Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

Due to Bionicle's return, I made two Bionicle brickfilms. (Shameless plug mini/tongue)

Yea, I'm not really into Bionicle that much, but it looks kind of cool. I like the retro Bionicle the best (especially the Toa Nuva).

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed much as I really loved all the original Bionicle waves, even the Glatorian (which felt a bit off), these don't look very great.  They've switched from the style that made them feel like Bionicle and now they seem an awful lot like Hero Factory, which I don't care for at all.  Many of the pieces and the aesthetic in general feels a lot like Bionicle's that were styled to be like Hero Factory. 

I won't be buying any, but I hope they can bring back the spirit of the story that I really enjoyed back when they were new and I was little.

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

It looks exactly like hero factory...

no more brickfilming *sad face*.

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

While I don't mind the sets, the new storyline is appallingly simple and has almost nothing to do with Bionicle. It may as well be a new theme altogether.
"Nothing goes down 'less I'm involved. No nuggets. No onion rings. No nothin'. A cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want in! You got fat while we starved on the it's my turn!" -Harley Morenstein

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

For what I know, the story is a new one, rather than a reboot of the old one. That is something I am pleased with, as a new story will have the chance to create many new places and characters.

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

Slurping Animations wrote:

For what I know, the story is a new one, rather than a reboot of the old one. That is something I am pleased with, as a new story will have the chance to create many new places and characters.

I myself have no problem with a reboot, but the new story captures none of the spirit of the original at all. The Toa Nuva aren't even the same characters anymore - they've given them completely different characteristics (aside from Lewa and arguably Tahu) and turned them into ridiculous charicatures. Onua snores? Gali can't tell jokes? Seriously?
"Nothing goes down 'less I'm involved. No nuggets. No onion rings. No nothin'. A cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want in! You got fat while we starved on the it's my turn!" -Harley Morenstein

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

I may just buy Kopaka and then stick to buying used older sets after that.

One of the attendes of the NYCC panel said they were rebooting it "new Star Trek movie" style. I wonder how they will link the stories. mini/eh

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

jampot wrote:
Slurping Animations wrote:

For what I know, the story is a new one, rather than a reboot of the old one. That is something I am pleased with, as a new story will have the chance to create many new places and characters.

I myself have no problem with a reboot, but the new story captures none of the spirit of the original at all. The Toa Nuva aren't even the same characters anymore - they've given them completely different characteristics (aside from Lewa and arguably Tahu) and turned them into ridiculous charicatures. Onua snores? Gali can't tell jokes? Seriously?

They aren't completely different. They took pretty much their original personalities and added a particular quirk(s). Whether or not that's a bad thing we will have to see. Also if you don't like the new story you can make up your own (even set it in G1 if you want).

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

Moderator comment!]

I'm moving this topic to the Bricks forum. The General Film Discussion forum is intended for, and I quote:

discussion of film in a general sense - favorite films, movie reviews, and anything else that is about filming or brickfilming but just doesn't belong in any of the other forums.

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

The Bionicle 2015 discussion is continued here: … e-is-back/

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

I agree that some of this new Bionicle info is a bit 'iffy', but who's the target range for this new Bionicle line? 7-14 year olds most likely. It makes complete sense for TLG to start a new storyline. It may upset a good amount of returning fans, but from TLG's perspective, it works.
I followed Bionicle from 2001-07, in which I'd call it their 'Golden Era', and from 2007-10 the storyline faded completely, at least to me and my friends that is.

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

Slurping Animations wrote:

I agree that some of this new Bionicle info is a bit 'iffy', but who's the target range for this new Bionicle line? 7-14 year olds most likely. It makes complete sense for TLG to start a new storyline. It may upset a good amount of returning fans, but from TLG's perspective, it works.
I followed Bionicle from 2001-07, in which I'd call it their 'Golden Era', and from 2007-10 the storyline faded completely, at least to me and my friends that is.

And I got into them 2007-2009. mini/tongue

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

Slurping Animations wrote:

I agree that some of this new Bionicle info is a bit 'iffy', but who's the target range for this new Bionicle line? 7-14 year olds most likely. It makes complete sense for TLG to start a new storyline. It may upset a good amount of returning fans, but from TLG's perspective, it works.

