Re: The CGI Thread

Well, since it's rather late at night now (about 9:00), I'll post a video thingy of what I'm doing tomorrow afternoon and see if I'm making any mistakes.

Re: The CGI Thread

Quick question while I'm finishing an already-started test; how would I make the word Lego appear on every stud? I understand that JamesW did this, so It would be great to hear from him. Also, where do you find the image to map it onto the brick?

Re: The CGI Thread


This would generally be the place where one would look to find a person's sense of humor. Good luck trying.

Re: The CGI Thread

I got the parts installed after the third time! But does anybody (Lech, maybe?) know how to make these messages permanentally go away so that I never have to see them again?


Re: The CGI Thread

Yeah, that happens because a piece is referencing a component that doesn't exist in the component folders.  There's no way around it unless you know exactly which piece is it that's doing that (usually it's an unofficial part), get the number, go into the PARTS folder and delete that piece.  Of course, that means you can't use that piece in the future.  Me, I just hold down the enter key until it goes away while I'm browsing for pieces.

As for logos on stud, why?  That's opening up cans of trademark worms.

Re: The CGI Thread

Okay, sounds good for the parts I guess.

And because what if I want to mix animation and CGI? It would look really out of place if suddenly the floor had no more logos on the studs. Plus, if you've got something like a miniature model, since it's going to be viewed a lot more up close, again it would look way out of the ordinary if there were no Lego logos on the studs. But why would it open up a bunch of trademark worms? It's pretty much the same exact thing as using Lego piecies in a brickfilm. Plus JamesW did it, and he didn't get sued. mini/tongue

And sorry for all the questions on this topic, but how would you make LeoCad accept the unofficial piecies and export them also? I just can't find how, though I've looked and tried a lot of different things.

Last edited by BGanimations (May 16, 2010 (07:20pm))

Re: The CGI Thread

LeoCAD's parts file does not include the unofficial pieces (last I checked) so you have to import everything in manually.  Click File>Pieces Library Manager... and a Pieces Library Manager Dialog Box will appear.  On it, go to File>Import Piece... and find your PARTS folder and select all or the parts you want to import.  I know for older versions of LeoCAD you couldn't import in bulk but with the latest one you can.  Takes a few minutes, but it gets the job done.  Afterwards, restart LeoCAD.

Plus JamesW did it, and he didn't get sued.


If you're going on the realistic route, better work on smoothing the edges of the studs too (for ALL the visible pieces).  What you speak of is bump mapping, by the way.  Utilizing a grayscaled/black-and-white map that simulates bumps on an otherwise flat surface.  Become familiar with mapping textures first before you go into it.

Re: The CGI Thread

Uh, I have the lastest version of LeoCad, but when I try to select more than about 5 or 10 parts to import, it says that there is an error reading the file.

I've actually tried bump mapping a few times before though, so I have an idea of how to do it in Blender. The thing that I don't know how to do is to smooth the edges of the studs.

Re: The CGI Thread

BGanimations wrote:

Uh, I have the lastest version of LeoCad, but when I try to select more than about 5 or 10 parts to import, it says that there is an error reading the file.

Hmm, don't know what's going on there, should be working as long you import from just the PARTS folder.

BGanimations wrote:

The thing that I don't know how to do is to smooth the edges of the studs.

I don't know the general term for it, but in Carrara, it's called Fillet.

Say you have a cube and you want to smooth the edges so it becomes a dice.  In Carrara, you would select the edges of the cube and use the fillet tool to cut those edges out, resulting in a cube that doesn't have sharp right angle edges.  My brief glance at Blender doesn't look promising but there maybe a plugin for it.  If only I knew the exact term that isn't "smooth edge".

EDIT: Scratch that, Bevelling.

Last edited by Lechnology (May 18, 2010 (12:56am))

Re: The CGI Thread

Well, I was importing from the parts folder, so I'm not quite sure again what got messed up.

Ah, I wasn't aware that the bevel modifier could be used to do that. I'll give it a try and see how it goes.

Re: The CGI Thread

I have a question, though it may depend entirely on personal preference.

