Re: What are we missing?

Littlebrick wrote:

So, all that said, I think that if you really want to make good films, it would be worth it to spend as much time working on your story as you do fussing over lighting, set design and animation.

That's exactly what I am doing now. And I'm totally agree with you.

I use 40 % of my time in my movies to find an original idea and to write the screenplay.

Last edited by Loïc F-B (November 7, 2010 (09:23am))

Re: What are we missing?

Detarchin, you're right. If someone were to make a good sad movie, that would be amazing.

Re: What are we missing?

everyone here has words of wisdom... except me mini/tongue  but i agree with DerTarchin and Realbrick- a sad drama would be great, but drama isn't in me.. so i could try to make it, but it wouldn't come out the same way as someone who deals with drama

Re: What are we missing?

I've been thinking on something like this lately. But I think that sometimes more than the story it's the concept what counts. For example, "Mr. Bad Frame": I personally don't think the script is outstanding, but the idea behind it it's great, and that's what makes it highly enjoyable. Also, it is important how you develope and show the story in your film. You may have the greatest idea of the world, the best script ever wrote, but if you don't know how to direct a movie, it's destined to live short. I'm not talking about technical aspects, I'm talking about how understandable the story is. That's another thing, you can have a bad idea, a mediocre script, but if you know how to build the mood and the pace, it will be acclaimed. Story counts a lot, but it's up to you to make it look great. An example is "Taco Trouble": the guys knew how to make that movie, what was needed to make it funny, and still animation (no offence) sucks, cinematography is nice, but not outstanding. I think there is something more important than story, and that's the director. You can't just say "the story is great, so the movie will be great", you must think and think again on what the viewer is going to see and remember from your movie.

About the so called "Golden Age", I think that it isn't dead. It is not over, there are just a lot more peoples that make bad quality films than before. But there are also more brickfilmers that make good movies. That's a consequence to the increased number of brickfilmers around the world, the expansion of the hobby.

P.S.: I'd love to see more dynamic duos, and I mean good ones. Even cliché can be funny sometimes, if you do it on purpose.

Re: What are we missing?

Dramas would be lovely, but it's a bit unrealistic. I mean, Brickfilms take a long time to make, and in order to make a good drama you need about at least half an hour to get into characters minds and make you feel attached to the characters. What we need is a group of 3 great people to get together and do this. ZachMG, Smeagol, and Night Owl would be perfect in my opinion. But in terms of changing the norm I don't think it's possible, even if it is a nice idea.

I would actually like to see more films that just have a simple storyline. Look at Captain Bulldog's Pilgrim series. They were great, with nice story-lines. Sure, the clay was a bit annoying and the dialogue could have been improved upon, but the basis for a really good brickfilm was there. Once I get back to animating I hope to do things like that.

'look like it was shot at 2 FPS by a blindfolded five year old boy with broken fingers and no thumbs.' -PushOver
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3

Drifter (THAC 11) - Here

Re: What are we missing?

LegOpinion, why do we need a group of three great people to do a good drama? Brickfilmers need to keep trying and trying to achieve something good, any brickfilmer. Not only the great ones. And sure, three heads are better than one, but I think it's better to try do things by yourself before working on a team. It may help you and the group a lot.
I agree with the second point.

Re: What are we missing?

Yeah, story is taking a suffering in many brickfilms nowadays. People just focus on some half-sexy effects and quality but seriously story matters. There could be fireworks of LEGO Minifigures in the film, it is completely pointless if there isn't a good story to go with it.

Re: What are we missing?

Why are you guys pretending that everyone wants to use boatloads of effects? Seriously, only a small percentage of brickfilmers use special effects/CGI.

Re: What are we missing?

HomerBall wrote:

I agree with you Littlebrick. I wish brickfilms would be more simple again.

I wish films in general were more simple.

Re: What are we missing?

MPfist0 wrote:

About the so called "Golden Age", I think that it isn't dead. It is not over, there are just a lot more peoples that make bad quality films than before. But there are also more brickfilmers that make good movies. That's a consequence to the increased number of brickfilmers around the world, the expansion of the hobby.

You're right.

Search ''Lego'' on youtube, with the Upload Date option. You will see that every 4 or 5 minutes, there is a new brickfilm released.
We are in the Golden Age, guys!

Re: What are we missing?

NXTManiac wrote:

Why are you guys pretending that everyone wants to use boatloads of effects? Seriously, only a small percentage of brickfilmers use special effects/CGI.

We're also talking about camera quality, superb animation, and maybe even mouth movement.

LGFB Studios wrote:

Search ''Lego'' on youtube, with the Upload Date option. You will see that every 4 or 5 minutes, there is a new brickfilm released.
We are in the Golden Age, guys!

We're not in the Golden Age, I bet you 90% of those videos are terrible, either have no meaning, or are a stupid unoriginal, 30 second long clone animation. Almost all are created by kids below 10, and no offense to them, but we could do without all of the clutter on YouTube consisting of these terrible "films." If one wants to see a pointless script, cheesy/inappropriate dialogue, and aimed at a low age group, go on down to ForrestFire land.

Brickfilmer a decade ago, now looking to relive the glory days mini/smile

Re: What are we missing?

