Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Ok then, it'll start next week. It's still Winter Break then, I believe. I'll try to get prizes by then, but if I don't I'll try to get prizes as the contest goes on.

It now starts on December 26, 2011 at 12:00 PM GMT, and ends two weeks later at the same time.

Hope this is convenient for you guys- if it isn't I'll be willing to change it again.

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

It'll work out for me. Sounds like fun mini/smile

- PlainBrick
Formerly MrLegoProductions
Youtube - My Latest Video

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Wow. In only 4 days. I guess I won't be making a New Year's special. mini/tongue This sound cooler anyway. mini/delirium

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Perfect date. Can't wait!

'look like it was shot at 2 FPS by a blindfolded five year old boy with broken fingers and no thumbs.' -PushOver
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3

Drifter (THAC 11) - Here

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

I will possibly enter.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Ooooh sounds like an interesting contest. I'm going to try and and enter. mini/smile

I'm working on getting my studio back up and running, so stay posted...

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

I can't enter mini/sad

Good luck everyone!

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]


Nah, I really need to edit Bricks: Episode 1 over the break.

I would like to do this, though.  Maybe next time.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

I will probably enter, though I will only have a week to make my entry, since I will be in Louisville visiting my cousins the week of the 26th.
Youtube @TheRealSonjira I consider it a personal defeat if my pee is not perfectly clear every time.]

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Can't make it..... well if I wip up my entry in less then a week I can.... Lets see how THAC goes.

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

I hope i will be able to enter.


Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Just Kidden wrote:

The point of this contest is to create a film with the ten lines (lines of dialog) that we give you.

IMHO, I'd like to see you guys provide a list of thirty lines which the people entering can then choose their ten lines from. I'll even help come up with the list, since I probably won't be entering anyway.

Also, I don't think the creation of a "Contest Starts NOW" thread is needed, but that's just me.

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

I like that idea.

We already have ten lines, but we can think of twenty more. mini/cat

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Yeah, i like that idea mini/smile

- PlainBrick
Formerly MrLegoProductions
Youtube - My Latest Video

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

I don't. I think that would really dilute the premise of the contest by making it a lot less challenging, and harder to judge all the entries on an equal footing.

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Oh gosh I hadn't thought of that. :U

I'll change it back, that makes a lot more sense. >.<

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Wasn't that the case with the original contest though? Perhaps it need not even be thirty, but rather something like fifteen?

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

I didn't expect you'd bend to my will THAT easily! mini/lol

I think Jargon's right, though, that there was something like that in the original. I don't remember. Maybe it would allow for a little more pliability and, thus, less contrived use of lines. It's not a big deal to me either way, I was just giving my $0.02

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Oh no, that is no good timing for me. If I'd enter, I'd have only about two days, which means I probably can't enter. mini/sad

Oh well, good luck to everyone else!

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Currently going for the "Most Inactive" BiM award.

Re: The Ten Lines Contest 2011/2012 [CLOSED]

Oh god, this contest is back? Great, I hope I'll be able to do something for this. I have one problem though: as somebody whose first language isn't english, would it be fine to enter with the ten lines translated in another language? You have to consider that the translation might change the original line when I would translate it back to english in the subtitles (can't think of examples right now).