I am working on a test animation of a ball bouncing, and it's not going smoothy (literally and figuratively). I started out by sticking in keyframes where I wanted the ball to be at a certain height, then doing the rest in the spline editor; I'm using Blender, btw, but I don't think that's really important. Now, it's taking a long time (I expected it to), and it's all a mad jumble, and I'm thinking that maybe I should just go and do the whole shot frame by frame, then smooth it all out in the spline editor. Is this an acceptable option?

Last edited by Littlebrick (May 18, 2010 (11:28pm))

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: The CGI Thread

Littlebrick wrote:

I'm thinking that maybe I should just go and do the whole shot frame by frame, then smooth it all out in the spline editor. Is this an acceptable option?

I would say that would be a lot of redundant keyframes for a simple ball bounce.  Maybe it's your timing?  Have you considered using a physics simulator?  Even if you don't want to use it in your renderings, you can still use it for reference when you want to keyframe the max height of the ball at certain frames.  Splining with just the max height should be as accurate as with a physics simulator in an ideal setting (flat surface, no other objects that the ball interacts with).  Perhaps posting a rendering of what you've deemed as not smooth might help determine which approach is best.

Of course, if you do keyframe every frame, you should at least delete the redundant ones as you use the spline editor.

Re: The CGI Thread

My reasoning is that, coming from stop-motion, where I have to do every frame by hand, it might help me to do it the same way in Blender until I get a better idea of how the splines should look. If I do it each frame by hand, it seems I would have all the motions pretty finished, except for any necessary smoothing out, which would involve deleting unnecessary keys.

I would post a render, but I'm not sure where Blender saves these things.

Last edited by Littlebrick (May 19, 2010 (04:56am))

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: The CGI Thread

Well, do you actually want to animate it moving around and stuff? Even if you do, I think there's a really easy solution that you've missed. With your ball selected, go into the Object panel, then go to the Physics Buttons. Click SOFT BODY and deselect the Use Goal option. Then you can control the mass, gravity, friction, speed, and all the other really fun stuff.

Then, with your only plane (or whatever it's going to be bouncing on) selected, go the collision (on the left side of the panel) and click Collision. Then just leave all the settings at default, because if you change them you could get some pretty unexpected results. And yes, you can animate and the physics will still work fine. You will just have to use an empty thingy and parent the object to it so that it will still move around.

Re: The CGI Thread

Any one have a 3D Lego earth?


Formerly LegoDudez

Re: The CGI Thread

Honestly, I don't see why you'd want a LEGO earth. Even if it were made out of LEGO, at that distance, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Plus they just look clunky and probably aren't worth the time anyway.

BG, I think you've missed my whole reason for doing this test animation in the first place; I don't just want to animate a ball bouncing, I want to animate a ball bouncing as if it were alive. Anyway, even if soft bodies could do the job I need done, which I don't think they can, animating it myself should hopefully help get me started in full character animation.

Also, I feel like you're getting the impression that I hardly know my way around Blender; but I've had versions of it on my computer since about 2005, so I'm pretty familiar with it.

Last edited by Littlebrick (May 20, 2010 (10:28am))

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: The CGI Thread

Just tell that to NXTManiac.

Re: The CGI Thread

Ah, sorry about that then. I knew your modeling skills are amazing, but I wasn't sure if you were aware of the soft bodies option or not. I wasn't really aware that you have been around Blender for so long also.

As to your solution of doing it frame by frame, I actually think that's a good idea. When I first started Blender, I did it frame by frame because I was comfortable with doing it the same way that I animate. Now I save time and don't do it every frame, but it still made it way easier for me.

Plus, I see that in your origional post, you said that you would post a render, but don't know where it saves to. The solution to that is easy at least, you the Scene buttons, and on the far left there is a panel called the Output panel. At the very top of the panel, click the small button that looks like a folder. Then just choose the location you want to save it to you, such as your desktop. (But if it isn't in a folder for the project itself, you might want to switch the file type to a Raw .avi, so that it's just one file).

Re: The CGI Thread

Ah, thanks. I'll get that render up if anyone wants to look at it; but I already know some of the things that need fixing. I'll probably just redo the whole thing frame-by-frame, though.

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: The CGI Thread

I need help making a CGI in blender! I have a motel but i don't know what 2 do HELP!!!! mini/eek

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