Topic: THAC 6 results!

THAC 6 results are here! I want to thank you all for trusting me with judging this (stressful but fun) contest. mini/smile

3rd place goes to...
     Abduction 3 by Nick Durron with a total score of 64 points! Watch Abduction 3

2nd place goes to...
     Weed Cops by Night Owl with a total score of 73 points! Watch Weed Cops/Censored

And first place goes to...
     Winner by Krick with a total score of 99.5 points! Congratulations man! Watch Winner

(4) Yes We Can! - 62.5 - Nichtgerdret & Prisac         Watch Yes We Can!
(5) Sword - 43.5 - LegoShark                                  Watch Sword
(6) The Heaven System - 40.5 - Shrankenheimer       Watch The Heaven System
(7) Rock Monster - 39 - MindGame                             Watch Rock Monster
(8) The New Guy - 35 - Yanzl                                      Watch The New Guy
(9) The New Recruit - 33.5 - Ahnt                                 Watch The New Recruit
(10) Mystery At Bricksonberg Bay - 31 - Blue_Ghost       Watch Mystery At Bricksonberg Bay
(11) The Bull's New Caravan - Bodville                           Watch The Bull's New Caravan
(12) Waiting In Line - CaptainBulldog, Shale, TwoBit         Watch Waiting In Line
(13) Jim and Bob's New Car - Rich                                   Watch Jim and Bob's New Car
(14) The End - Darkman                                                  Watch The End
(15) Robot Invasion - Jimmybob                                        Watch Robot Invasion
(16) The Über THAC Idea - SmallTime, Filip                         Watch The Über THAC Idea
(17) New Year's Resolutions - NickMOC                                Watch New Year's Resolutions
(18) The Elevator - Rsteenoven                                            Watch The Elevator
(19) Resolutions - Skull Brick                                                Watch Resolutions
(20) Pirates Of The Future – Endless Possibilities                      Watch Pirates Of The Future

Sméagol wrote:

We decided to only score and rank the top 20 entries.  While we commend the efforts of the other 47 entrants, and did review all the entries to select the top 20 for scoring purposes, we felt it would be better to score the top 20 only, as some of the less experienced entrants might take "67th place, with zero points" the wrong way.  This isn't to say that there were worthless entries, they all had something good about them, but any kind of ranked scoring system is going to leave some people out and we wanted to avoid that as much as possible.  Also, due to the delays, we wanted to get results out quickly.  After all, only the top three will receive prizes.

Also, from the ceremony:

The judging system for THAC this year is a little different from previous years.  While technical ability is an important part of creating a good film, we felt that the overall enjoyment experience wasn't really reflected in the results - the best film didn't necessarily win if it wasn't quite up to the same technical level as another film.

For THAC 6 we ranked the films in 3 categories: Story (The originality, conceptual execution, and enjoyability of the film), Theme (how creatively the theme "New" was incorporated), and Presentation (the production values, incorporating animation, cinematography, sound.)

Presentation was half of the total score (in the past the combined Presentation-based categories were 3/4 of the score), with story being 2/3 and theme accounting for the remaining 1/3.

Regarding the prizes, Stevie has yet to contact Will Chapman to explain what's happening. I'll update the winners. Speaking of Chapman, I'd like to thank him for generously offering us those prizes, Also, while I'm at it, I better thank Stevie for doing an awesome job on organizing this contest, Sméagol for judging and providing endless help, Leonardo812 and ManVan also for kindy volunteering to judge... Thank you all!

Last edited by VN (February 22, 2009 (05:26pm))

Life is like a box of LEGO, you never know what you're gonna build. - mrgraff

Re: THAC 6 results!

Good job to everyone! Congrats to krick!

Re: THAC 6 results!

It is a pity those who did not make the top 20 will not know how many points they scored(Me. mini/tongue).
Oh well.

Congratulations to everyone. mini/mrgreen

Last edited by Timothy R (February 19, 2009 (07:06pm))

Re: THAC 6 results!

Awesome. Can we see how the rest of the films placed? I want to see how my film did.

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Check out my live action directing debut, The Day That Never Comes

Re: THAC 6 results!

We decided to only score and rank the top 20 entries.  While we commend the efforts of the other 47 entrants, and did review all the entries to select the top 20 for scoring purposes, we felt it would be better to score the top 20 only, as some of the less experienced entrants might take "67th place, with zero points" the wrong way.  This isn't to say that there were worthless entries, they all had something good about them, but any kind of ranked scoring system is going to leave some people out and we wanted to avoid that as much as possible.  Also, due to the delays, we wanted to get results out quickly.  After all, only the top three will receive prizes.

