Topic: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

Trailer thingy

A trailer for the first installment in our series. The first episode will be the story of how two of the three Elite Generals get into the military.
P.S. our camera is a little grainy and out of focus at some parts, but the camera is working fine now.

Last edited by Juggernaut Pictures (July 2, 2010 (07:14pm))

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

In my opinion, you really need a new camera

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

1) Work on your animation, alot.
2)I don't think you need all those tags (it only makes your video harder to find) especially since I don't think your working on the movie with the names mentioned.
3) Your camera will look better if you can hook it up to the computer there you can change focus, exposure, white balance etc.

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

I can't read the titles.

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

I'm sorry but I have to say this. All those tags are cheap. Tagging filmyguy, kechen, smeagol, fancy pants, the four monkeys just to get views?

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

Ratboy Productions wrote:

I'm sorry but I have to say this. All those tags are cheap. Tagging filmyguy, kechen, smeagol, fancy pants, the four monkeys just to get views?

Well, yeah, I guess we are cheap mini/blankexpression .

@Chuppa Where did we go wrong with the animation (other than the last clip)?

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

That was nice.

Hi'ya. mini/smile

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

trees move by themselves and you've got more titles then animation - i HATE that!

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

First, get a new camera (especially when your always complaining about other people's picture quality). Second, work on your animation, it was a bit choppy and slow. Third, change the color of your titles to make them easier to read. Fourth, transition the music more, it doesn't sound good when it just abruptly stops. Fifth, Use less tags, and don't tag people that didn't have any relation to the video just to get fews, no one likes that and it makes you look like a noob.

There that's five things (jumbled into a paragraph with horrible grammar) that you need to work on, go get cracking!

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

Thanks for the comments guys.  Tag wise, as long as we are allowed to use that many tags, then we will continue to do that.  Animation wise, there's nothing much that we can do, we film at 15 fps and that's as smooth as we can get.  We will try to change the title color.

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

you can use as many tags as you want, but don't feed off other peoples fame by using their youtube names as tags

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

yeah that's a pretty juvenile move jugger. and animating at 15 isn't the reason why your animation is terrible.

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

Well mobiledeli, you can say what you want, it may seem juvenile to you, but all of the owners of our company think that the animation is fine.  So thank you, and we are not mad at you for giving your point of view.  Ratboy, you have a good point.  We won't use other channels in our tags.

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer


but all of the owners of our company think that the animation is fine.

You mean your poor brother or sister that you drag into your room and make them say that the animation is good? Ow c'mon dude. My respect for you is completley gone.

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

first of all there is no company to own so get out of your fantasy world.

my "juvenile" comment was referring to you tagging people in your video.

your animation needs to improve before anyone will take you seriously.

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

You all can say what you want, but nothing will change at the moment. So instead of everyone busting to get what they want to say out (since that's what you seem to be doing, mobiledeli), you should just leave us be. It's not a law that we have to listen to your advice.

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

T.G-Tom wrote:

but all of the owners of our company think that the animation is fine.

You mean your poor brother or sister that you drag into your room and make them say that the animation is good? Ow c'mon dude. My respect for you is completley gone.

Well that was a bit harsh.

I would agree though that one's own family isn't the best source of critique if you're looking to improve your filmmaking.  My parents generally like anything I make, I sort of have to go to places like Bricks in Motion if I want criticism.


You all can say what you want, but nothing will change at the moment. So instead of everyone busting to get what they want to say out (since that's what you seem to be doing, mobiledeli), you should just leave us be. It's not a law that we have to listen to your advice.

I'm not sure what you're here for if you don't want people to critique your animation when it's below par.  The point of posting stuff on a forum like this is to get helpful feedback.

On a sidenote, it is generally considered sort of uncool to try to boost your video's search results by putting somebody else's username in the tags even though they had nothing to do with your video.

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

We don't mind criticism from the community, it's how the community distributes it is what makes us frustrated. Ratboy & yourself are some exceptions, along with others. Also, we agree that it isn't right to put other peoples channel names in the tags, so we will stop doing that.  And the company is not just our family, but we get the point that obviously our friends and family are going to say that it is good.

Last edited by Juggernaut Pictures (July 4, 2010 (12:37pm))

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

Seriously, you need to be able to accept that your animation is not good. When I say that, I'm talking about the camera quality, the lighting and the animation it self.

Just some friendly advice: keep filming at 15fps, use the ease in a out technique, take your time as well, don't rush it, practice doing things like walk cycles.

And who is 'we' and 'our' anyway? If its just you, with your brother or sister, just have one of you. Trust me, I tried this whole we, and our thing but its better just to have one person.

Last edited by Ratboy Productions (July 4, 2010 (12:40pm))

Re: Trailer - The Elite Generals Part #1 Trailer

If it doesn't look good to people, they are going to say it isn't good JP. Also, aren't trailers supposed to tell something about the film in the live action (I would have liked to hear voices look at Whittleberry's "Dracula" to see what I mean), it just seems you've put little animation tests and added titles so it seems like a trailer. There weren't any real sets in this film, like I could see your room in the first shot. Keep on working on your animation process too. Also I doubt ANYONE on this forum has a REAL animation company, I call myself VIMStudios but I do not have a real animation studio called VIM Studios, so don't try to go into those matters, it makes you seem very childish.

-Tejas VIM