Topic: Mouth Animation Tests

Test 1
Test 2
I finally got GlueFace to work. mini/smile

Re: Mouth Animation Tests

Any Feedback?

Re: Mouth Animation Tests

Hmm, I'm not so sure. They look a bit to MS Paint-ish, and the original mouth is pretty visible under the animated mouth in the first test. The timing of the mouths is better in the second one, though I still don't like them being put over still frames instead of actual animation.

Re: Mouth Animation Tests

the 1st ones mouth and voice was kinda off but i give it a thumbs up mini/wink

If a weird hobo appears on your yard return him to me.

Re: Mouth Animation Tests

your live footage is desaturated and grainy, ad those filters to the mouth and they might match better.

Re: Mouth Animation Tests

I agree with MindGame they look like they've been made on MS Paint mini/sad (I know you made it with Glueface)
but I would say it was a good first attempt. mini/smile

Re: Mouth Animation Tests

I think the problem is that the picture quality is quite blurry and desaturated, this is why the mouth's look out of place, because they are more defined.