Topic: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

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I Am The Darkness


EDIT: When I first rendered this video, something messed up, and several of the frames I origonally animated were dropped out, and it didn't look as smooth. It wasn't properly 15 FPS. I've now re-uploaded it with a fixed file, along with some slight modifications to the audio. Please watch it again now that it's fixed.

A LEGO Batman adventure made for the LEGO Super Heroes contest.

I rushed this to get it out in time, so it’s not quite so good as it could have been. Basically, Batman goes and beats up some bad guys.  I’m sorry for the dreadful inconsistency with the lighting.  I really messed up there.

My next Batman film “I Am The Night” will be better.  I assure you.  I’m going to take my time with that one, and I’ll have less ridiculous stuff like I had here.  Please criticize every or any aspect of this film possible.  I would like to make the next one as good as it can possibly be.

PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE FILM.  I always like to add extra little scenes after the credits, and this one is my favorite yet.

Thanks to My sister for composing in such a short time, Stan for voicing, LSP for letting me use something of his, and especially to LGFB.

Last edited by Squid (February 10, 2013 (11:16am))

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

Before I watch: Wow! Finally! I´ve waited so long for this. Cant wait.

After: Ah-Mah-Zing!!! mini/eek
Your set is super awesome. But I think it ended a bit fast. He was just walking away. And then done?

The animation was superb. The fight scene was very good. And the camera movement was good looking. The music was nice too mini/smile 10/10 from me!

I think you will be placed in top 1 xD Good luck!


I need a new name! HELP

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

The ending is... EPIC mini/eek

The cinematography was beautiful...  CRAWME BROKE OUT mini/lol

Great job.

   -Story: 5/10
   -Cinematography: 9/10
   -Sound: 7/10
   -Voices: 7/10
   -Animation: 7/10
   -Music: 6/10

→OVERALL: 8/10

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

I hope that you place well!
The video was well done, but the grunting by Batman was...annoying. mini/tongue
The only thing is that it didn't have much of a story, but very few of the other entries have much of one, so that may not matter.
Good Luck!

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

That was pretty good, well done. I think that some of the fighting could have been a little better, but it was still pretty impressive. Loved the sets and I thought the sound design was very nice. I hope you place really high in this competition! mini/bigsmile

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

ANP wrote:

Please criticize every or any aspect of this film possible.  I would like to make the next one as good as it can possibly be.

Whatever you wish, my master.
Well, I think I was expecting something more like your other movies, with a more complex story and some memorable fight scenes. I must say some parts were impressive though.
In some parts it's clear that you rushed to get it done: the fighting was well animated, but the camera changed angle way too fast and maybe too much, and I as a viewer couldn't really tell what was going on. Sometimes a wider view of the fight that last more than 2 seconds might work better. Same thing with the sequence at the beginning, it's all so sudden.
Actually, I think the lighting was quite good. What I think could have been executed better, was the music: don't get me wrong, it was a great soundtrack and would have worked in a similar situation, but here with batman I think it wasn't strong enough, maybe something more heavy would have worked better instead of an organ.
And last thing, I agree with Pritchard Studios, batman's grunts became annoying after a while.
But I enjoyed it a lot nonetheless. The scene at the end was funny, and "CRAWME BROKE OUT" made me laugh.
Can't wait to see "I am the Night", I'm sure that will be a masterpiece. Good luck with the contes, you'll do good. 4/5

Last edited by MPfist0 (November 14, 2011 (10:01am))

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

Thanks for all the feedback. mini/smile

Yeah, main problem with this is how rushed it is. mini/tongue I'll try to fix as many of these other problems as possible next time. mini/smile And yeah, I guess I did have too many grunts here.

My mind just wouldn't think up a good story line. >.< But I've got a great one planned for Night. mini/yes

The main purpose of this is to show off some awesome action and beat out most of the cheesy stuff in the contest within a short amount of time so I can get some more LEGO, and a bit of experience. And I think it'll do just that.

