Topic: Lego C3PO Dies (First Movie)

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Lego C3PO Dies (First Movie)


(To Very First Film made about 3 years back.

Re: Lego C3PO Dies (First Movie)

Well, if its your first movie whats the point of posting it? We want to see your recent work and movie so we can give feedback about them.

This video is your first, and nobody's first video is ever good (no offence) and sadly the poor lighting, frame rate and lack of set design makes this no exception. I have seen one of you newer movies and you have improved allot, so post one of those so we can give proper feedback.

You Tube,
"I spend my time hunched over in my room taking thousands of pictures of a children's toy in 1 millimeter increments to create the illusion of movement. Pretty sexy huh?" -Gojira

Re: Lego C3PO Dies (First Movie)

Is this replying to you or commenting on the video? Eh whatever.

The reason I posted this is because I'm gonna post all my films in order so no one gets confused. Thanks for the comment though, but for all the bad ones I'm gonna post, just don't comment if you don't want too. mini/smile