Topic: I’ve discovered the mother lode. 1500+ LEGO png faces, torsos, & more
This is a dream come true for many of us who love to play with post production in our films. Especially CGI faces. What I have discovered is a directory full of png files of faces, torsos, and other brick skins.
These files have come from the LEGO Digital Designer software- hidden in the Assests.lif file. I used a lif extractor, which you can test out yourself if you want to. Inside the assets folder there was another .lif file that needed to be extracted. Once finished, I had access to all of the skins used in the program. All of these files were location in Assets/db/Decorations.
If you want to browse everything else in the assets file, you can download LEGO Digital Designer (~500 mb) and the extractor and view it yourself. But to save you time and bandwidth I’ve uploaded the to MediaFire (~20 mb). As mentioned in the title, this contains 1500+ different png files of many different LEGO skins.
However, the files themselves are disproportionate. What I mean is that the face.png files are too narrow, but with some testing I believe that adjusting the horizontal length by 150% is sufficient.
Be aware that the images themselves are small. They are 128x128 pixels, and cannot be used in post-processing right away. They will require being traced as vectors, and if you wish to have facial animations, the phonemes will need to be created as well.
Anyways, here is a small glimpse of what is contained in the folder:
Last edited by Mason (January 9, 2015 (06:13pm))