A LEGO Batman adventure made for the LEGO Super Heroes contest.
I rushed this to get it out in time, so it’s not quite so good as it could have been. Basically, Batman goes and beats up some bad guys. I’m sorry for the dreadful inconsistency with the lighting. I really messed up there.
My next Batman film “I Am The Night” will be better. I assure you. I’m going to take my time with that one, and I’ll have less ridiculous stuff like I had here. Please criticize every or any aspect of this film possible. I would like to make the next one as good as it can possibly be.
PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE FILM. I always like to add extra little scenes after the credits, and this one is my favorite yet.
Thanks to My sister for composing in such a short time, Stan for voicing, LSP for letting me use something of his, and especially to LGFB.