Topic: King Kong on LEGO 21046 Empire State (Speed) Building
King Kong on LEGO 21046 Empire State (Speed) Building
this is a mixture-clip of animation, speedbuild and making-of,
showing LEGO Architecture 21046 Empire State Building, NYC - what i made as a present to myself - in speedbuilding and a "microscale" animation with Doctor King Kong (Stuntman).
No Policemen and Taxidrivers got hurt while filming!
I made this clips to reanimate my YouTube-Channel and maybe get some subscribers, finding this randomly on YT and like what they see - some of my best performing clips on YT were speedbuild crazyness - so why not showing a animation afterwards? and as a bonus: a making of timelapse. It also was fun to animate and it is a massive cool Set.
have fun with King Kong in New York City
Last edited by golego (June 16, 2019 (11:35am))