Topic: UNTHAC 7 - Long Shot (part 1)

Two sleazy characters discuss their plans to swing the odds in their
favor at a local horse racing track, and the lucrative aspect of the plan
as well. Will they succeed? Watch, and find out! I worked on this on and off
for a little over a week since THAC 7.

This was originally intended to be an entry for THAC,
but due to various setbacks which occurred during production I was unable to get
the whole thing finished in 24 h. Near the middle of the night, I realized that there was no way I
would get it finished on time. As a result, I've decided to take my time on this and release it in
parts as I work on it at a pace more suited to my schedule and work habit. Someday I'll finish
one of these THAC things on time.......

And last, but not least, thanks goes to the venerable Philip Heinrich for lending his voice talents.

Be sure to download it - don't use the in-browser player. It sounds and looks terrible.

YouTube HD

Last edited by Blue Ghost (January 12, 2010 (09:36am))

Re: UNTHAC 7 - Long Shot (part 1)

I liked it mini/smile The animation was good and so was the lightning, I liked the food on the guys plate and the news paper was nice.
Nice job

Re: UNTHAC 7 - Long Shot (part 1)

Very nice, great quality, great voice acting, and a story that keeps you waiting restlessly for the next part all comes out to a awesome shortfilm.

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