Quotes from the YT comments:
"you are maybe the worlds best lego movie animator!!!!!!!! "
"too awsome to scientificlly comprehend!!!!"
"that is the best animation i have ever seen!!!"
"great great great awsome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! job man cooooooooooooooolllll "
"That was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Well, you have some light flicker, set bumps, a mixed bag of CGI work, overuse of particles, and average animation. Your main talent seems to be attracting audiences who are overly fond of exclamation marks.
No, no, I'm only kidding. The film really has some strong points, and was entertaining to watch. However, I hope you don't stagnate because your third-grade male audience thinks you're the greatest human to ever live. Keep improving and trying new things. You had some visually creative stuff there - try to cut down on your technical shortcomings in future films.
- Leo