Topic: Isolation - Production Thread
Hello one and all! And welcome to the Production Thread for "Isolation", a lego horror short. In this thread I'll try and post updates as often as possible.
I used to be pretty active on this forum a few years ago (read four), but I haven't had the time to do any brickfilming for the past four years after moving etc. I used to work on a large project called "Vengeance", although I doubt anyone remembers that project. I planned the film to be a huge steampunk-esque epic with an approximated 70mins of runtime. The project ended up being way to big for me though, at least for the time. I wasn't really up to the challenge, and I'm sorry to say I probably won't finish it. At least not in its current state. I'd also like to take the opportunity to thank and apologise to each and every one of you who helped out with the voice acting. I'm sorry I won't be able to finish it, and I'm sorry I never let you know what happened.
Link to the previous project in case you're interested:
ANYHOW. Back to the current project. So what is "Isolation"? Well, It's a horror-thriller short, set in an isolated cabin way out in the woods. Our protagonist currently lives there by himself. One night, the power inexplicably goes out, and strange things start to happen. Something dark lurks in the corners, but is it real or just in his imagination?
Basically, I wanted to try make a lego horror film. I haven't seen many before, so I think it'll be a nice challenge. This project is estimated to end up at around 15 minutes. I'm only dealing with one location though, and mostly only one character, which should speed up animation at least a bit I hope.
Animation has not started yet, but I plan to start shooting within a week. The script and sets are basically done, and I've organised a shot list for the entire scipt, although I'm looking to borrow a better objective for my camera before I start shooting. One with better macro-capabilities. I'll probably set up a casting call soon as well.
Meanwhile, I did some quick mock-up test shots just today to get a rough idea of the finished product. The framing is a bit off, and the lighting isn't optimal, but eh. Good enough for a test. More pictures of the interior of the cabin will follow soon!