DerTarchin wrote:
LGFB Studios wrote:

Search ''Lego'' on youtube, with the Upload Date option. You will see that every 4 or 5 minutes, there is a new brickfilm released.
We are in the Golden Age, guys!

We're not in the Golden Age, I bet you 90% of those videos are terrible, either have no meaning, or are a stupid unoriginal, 30 second long clone animation. Almost all are created by kids below 10, and no offense to them, but we could do without all of the clutter on YouTube consisting of these terrible "films." If one wants to see a pointless script, cheesy/inappropriate dialogue, and aimed at a low age group, go on down to ForrestFire land.

Why do you think that we are not in the Golden Age, and what is the golden age? You mean there had more better films before? I think not.
Maybe we're nostalgic for the old Brickfilms classics like ''Out Of Time''?

Re: What are we missing?

I really agree with you Littlebrick. I think that we all need to just take a little while as brickfilmers and get back to basics. It seems as if brickfilms as a whole are getting a bit too "inflated" in a sense.

When I think about the brickfilming timeline, it always reminds me of the poem from Lord of the Rings, "The Horse and the Rider", where Theoden is lamenting about how bad things have become. I kind of feel the same way about brickfilming, it seems like a downward cycle of criticism, critique, and the thought that effects are what make a film good.

Ideally, as a community we would encourage brickfilms to have more story, and that feel that really makes a brickfilm good. I think it would be a good idea to pay less attention to the technical qualities, and more to the abstract ones. I never really realized how much I missed those awesome classics, made back when the story was valued above all else in an animation. Now I feel that it's just become a competition for who can make the best effects in a brickfilm. I'm glad this topic finally came up, because with any luck we will see the revival of the best kind of brickfilm: the one with humor and enjoyability.

Re: What are we missing?

DerTarchin wrote:

If one wants to see a pointless script, cheesy/inappropriate dialogue, and aimed at a low age group, go on down to ForrestFire land.

What does this have to do with Forrest? I actually wish he would join Bricks in Motion so people could help him get out of his redundant scripts and produce good things. I don't understand how he is so terrible to you all, because story and his type of humor are the only things that kill his films, the animation is good, the sets could be better, sure. I think half the reason he isn't here now is that n00bs and money hungry people want to kick a person who isn't here to lash out back. If he would make more original characters and plots, he would probably be excellent.

Now, back on topic. This apparent "Golden Age" people keep mourning got me interested. I have noticed that these golden age films can be dissected and there are some things I'd like to point out. They were all shot in the late 1990s and early to mid 2000s. This is a time where people don't have fancy cameras, so they used the 4000, a camera with average quality. The thing is, people didn't have expensive or extensive equipment, so they didn't care about visuals, all the problems you guys have pointed out about these "bad" films people make now have to do with visuals being the priority. I think the reason this "Golden Age" died was because when some brickfilmer walked out of the store with his precious 9000, then shot a film with it, people felt embarrassed of their quality and began fiddling with their cameras and buying new ones. Thats when the age of visuals began. the "Age of Visuals" is now.

Re: What are we missing?

I agree with everything here. Just because a film is 2 fps doesn't mean it sucks. Personally, I would rather pick a film with choppy animation and a decent story, than a dynamic duo film that is perfectly animated, but all they do is crack stupid jokes. This thread reminded me that I should focus more on story than on how it's executed.

Last edited by Interbrick (November 7, 2010 (03:14pm))

Re: What are we missing?

Sorry to go off topic again, but...

RealBrick wrote:
DerTarchin wrote:

If one wants to see a pointless script, cheesy/inappropriate dialogue, and aimed at a low age group, go on down to ForrestFire land.

...I don't understand how he is so terrible to you all, because story and his type of humor are the only things that kill his films, the animation is good, the sets could be better, sure...

You just said the reason why most of us dislike him- his story and humor is what is bad, not the animation. This is what this thread is talking about: Everyone is putting quality of film over quality of script. You just said it yourself.
Sorry, back on topic...

Brickfilmer a decade ago, now looking to relive the glory days mini/smile

Re: What are we missing?

Dertarchin, perhaps he would have better stories to tell if someone would help him.

Re: What are we missing?

The title of this thread reads: "What are we missing?". Not "What is Forrestfire101 missing?"or "How can we help Forrestfire101 improve?". Let's get this back on-topic, please.

Re: What are we missing?

What we are missing is the motivation to tell a story rather than make the leggoes move. END OF THREAD amirite

Re: What are we missing?

I believe NXTManiac poses the greatest point
Our community is mainly students with academics and other activities to focus on.
We dont have the time to make a great epic film with flawless plots and characters.
Its easier for us to gain popularity with short films relating to modern day trends rather than being original.
I beleive this is why a majority of us admire people like mobideli and smeagol so much its because they treat theyre brickfilms like movies. They dont promise one everyy week but they do promise for it to have over 3 pages of disscusion on it.
I beleive short films shouldnt be frowned upon neither ones with effects because they still incorporate what this site is all about. Stop motion with LEGO bricks. We cant be overcritical about the plot when most of us are just using these films to eat time and enjoy ourselves.
Things like a great story shouldnt pose a problem for any brickfilmer unless of course its used for commercial value or carrer option.