Topic: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

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"...but Michael, Florida's a state! Not a town." Well, now it's a town. Deal with it.

By the way, the whole Florida thing is my joke. I want my joke back. It's copyrighted.

Last edited by LASF (August 12, 2014 (02:42pm))

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

Ha ha ha. That had me smiling pretty much the whole way through. My only real gripe is that the blonde guy spoke way too slowly and whinily, but it wasn't bad enough to keep this from being funny.

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

That was silly. Really good execution of the silly brickfilm genre, I was laughing the whole way through. Also, the animation was really good, I love that cartoony style, nice work. mini/smile

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

Thanks guys! I'm super glad you liked it. mini/smile

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

Why do I feel like I missed something important during the past week?

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

FlyingMinifig wrote:

Why do I feel like I missed something important during the past week?

Because you did.

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

What a wonderful town!

(yes this is what I was working on while everyone else was doing BRAWL)

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

The mystery of the [FLORIDA] avatars is now revealed.

The guy who got banned more times than DiCaprio said "f***" in The Wolf Of Wall Street.

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

Hazzat wrote:

What a wonderful town!

(yes this is what I was working on while everyone else was doing BRAWL)

*Tallahassee (sorry)

brickelodeon wrote:

The mystery of the [FLORIDA] avatars is now revealed.

Indeed, it has been revealed.

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

This is the best film you have made.
I love it.

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

Squid wrote:

This is the best film you have made.
I love it.

Thanks! mini/bigsmile

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

Oh my gosh, this is gold. It's zany fun; that's all you get when you come out of the Skype chat. And that dude with the phone obviously wasn't in the Skype chat. Poor soul.

I wasn't in the Skype chat either; I just put the avatar up there to trick people into thinking I was, so that they'd think I was part of the joke. Heh heh! Sneaky me!

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

Mickey wrote:

Oh my gosh, this is gold. It's zany fun; that's all you get when you come out of the Skype chat. And that dude with the phone obviously wasn't in the Skype chat. Poor soul.

I wasn't in the Skype chat either; I just put the avatar up there to trick people into thinking I was, so that they'd think I was part of the joke. Heh heh! Sneaky me!

I'm glad thy master of onion rings approves. mini/bigsmile

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

Glad to have been a part of this, love Lucas' FLORIDA interruptions, had me laughing a lot.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

This was a great comedy (in a weird cult sort of way). 
Nice work, perfect comedic animation!  I especially liked the body expression you gave the minifigures, especially near the start with the whole "Shhhhh" "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh" thing, the lean right there was perfect.  Nice work!

Re: The Town of Florida - BRAWL 2014

The Town of Florida


My BRAWL 2014 entry which placed 15th out of 43rd! Enjoy!

Last edited by LASF (August 12, 2014 (10:25am))