Re: The Film Scoring challenge!
We'll see...
"Contrary to the old saying, the trick is not to expect but accept the unexpec..." ~ Rick Rascal
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We'll see...
Remember everyone, tomorrow, November 2nd at 12:00 PM EST is the deadline for this week's contest!
If you still want to enter, now's the time to do it! I will be reviewing the entries tomorrow afternoon. I'd rather see more people participate than to not.
Winning's not everything. Remember, just entering is an accomplishment in itself.
Though I forgot to post the "final reminder" just before lunch today, I don't think it would have been necessary either way.
If I Were A Minifig is the clear winner here! Congratulations!
Your entry beautifully married the onscreen action (or lack thereof) and maintained a really creepy underlying tone with the strings and piano. I, personally, am very interested in the possible use of instruments used in "reverse" for possible musical themes, and, the backwards cymbals perfectly do this.
Go ahead and choose the next theme, If I Were A Minifig. The deadline should be exactly a week from when you decide and post your theme.
I'd really like to see some more participation from contestants, by the way. If we have too many contests go by with 1 or less entrants at a time, we may have to close the Film Scoring challenge. And, I wouldn't want to see that happen.
Thanks for the kind words. I find reverse cymbal to be the most practical of reversed instruments. Actually making music that works with that sound, is hard.
I'll try to have a working theme by Friday (at latest). And I agree that if more go by with just one entrant, we should suspend this challenge until a holiday season, when people will have more time to work on entries.
Alright everyone. I've got this week's film scoring challenge. This week's challenge is to write a song fitting THIS scene:
The words (voice over) of the clip are as follows...
"Earth, before the war.
New York, before I was born; a place I've only seen pictures of.
I know you, but we've never met.
I'm with you, but I don't know your name.
I know I'm dreaming, but it feels like more than that . . . It feels like a memory.
How can that be?"
This week's contest will end 00:01AM GMT, Nov 13th. Good luck.
Last edited by If I Were A Minifig (November 5, 2015 (02:22pm))
ooh, I will TRY to enter!
Just over a day left... dun dun DUUUUN!!!
(I just made a music joke, get it?)
Well... I guess that's it for this thread. Seeing as there were no entrants to this contest, I suppose it should be decommissioned until December when people (usually) have more time. If anyone is working on an entry and just needs a little extra time, keep working! DON'T GIVE UP!
Well... I guess that's it for this thread. Seeing as there were no entrants to this contest, I suppose it should be decommissioned until December when people (usually) have more time. If anyone is working on an entry and just needs a little extra time, keep working! DON'T GIVE UP!
I actually came down with a cold this week, and thusly didn't really have time to do anything. However, I did work on the basics of a score last weekend, and, if I get around to mixing that tonight or tomorrow, I'll upload that.
I, too, wouldn't be against holding off on the contest until December, and then perhaps trying out a month-long contest - even if just for a finale to the Film Score Challenge. I really enjoyed working on it while it just started
It's still the 12th here, sooooo...
EDIT: Threw something together, it's not so good, but this forced me to make a music.
Last edited by 1011Ev (November 13, 2015 (12:52am))
Alrighty then! I suppose we'll give Dyland the weekend to GET HIS ACT TOGETHER!!!
Glad you were able to enter 1011Ev. I'll give you feedback once this round officially ends.
I suppose we'll give Dyland the weekend to GET HIS ACT TOGETHER!!!
Thanks for the extension, If I Were A Minifig, but, I hardly needed it. Here's my score, synced to the video: Ode to Oblivion.
I really, really like the feeling of 1011Ev's piece, though. Especially how he was able to accomplish what he did with just the two instruments.
Alright then, that's a rap (like RAP MUSIC!!! )
I've got to say this round goes to 1011Ev. I felt the nature of your piece really fit the scene. It felt reflective, maybe even nostalgic. And since the clip was about a dream or a memory, I thought it was a good fit. (Also, bonus points for squeezing that much character out of just two instruments, as Dyland said.)
Dyland, I've always been a fan of that kind of chord progression. It walks up the scale and feels very natural. Good job with it. It's only downfall was that the scene had words, and I didn't feel that your tune captured the mystery being described in the text.
So good job to you both, but 1011Ev stands victorious. Feel free to choose a theme. (Actually, it might be good for you to choose a month-long theme, as that would get us well into December.) You know the rules.
Till then, keep on writing!
A month long theme... hmm...
Well, I think the best option (or at least my favorite idea) would be to find a long clip, and have us score that. One of the scenes I looked at for my contest was this:
but I knew that that scene would have been far too long for a single week. I think you could definitely do something like that, a long scene (preferably without words, or with closed captioning, so that we can watch it muted). Or if there's a short film you know of.
I personally find it a lot easier to write music if I have something visual to write to. Dunno. That's just my 2 cents worth.
I think I may be able to score an entry for a challenge very similar to this. I may only be able to score half of a clip this length based on the amount of time available, and especially scoring to the best of my ability. I also suggest the challenge is based on that clip, as I can see it would be very fun to score and as composers we can express many emotions with our music synced to this. Just my opinion though.
Sounds good to me! Especially since the shortfilm I had in mind is nearly twice the length of the Halo 5 video.
Contest: Compose a piece to this Halo 5 Cinetmatic Opening.
Deadline: Wednesday, December 2nd 2015.
This gives you about three and a half weeks, don't procrastinate (like me)!
I wrestled with this clip, but I've determined it's not gonna happen. I listened to the Halo 5 soundtrack too many times when it came out, and that song fits the scene too perfectly. I can't think of any other music in that scene. I am therefore forced to bow out. Good luck to those who plan to enter.
Well, it's December, school's out, so we could probably try to re-boot this thread. I've got a video people could potentially score. But it was 1011Ev's turn last, and no one entered so we could let him pick another theme. Y'all let me know what you think.
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