Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Okay, I'm pretty sure this theory has been brought up already outside the forum, but I'll mention it here:

Miles is the son of Dr. Pierre Chang (the Orientation Guy).

This would explain why he's experiencing the same time flash symptoms as Charlotte (who we now know grew up on the island) despite only being on the island for around two weeks.  And of course, in the season premiere, Dr. Chang woke up to feed his son, whose name was never mentioned.

Last edited by Lechnology (February 15, 2009 (06:15am))

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I could totally see them coming across a DHARMA orientation video and that coming out.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Lechnology said:
'This would explain why he's experiencing the same time flash symptoms as Charlotte'

But in the last episode I saw, the group with Sawyer were all getting the symptoms now

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Yes, but you cut off the rest of my quote about him saying he hasn't been on the island for more than 2 weeks while the others survivors have been there for over 3 months (which I apparently left out).  Meaning Charlotte and Miles have been on the island a lot longer than the survivors.

Last edited by Lechnology (February 16, 2009 (10:35am))

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I know LBJ won't want to hear this, but I find this season of LOST not as good as the others. I'm actually kind of getting bored with the show.

But I'm going to keep watching because I've already invested a ton of hours of my life into it mini/bigsmile

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

HOLY EFFING SH*T mini/eek mini/eek mini/eek

that was so freaking amazing!!!!

Did you guys see the new commercial after the episode?! John Joke was standing on a table with a rope around his neck and Ben was saying something to him!

Ben freaking lied AGAIN. HOLY HOLY HOLY CRAP


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Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Thoughts while watching:
-A la Pilot episode.
-"I wish"...
-OMG, it's a DHARMA station!
-Careful, Desmond, don't knock the pendulum off.
-Ajira Airways, aw crap, were they shooting at each other?
-Locke committed suicide?
-Almost gave in to his demons again, eh Jack?
-Hehe, freckles
-Well, where is Aar--okay, let's not ask mini/bigsmile
-With 36 hours left, they don't seem to be in a panic about getting ready.
-So, who here is rooting for whoever gave Ben a beating?
-Looks like Sayid is being forced onto the plane, like Kate was on Oceanic 815.
-Well, this is all too good to be true.  A lot of unexplained reasonAnd what about the kids Ji Yeon and Aaron?
-"Who cares?"  lol, same old Ben.
-Lapidus!  Lapidus, YAY!
-Ben's mother died at childbirth.  HE LIED!
-I think I heard a Wilhelm.

Yes, saw the preview for next week.  Even Widmore sees Locke's importance.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

This episode left me confused at the end.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I think the next episode of LOST will be better than any other episodes in the upcoming season.

I mean, its a John Locke episode, it looks so epic.


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"But 3D is cool as nipples, man. " - Jimmybob

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I have a hunch that some of the Ajira people survived the crash/warp/whatever, and that they were the ones shooting at the boat, not the Oceanic Six.

And yes, Lech, that was a Wilhelm in the plane at around 39:00, I heard it too.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

After seeing Jin the the Dharma uniform, I'm starting to think that he might be the guy we've been seeing in all of the old Dharma training videos.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

That sounds barely plausible, and I would consider it impossible if it weren't for the fact that two somewhat different-looking actresses were used to portray Danielle at different ages.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Maybe they are back in time, very far.


Last edited by Darkman (February 19, 2009 (11:02pm))
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Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Badger wrote:

After seeing Jin the the Dharma uniform, I'm starting to think that he might be the guy we've been seeing in all of the old Dharma training videos.

What?  No way.  Dr. Chang and Jin are two separate characters.

Jin's appearance would explain Faraday's appearance in the Orchid Station.  Perhaps after Locke left the island, the flashes stopped and everyone got stuck in Dharma era for the last 3 years or something and the survivors ended up mixing into the DHARMA crew.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

That's what I've been thinking for a while. It is probably how/when Faraday told Charlotte to never come back to the Island.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Next Episode: "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
Description: "Locke's fateful mission off the island as Jeremy Bentham is revealed."

"I'm looking forward to lots of sex for the new year." - BertL
"Erm, this is about what LEGO sets you're looking forward to in the new year." - Timothy R
"Oh, wait, sets..." - BertL

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Watching the rerun of last week's episode with the commentary and I just realize: Ben must have killed Penny, Desmond, Charlie or a combination of the three.  Terrible.

-So the Ajira plane did crash, but where was Caesar just in?
-LOST Take 2: Ajira 316
-John, knew it.
-Same desert destination.
-Widmore!  F*ck!
-So that's why Widmore hates Ben.
-Funny man, Widmore, funny man mini/tongue.
-Not the chair.  Not that evil wheelchair.
-Walt!  WALT!
-Ben...*shiver* always creeps me out.
-Hmm...they pretty much dumb-down Abaddon's significance.
-OMFG!  Not Abaddon!
-So he didn't hang himself, which would explain the lack--ah, nevermind.
-I guess the idea is that suicide isn't a form of sacrifice.

Wow...just wow.  Now I don't know who to believe, Ben with his compulsive lying or Widmore, whose mercenaries wiped out all the survivors down to like ten or eleven.

Last edited by Lechnology (February 26, 2009 (01:02am))

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

That was a great episode, but it moved a little to fast for me. I wish Lost was 2 hours long.

Okay, so John, went 3 years forward in time?! And I can't believe that they spoiled that John was alive in the teaser. What the crap? I wasn't quite sure until I watched the episode.

But anyways did you guys see the boats? they pointed them out. Those were the same boats that we saw the dark figures shooting at the survivors when they were trying to get to the orchid.

Okay, so then if they are stuck in Dharma Time and the flashes have stopped, if they were moving through time before that, wouldn't they eventually see themselves if they had gone back in the time (that they are present now) when they were going through the flashes?

My brain is going to explode!


Last edited by Jonathan|Marrero (February 26, 2009 (10:02am))

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"But 3D is cool as nipples, man. " - Jimmybob

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Well, obviously those were the same boats the Oceanic survivors took, but what about the wrecked Oceanic camp?  Assuming Ajira 316 did indeed crash into Dharma time, those boats would not have been there in the future Oceanic camp so maybe there's more time flashes to come.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

-OMG, the statue!  It's the statue!
-LaFleur sounds like--OMG it is!  Sawyer!
-Hey, it's Horace.
-Looks like the Oceanic survivors have settled into their Dharma roles.
-Amy...why does she look familiar...?  Oh yeah, 24.
-Dead bodies don't time travel apparently.
-Ah, Amy.
-Oh, nice, earplugs.
-Juliet's working as a mechanic?  What?
-Jin's English is better.
-How does Sawyer know about the Black Rock ship?
-Don't do it Daniel!
-Richard!  He can walk past the Pylons.
-Eyeliner, ahahaha, finally.
-Now it's like a love rectangle (Sawyer, Juliet, Kate, Jack)
-Haha, role reversal.
-That was a happy ending, sort of used to climatic-shocker-build-ups.

Hmm...I don't know.  Felt like a good episode.

Last edited by Lechnology (March 5, 2009 (12:56am))