Topic: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

As some of you may know, I've been working on a Time Cruisers brickfilm for some time now. I'm making this production log to keep myself motivated, really, because after nearly 6 years of on and off work I simply NEED to finish this film mini/lol It's a big project but I often find myself distracted by smaller, more finishable projects so I decided to now focus solely on Time Cruisers: Origins.

I came up with the idea to make this film after finishing my short Time Cruisers animation, Time Cruisers: A Refreshing Twist.

I wrote the 20-page script for Origins back in 2015 and it focuses on the history of the Time Crystals, how Tim becomes a superhero and why Tony Twister looks like a werewolf in A Refreshing Twist.

In this topic I will try to post regular updates on how the film's coming along, everything from set building and animation to editing and visual effects. But first let me outline the current state of the project:

  • I already have a finished screenplay (most of it storyboarded) and a cast who've all recorded their lines.

The cast:
Brick7 as Tim
Ahsagot5212 as Dr. Cyber
Jay Silver as Tony Twister
Rachel Dew as Mary (Tim's Mom)
Christof Munoz as The Creators
MegRae as Bobbi and The Queen of Time
Supermelty as Wacco
and Noah Sprague as the Cashier

The film is being released in chapters, the first one, The Time Traveling Banana is out now!

In the meantime, you can check out the teaser trailer I made 2 years ago.

Last edited by Arginnon (April 10, 2022 (08:00am))
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Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Looks absolutely fantastic sir! I love time cruisers, and this captures it’s essence, with a delightful style and  brickfilming skill. Keep up the amazing work!

"Whatever that thing AquaMorph said about french kissing that's always in people's signature"
Married? Solder you balls now.

Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Looks great! I love the title design and the animation in the trailer is great. That big head mouth animation is sweet.

Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Agreed. The title card is a real eye catcher.

"Whatever that thing AquaMorph said about french kissing that's always in people's signature"
Married? Solder you balls now.

Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Hope the project is still going well, Arginnon. I've been looking forward to it for years! Haha!

Yes, it's homemade, fresh from the toaster oven.

Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Blandeer wrote:

Hope the project is still going well, Arginnon. I've been looking forward to it for years! Haha!

The double-bladed compliment/lament every pet brickfilm project gets mini/wink

"Whatever that thing AquaMorph said about french kissing that's always in people's signature"
Married? Solder you balls now.

Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Just watched Time Cruisers: A Refreshing Twist. Great film! Can't wait for this one!

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Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Thank you for the kind, enthusiastic and inspiring words! I really appreciate them. You guys keep me motivated! mini/love

December's been busy with other stuff, but fortunately a slow January means more time for brickfilming. I dusted off the interior Time Lab set, which my brother and I built years ago. We based the design on the 6494 LEGO set, Magic Mountain Time Lab AKA Mystic Mountain Time Lab. This set is the basement of the lab, where most of the film takes place.

Alongside the animation I also started editing. It's weird to see shots created five years ago next to ones I animated yesterday... I only put together a rough cut of the first two scenes and the film's already 2 minutes long... I knew this was going to be a big project. mini/lol

I also came to an important realization during editing: I started thinking about releasing the film as an episodic series first, only uploading the full movie afterwards... I'm liking this idea more and more, but I would love to know your opinions on the matter!
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Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Set looks great!
I think it would be cool to have it as an episodic series. Especially if it's going to be pretty long.

"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b
"There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out." Russian Proverb

Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Series would be awesome, and probably get more attention. Great job, looking awesome!

"Whatever that thing AquaMorph said about french kissing that's always in people's signature"
Married? Solder you balls now.

Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it mini/smile
And now it's official: Time Cruisers: Origins will be released as a brickfilm series and I already have a title for chapter 1:

In the meantime I animated a bunch of shots and I've been working hard to finish Chapter 1 by doing a lot of editing, scoring as well as producing all the effects. Hopefully I can come back soon with a sneak peek!

Last edited by Arginnon (January 27, 2022 (07:42am))
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Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Awesome, can’t wait, title looks super clean and nice!

"Whatever that thing AquaMorph said about french kissing that's always in people's signature"
Married? Solder you balls now.

Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Still working hard on editing Chapter 1.
I still have some mouth animation to do and most of the sound design, I also have one more track of music to compose and a somewhat complex VFX shot to produce, but it's coming along nicely.

I wrote music themes for Dr. Cyber and Tony Twister already, but this last track will be more subtle, a sort of underscore for Chapter 1's final scene.

I haven't done much mouth animation in my brickfilms before (except for this film), but I thought a big project like this deserves the attention to detail.
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Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Looks amazing, I love the banana!

"Whatever that thing AquaMorph said about french kissing that's always in people's signature"
Married? Solder you balls now.

Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

I'm excited to announce that Chapter 1 is nearing completion! mini/mrgreen

The editing is pretty much done: I created all the visual effects and I edited all the dialogue, the music and all of the ambient sounds.

I still have to do most of the foley, I have a bit of sound recording left, I'll spend some time on color grading, and I'm also thinking about maybe filming one more shot to make this first installment even better – but after these Time Cruisers Chapter 1: The Time Traveling Banana will be finished!

I don't have a release date yet, because with Brickfilm Day coming up the brickfilm market will be highly saturated, but you can expect a final teaser and a release announcment near the end of the month. mini/yes
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Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

You'd get some more attention for this great-looking episode if you actually do it for brickfilm day...

"Whatever that thing AquaMorph said about french kissing that's always in people's signature"
Married? Solder you balls now.

Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

That's actually not a bad idea...
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Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Since Chapter 1 has already been released I'd love to hear some feedback as I start production on Chapter 2. I'd love to hear from you!

In the meantime, I will create a behind the scenes post for chapter one soon, and I will continue to post updates here and on my Twitter, so stay tuned!

Here's a new still from the upcoming Chapter 2 (title still pending):
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Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log
A new poster for Chapter 2 with a title reveal: Time Cruisers: Timebuster
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Re: Time Cruisers: Origins - Production Log

Still working on Chapter 2 (hopefully to be released on Brickfilm Day). I'm currently animating CGI space sequences involving the titular Timebuster's time machine.

I designed the time machine based on the concepts of Christian Faber which influenced the early Time Cruiser comics before the official Flybo time machine was designed. You can learn more about the history of the Time Cruisers theme here. I use this resource a LOT.

You can follow me on Instagram for more regular updates!
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