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We are a friendly filmmaking community devoted to the art of stop-motion animation using LEGO® and similar construction toys. Here, you can share your work, join our community of other brickfilmers, and participate in periodic animation contests!
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Schlaeps, are you staying here or you permanently leaving, or are you leaving for a little while?
I am glad Smeagol is now the admin. I think he will do a great job.
Schelaeps, we will all miss you.
No need to say it twice, BrikStudio1 productions .
Last edited by Filip (February 28, 2009 (09:51am))
I'm going to agree with Munzapoppa. I don't want to seem like a downer or a hater, but I'm kind of frustrated that Schlaeps is just going to give up like this. I know he has a life, but I wonder why he bothered to start all of this when he knew he would be going to college, which is obviously more important. ILB was one of the causes of the divide, and now he's leaving us.
I don't know what to say, honestly.
It's a website. A hobby website.
I had no time yesterday, so: Goodbye Schlaeps, thanks for creating a wonderful forum!
And welcome Sméagol. I saw you've already organized some things - keep going!
- JD
Goodbye Schlaeps. Its all time hard to leave... But you made a good choice to take Sméagol as Site-Admin.
Welcome Sméagol, I hope you have a nice and funny time as Site-Admin.
Its a big charge/responsibility, so I wish you all the best!
Wow...this has come as a shock.
Schlaeps,goodbye,your reign as owner and admain was a good one,yet there were problems,mainly due to the unrest emanating from the schism that rocked our humble community.We have gone through hard times in the past year,and hopefully it shall end soon,and we shall all come to live in peace with our fellow brickfilming communities.
Schlaeps, you've done a lot of work, you've been very nice to us all, and you were a great leader of BiM, and I thank you for that. Good luck with college, and may you live long and prosper. I'll miss you.
Sméagol, welcome to the position that you've been given. I, like others, have faith that you, too, will be a great leader of BiM.
In the words of Sharad Hett, "Blessed be your going out from us."
But...then he became the Dark Lord of the Sith...
Hopefully Schlaeps will be able to give us some input from time to time, though the reason he stepped down was because had a lot of other things to do. We've got some exciting plans in store for the site, though, so keep checking back.
We'll miss you
But I'm sure Sméagol will do a great job in his new position
Sméagol's right. The main reason I need to step down is because I just don't have the time. I'll pop in every once in a while, but I imagine that, at least in the foreseeable future, my posts will be as sporadic and limited as they have been the past few months.
Oy Vey! We've lost Schleaps! Well, I give the new admin my best wishes for good luck.
So much has changed.
The great move to from
Stevie Collins leaving.
Now this...
The year 2009 was expected to bring change,
but none of us expected this...
I think it was a good choice to pass on the role of Admin. You did well, old bean
Good luck in future, Schlaeps! We'll miss you.
Paraphrasing myself:
Three departures does not an exodus make.
Cheers Schlaeps, I hope you maintain ownership of the site. So that we don't end up years down the line in the same boat as we did with I wish you well with college, it was a hard decision for you, but ultimately the best decision for your future. Hope you still pop in from time to time. Good Luck
Stevie Collins is leaving
Ironic, he has complained and complained about Schlaeps not doing anything, and as soon as there is new movement on the site he leaves.
Sorry, but I got tired of Stevie Collins and others like him constantly being extremely ungrateful for the hard work Schlaeps put in for FREE for all of us.
This is not an exodus far from it, I see it as another chapter in this new phase of brick filming and I for one welcome the new possibilities that it is going to offer us, whilst also missing Schlaeps, I am sure that he has done the right thing for himself and us and in a way it's all good all round.
Last edited by Si665 (March 2, 2009 (07:44am))
Three departures does not an exodus make.
Not when it's... You know what, never mind.
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