how they focused mainly on the heroes in these episodes. In The Flash part, they don't even show red-eyes being tracked down and captured, the focus is kept on the main characters, which is really what this whole crossover event is about. Kind of the same with Diggler in Part 2 - he was caught, but nothing was seen after that. I think this crossover brought about a new level of character development - both in Barry and Oliver (I can't say a ton about the Arrow since I don't watch that, but I do know quite a bit about it).
The sneak peek of Firestorm was pretty cool, but I was kind of confused at this point. From what we've seen of Ronnie, he doesn't seem like the type to fry to street thieves, or have the attitude he did. Maybe something else happened in the explosion, I'm sure we'll find out in the next few episodes. (Wouldn't it be cool if he was fused together with another staff member that was caught in the accelerator? It seems pretty unlikely, but it would be pretty great).
Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this crossover, and I can't wait for more developments on The Flash.
Last edited by Mighty Wanderer (December 4, 2014 (01:10pm))
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