Also, from the ceremony:

The judging system for THAC this year is a little different from previous years.  While technical ability is an important part of creating a good film, we felt that the overall enjoyment experience wasn't really reflected in the results - the best film didn't necessarily win if it wasn't quite up to the same technical level as another film.

For THAC 6 we ranked the films in 3 categories: Story (The originality, conceptual execution, and enjoyability of the film), Theme (how creatively the theme "New" was incorporated), and Presentation (the production values, incorporating animation, cinematography, sound.)

Presentation was half of the total score (in the past the combined Presentation-based categories were 3/4 of the score), with story being 2/3 and theme accounting for the remaining 1/3.

Re: THAC 6 results!

In the words of GLaDOS: "Weeee are pleased that you made it through the final challenge where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are very, very happy for your success. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Please place the device on the ground, then lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party." mini/tongue
Congrats people!


Re: THAC 6 results!

Aww no. Congrats to the rest who made it in the top 20.

Last edited by lil'jj (February 19, 2009 (07:22pm))

Re: THAC 6 results!

Wow, this was a good year; lots of good entries. Congratulations to Krick, Night Owl, and Nick Durron!


Re: THAC 6 results!

Here's a full point breakdown, after category weighting, for the top ten entries.  Presentation is out of a possible 60 points, Theme out of 20, and Story out of 40.  However, results were determined using a ranking system, such that each judge had to rank the top 10 films in each category, so a large point difference from 1st to 2nd just shows that there was mostly agreement, not that it was that much better than 2nd.

1. Krick : Winner:
Presentation : 46.5
Theme : 15
Story : 38
Total: 99.5

2. Night Owl : Weed Cops:
Presentation : 52.5
Theme : 0.5
Story : 20
Total: 73

3. Nick Durron : Abduction 3:
Presentation : 48
Theme : 3
Story : 13
Total: 64

4. Nichtgerdret & Prisac : Yes We Can!:
Presentation : 51
Theme : 11.5
Story : 0
Total: 62.5

5. LegoShark : Sword:
Presentation : 12
Theme : 7.5
Story : 24
Total: 43.5

6. Shrankenhiemer : The Heaven System:
Presentation : 12
Theme : 3.5
Story : 2.5
Total: 40.5

7. MindGame : Rock Monster:
Presentation : 36
Theme : 0
Story : 3
Total: 39

8. Yanzl : The New Guy:
Presentation : 9
Theme : 12
Story : 14
Total: 35

9. Ahnt : The New Recruit
Presentation : 12
Theme : 1.5
Story : 20
Total: 33.5

10. Blue_Ghost : Mystery at Bricksonberg Bay:
Presentation : 16.5
Theme : 4.5
Story : 10
Total: 31

Re: THAC 6 results!

Thank you Sméagol, you've helped a lot. mini/smile

Life is like a box of LEGO, you never know what you're gonna build. - mrgraff

Re: THAC 6 results!

Wow, I didn't expect to get third place! mini/smile I did expect Krick and Night Owl to dominate, though. Congrats guys! Also, thanks for working this out so quickly, VN. Thanks to the judges as well, and of course Stevie.

Re: THAC 6 results!

Congrats guys! Some great films were made for this competition. mini/bigsmile

Re: THAC 6 results!

Great job everyone! Especially Krick and Night Owl!

Re: THAC 6 results!

Aw yeah baby. Some great films got all up in the top 3. Winner was awesome-possum.

Smoking marijuana, eating Cheez Doodles, and masterfully debating do not constitute 'plans' in my book - Walter 'Heisenberg' White

Re: THAC 6 results!

Congratulated Nick Durron, Night Owl and Krick.

I always get suprised with the THAC results mini/wink

And thank you VN and Smeagol for putting effort into this.

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Re: THAC 6 results!

Congrats to the winners, films like yours finally make a contest exciting.

VN and Smeagol, we really appreciate your work, but could you please edit that it was a prisac+nichtgedreht coproduction?

we love bratwurst


Re: THAC 6 results!

Yay! Unranked!

Wait a sec.....


Max, She/Her

Re: THAC 6 results!

Congrats, everyone.

"I am Kansas" -Smeagol

Re: THAC 6 results!

Good job everyone!
Now where is Krick?

You can do anything, just have fun while doing it.

Re: THAC 6 results!

Pah, if I'd finished on time...

Congrats to all!