Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]


Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

This contest looks fun!  Some quick questions that I haven't seen answered:

Can the lines be extended or do they have to be the whole sentence?  For example, it looks like one of the lines last time was "I hope you kept the receipt"; could we use "I hope you kept the receipt for that rubber ducky"?

Can we split a line, as long as the two parts are contiguous?  So if the line was "Definitely not more than two" could we make it: "Definitely not!  More than two sheep are needed to spring that trap!".

Can we use a homonym as long as a line sounds the same?  Instead of "Oh no!  They're going to come after you!" could we have "Oh no!  They're going to come after Hugh!"

I just had a lot of fun working on "Wishes: 1 Gold" with ahnt and we are really looking forward to trying this contest with a bit more time.  I'll enjoy seeing how I can play with a theme while staying strictly within the rules.


--- Charles

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Sonjira wrote:
Just Kidden wrote:
MPfist0 wrote:

I see I have to ask again.

Yeah, as long as you put subtitles in the finished film.

If you don't know the language, how will you know if they are correct? (Google Translate doesn't work for every language, especially ones that have characters and symbols instead of the normal alphabet (i.e. letters a,b,c)

What I meant was that I might want to make it in Italian, my first language. Doesn't mean I'm going to do that, I'm asking just in case I do.
Thank you, JK, I was worried because some words may change in the translation, therefore changing a bit the line.

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Sounds cool, I'm going to try to enter. Even though I say that about every single contest that is held, ever, and never really do.

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

MPfist0 wrote:
Sonjira wrote:
Just Kidden wrote:

Yeah, as long as you put subtitles in the finished film.

If you don't know the language, how will you know if they are correct? (Google Translate doesn't work for every language, especially ones that have characters and symbols instead of the normal alphabet (i.e. letters a,b,c)

What I meant was that I might want to make it in Italian, my first language. Doesn't mean I'm going to do that, I'm asking just in case I do.
Thank you, JK, I was worried because some words may change in the translation, therefore changing a bit the line.

I'm am Sorry. mini/sad
Youtube @TheRealSonjira I consider it a personal defeat if my pee is not perfectly clear every time.]

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

mercere99 wrote:


--- Charles

Welcome to the forum Charles!

Whats the back story behind "mercere99"? And we seriously need to work on your avatar mini/smile

Cheers Arend

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

mercere99 wrote:

Can the lines be extended or do they have to be the whole sentence?  For example, it looks like one of the lines last time was "I hope you kept the receipt"; could we use "I hope you kept the receipt for that rubber ducky"?

Yes, as long as the original line is the sentence in it's whole.

mercere99 wrote:

Can we split a line, as long as the two parts are contiguous?  So if the line was "Definitely not more than two" could we make it: "Definitely not!  More than two sheep are needed to spring that trap!".

I'd like for the line to be in the same sentence.

mercere99 wrote:

Can we use a homonym as long as a line sounds the same?  Instead of "Oh no!  They're going to come after you!" could we have "Oh no!  They're going to come after Hugh!"

No, I would prefer it if the line were to be the exact line listed.

Welcome to the forums, and thank you for these questions, I'm glad you asked. I hope to see you enter! mini/smile

Last edited by Just Kidden (December 24, 2011 (03:09pm))

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Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Thats a good one.

Last edited by Tjark (December 26, 2011 (07:44am))

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

The contest starts now! … 5/#p256375

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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