Re: The Film Scoring challenge!
i'm very keen to have a go at something. and I have a few days off.... lets start it again. I like just scoring a piece of film...
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i'm very keen to have a go at something. and I have a few days off.... lets start it again. I like just scoring a piece of film...
I was thinking we'd wait until just around the new year to reboot the challenge, but, if enough people are up for it earlier, than I'd love to see If I Were A Minifig come up with something for us to score around a christmas theme perhaps...?
Otherwise, I was going to sort of "re-instate" myself as leader on the 4th, and suggest something... just to see if anyone was still interested (especially after THAC and the holidays).
I'd really like to see this thread continue I really had a lot of fun with it.
i wouldnt enter if it where christmas. just putting it out there.
here's an Idea. maybe make some piece of music that sounds star wars/y
Alright. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I will announce a challenge theme tomorrow, so everyone be ready. It'll be just a short something to keep everyone occupied till THAC XIII!!!
With Cooked Cat's objection to Christmas themed topics in mind, I hope to have something engaging. I just really want people to participate.
With Cooked Cat's objection to Christmas themed topics in mind, I hope to have something engaging. I just really want people to participate.
I'd suggest waiting on the inevitable "Star Wars" themed topic until after THAC... And, honestly, I would like to do a Christmas theme, but, I'll wait and see what you do come up with. Either way, I'd love to participate. Hopefully this challenge can stick around a bit longer this time.
So... with Dyland's StarWars themed objections, I shall continue seeking a nice little tidbit to score before THAC. Actually, I think I've got just the thing...
Here is this week's contest theme:
Write a piece of music to accompany this Sci-fi indie film trailer:
You have until next Sunday to complete and submit an entry. It would be great it it was synced to the video, but not required.
Also (to appeal to Cooked Cat's interest), I thought Kylo Ren's new main theme lacked... well... the force of Darth Vader's "Imperial March." As a suggestion for a future contest theme, we could create our own Kylo Ren theme. Just throwin' that out there.
yes. im done. just trying to upload the video and all...
given im having issues....
I will try uploading the track with video....
there you go. watch that.
Last edited by Cooked Cat (January 2, 2016 (05:28pm))
Yes indeed.
Your piece was good, it fit the trailer quite well. My only real suggestion would be adding more to the Bass. I couldn't really hear anything below, generally, midrange pitches, but that might just be my speakers.
Anyway, good show. The topic is yours!
We could go with the Kylo Ren theme I suggested, since his theme in SW7 was did not live up to the imperial march.
Or you could find a short scene or trailer of some kind for us to score.
i'd also like to do the kylo ren thingy you see, but be competing. if we could find someone else to judge, then, sure, if not, how about, lets say,
this scene:
given the music isnt very loud, and it is using mainly the sound effects for suspense, I was thinking, some of you folks could have a go at scoring it....
I like the idea, but the scene is a little long for just one week... just a thought.
ok, hows about this instead...
make a score to suit this peace. it sorta lacked one, like a driving score thingy.
deadline: 16th of Jan. 2016.
Cool. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.
so... no entries.....
Yeah... real life jumped out and kicked me in both shins. Not much time for anything brick film related.:troll:
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