I know, but it's not a good idea to split the fanbase as much as they have. And they really have.
"Nothing goes down 'less I'm involved. No nuggets. No onion rings. No nothin'. A cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want in! You got fat while we starved on the it's my turn!" -Harley Morenstein

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

I spent my childhood absorbed in the Bionicle lore, and the characters are very dear to me, from a creative standpoint, as they were really my first exposure to a fairly fleshed out fantasy universe. From what I can tell they're basically taking the names of the old characters and applying them to new ones, but their clearly supposed to be the same, since their masks very clearly harken back to the originals. Bionicle was always about the story for me, not the toys (although I had a ton), which I realize goes against the whole point of LEGO, but I'm okay with that, since Bionicle has always felt like something separate from the rest of LEGO. Basically, I wish they had started a new theme instead of trying to bring it back. I mean, Kopaka, clumsy? Really?

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

Bionicle was my first real fandom-like hobby, back in the heady days of 2003. I'm excited to see them bring back a stripped-down, back to basics iteration to a new generation. The continuity of the series just kept becoming more and more complicated to a point of absurdity, in my opinion, which is why I jumped off. Paring it down like this is, I think, a return to its roots.

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

Hang on, why is the actual BIONICLE discussion thread closed by this one still open? Shouldn't this be a dupe thread? I'll see if I can merge them later.
"Nothing goes down 'less I'm involved. No nuggets. No onion rings. No nothin'. A cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want in! You got fat while we starved on the it's my turn!" -Harley Morenstein

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

I was just looking back at the leaked images of the Bionicle stand, and it looks a lot like the current promobut with a different mask. Compare:

The mask in the stand looks a lot like this one: … mp;theater

Also, notice Tahu is different. His mask looks a lot more like the classic one. Apparently, this stand picture is an older picture than we thought.

Also on a separate note related to the official image above that I thought was interesting, the Bionicle key visual looks a lot like the LEGO Universe key visual (with the dark mask being the maelstrom, and the overall look of it).

Last edited by rioforce (October 29, 2014 (11:09am))

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

On Saturday I'll be able to see the retailer's book that Lego shipped to my place of employment.  I can't wait to see the Bionicle!

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

rioforce wrote:

I was just looking back at the leaked images of the Bionicle stand, and it looks a lot like the current promo but with a different mask.

I'm guessing the original, much more tribal mask was a concept version of the Mask of Creation or, as sometimes happens, a mere placeholder while the actual mask was being developed (as in preliminary images of the DC sets for 2015, where Hulk and Ultimate Goblin stand in for Darkseid and Gorilla Grodd respectively).

I really like the Incan-style design of the Mask of Creation (though the Egyptian nemes-style one in the concept art was also cool) and I can't wait for it to come out in a set. When it does, I and the rest of the Gen 1 fandom will no doubt all be working on some Artahka MOCs...

Spoiler (click to read)

For those who didn't follow much of Gen 1, during the story Artahka was the Mask of Creation's original wearer. He ruled a hidden safe haven island named after him and was said to be the world's greatest crafter, that he could build anything out of any material. He was responsible for many things, including making the Kanohi Nuva masks and giving the Toa Nuva their Adaptive Armor and sending them to Karda Nui. He was also one of the oldest beings in the Matoran Universe, if not slightly older than the robot itself.

EDIT: Also, I've merged the topics now to avoid confusion and prompt greater debate bla bla bla Bionicle fanboy alert!
"Nothing goes down 'less I'm involved. No nuggets. No onion rings. No nothin'. A cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want in! You got fat while we starved on the it's my turn!" -Harley Morenstein

Re: The Official BIONICLE Discussion thread + 2015 confirmed

Today, I received my exclusive* Transparent Tahu mask in the mail. I won it from the New York Comic Con Twitter contest. I uploaded a few pictures to Flickr if anyone is interested. … 634768429/

In that album is the picture of the package, some closeups of the mask, and a side-by-side comparison of the original Tahu mask with the new one.

Haha, looking on Bricklink, some guy is selling the mask for $111.95. Nobody's ever going to buy that. mini/lol … colorID=12

*Actually, it's not exclusive, BZPower got a whole bag of these things that they plan on giving away. So much for rare items... mini/tongue

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b