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

Pretty awesome! The only thing I don't really like on your Batman design is the face, in my opinion, he just should have a normal face. I hope you'll end up on an awesome place! (loved the scene with LGFB getting eaten by Mr. Munchy mini/XD)


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Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

Personally I think this is your best film so far, sir.
I really enjoyed that. Loved the set design, voice acting and animation the most of all.
(I'm glad that you used legos for explosion instead of cgi.)

Last edited by CrazyEd (November 14, 2011 (01:59pm))

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

Very nice!

The editing was a little bit too fast pace for my taste. It felt almost as if you had didn't have enough footage for some of the shots... But maybe the pace is intentional.

Anyway nice work and very cool lighting setup, but we already seen that in the previews.

Looking forward to the "long version"!
Keep up the good work.

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

The Superhero reference was my favorite bit. mini/tongue

Beautifully animated, fantastic work. Definitely on my favorite brickfilms list.

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

The editting was pretty fast but kinda suited (pardon the pun) the fight scenes but the camera angles made it a bit jumpy.
Sets were awesome mini/bigsmile

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

It was all awesome except the music, Batmans face, and swords..?

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

Ok here is my unofficial review........

Animation: 4.5/5
Sound effects: 4/5
Visual effects: 3.7/5
Music: 4.8/5
Story: 4/5

I absolutely loved it! mini/smile the action was intense, the voice acting was awesome and how you designed Batman......well....totally awesome. I think where where it fell apart a little was the story, I did like it but it just wasn't that captivating. Needless to say I added it to my favorites. mini/bigsmile

OVERALL: 8.9/10

I'm working on getting my studio back up and running, so stay posted...

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

That was really good. Everything awesome about it has been said already.
Few nitpicks:
I wish there was some sort of audio or music at the beginning before Alfred spoke. I checked my speakers to make sure they were on at first because it seemed weird without any sound at the beginning.
And, Wayne's vioce quality was a little mediocre, sounded like he was talking in a can.

Otherwise, it was truly awesome and I can't wait for your bigger project.

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

I like it, but until I watched it I believed that was your real big project movie I am the Night. mini/smile

Last edited by Lord Lajaka (November 15, 2011 (01:12pm))
Jesse the Ninja - filming 50% - editing 20% - over all 35,0%

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

Olsonstudios wrote:

That was really good. Everything awesome about it has been said already.
Few nitpicks:
I wish there was some sort of audio or music at the beginning before Alfred spoke. I checked my speakers to make sure they were on at first because it seemed weird without any sound at the beginning.
And, Wayne's vioce quality was a little mediocre, sounded like he was talking in a can.

Otherwise, it was truly awesome and I can't wait for your bigger project.

Yeah, I do admit that really should have had something, maybe a few ambient bird chirps for outside could have worked. But, I didn't have any at the moment, and I was rushing.

Sorry about Wayne's voice quality. For certain reasons, I could not use my usual recorder when Doug did his lines, but I plan to fix that next time around.

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:

Thanks for all the feedback. mini/smile

Yeah, main problem with this is how rushed it is. mini/tongue I'll try to fix as many of these other problems as possible next time. mini/smile And yeah, I guess I did have too many grunts here.

My mind just wouldn't think up a good story line. >.< But I've got a great one planned for Night. mini/yes

The main purpose of this is to show off some awesome action and beat out most of the cheesy stuff in the contest within a short amount of time so I can get some more LEGO, and a bit of experience. And I think it'll do just that.

Dude I have watched alot of the entries in this contest. Yours is by far one of the best ones I have seen. And if it does not win or at least come in the top three then there is something wrong with the judges or they just want crap to win.

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)


THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: I Am The Darkness (fixed)

It fit what you were trying to achieve for the contest, but I really didn't like it all. The editing and camera movements were way too fast, the sound quality of the voice acting didn't sound the best, and the music just didn't fit at all. I still have hope for I am the Night though, and I'm sure you will do a much better job with that.

bricksinmotion member of the year