Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Squid wrote:
topitmunkeydog wrote:

I hope they just don't do the colorful skin. Real skin tones please. Not the original coat colours.

I'm guessing that they did that to avoid them looking like any specific race.

I think DHX has learned to be careful around the soccer moms after the Derpy incident.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Doesn't this kind of defeat the purpose of the title of the show?
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Im not sure
I feel like they could avoid the majority of controversy if they assigned each pony different races and did not perpetuate stereotypes (of course they wouldn't do that! Stereotypes are reserved for stupid shows like South Park.)

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

In all fairness, as stereotypical as South Park can be, it's still a somewhat clever show. I feel like a much fairer comparison would be Family Guy.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Yeah, sure, Family Guy. I haven't seen either of them and don't want to so I am just going off of their notoriety.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Once upon a time there was a BiMer that said he didn't want to watch a television show. It's just a fad, he thought! He had heard about this show, and knew in his heart of hearts that there was no way he would like it.

He wrote:

Fight the system! Don't succumb to ponies!

But then something magical happened. He watched the show, and realized that he had been horribly mistaken. It wasn't a bad show at all! He learned to never judge a show by notoriety ever again.

...or not, because that was totally you, dawg. If we want to go around telling people to give our show a chance, it's only fair that we return the favor by not bashing things we haven't seen.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Equestria Girls Furries.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Squash wrote:

Once upon a time there was a BiMer that said he didn't want to watch a television show. It's just a fad, he thought! He had heard about this show, and knew in his heart of hearts that there was no way he would like it.

He wrote:

Fight the system! Don't succumb to ponies!

But then something magical happened. He watched the show, and realized that he had been horribly mistaken. It wasn't a bad show at all! He learned to never judge a show by notoriety ever again.

...or not, because that was totally you, dawg. If we want to go around telling people to give our show a chance, it's only fair that we return the favor by not bashing things we haven't seen.

who, me? mini/smile

In my defense I didn't even know it was a television show. I thought it was another wacky avatar trend, like the cigarette one. Man, was that horrible! What was that even about?

EDIT: Anyway, Family Guy is totally different. I know it to be extremely offensive to pretty much everybody which is why I do not watch it. I don't like that kind of humour and I don't find misogyny and racism and all sorts of other things funny.

Last edited by topit (March 9, 2013 (07:40am))

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Got a lovely surprise in the mail.

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread


Last edited by topit (March 5, 2016 (10:24am))

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

I and a friend were responsible for designing her website. Since then we chat a fair bit and I've gladly helped her with some things like image retouching in Photoshop.

I'd love to meet up with Hey Ocean! at some point. I've got free entry to any of their shows I can make it to, since I did their 8-Bit Big Blue Wave video for them.

Last edited by Sean (April 5, 2013 (09:08pm))

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

So, I took the plunge and recently endured an episode of My Little Pony. I've been putting up with the milk-curdlingly annoying fangirls in my school year screaming about it, and even my best friend has converted to the 'Brony' ways. On every forum I visit, be it Lego or not, my eyes are always assaulted by profile pictures of Ponies. Being the heavily critical and opinionated, yet somewhat open-minded person that I am, I decided I needed to watch this show before I engaged in my ritual put-downs.

I watched it and it didn't really appeal to me - it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. To me, it was just another marginally notable child's cartoon that comes and goes in a blur and isn't particularly memorable. It lacked much wit or satire, had characters that almost broke my obnoxious-detector and a plot line that I found trivial. Maybe later on in the series it gets better (?), but from the few episodes of season one I watched, it failed live up to all these magic expectations put out by the show's fan base. I can't really see the incentive of utilising my extremely slow internet speed to watch more of the Ponies, as I could struggling to pirate the latest GoT episodes instead, and I also don't think my ears can take much more of Apple Jack.

Last edited by Carousel (April 5, 2013 (11:25pm))

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Carousel wrote:

I also don't think my ears can take much more of Apple Jack.

Then I reckon everypony's better off without you being a brony, sugarcube. mini/confused


Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Last edited by Sean (April 6, 2013 (02:44am))

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Sméagol wrote:
Carousel wrote:

I also don't think my ears can take much more of Apple Jack.

Then I reckon everypony's better off without you being a brony, sugarcube. mini/confused


Indeedles, but I gave it a shot!

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

All I'm gon' say, Pardner, is be glad you ain't livin' in Texas... Glad you have it a shot though. I hate those people whoa re like OMGFJDH I HATEZ PONEIZ but they've never even seen it before...

EDIT: I just saw your 8-bit Hey Ocean! video. You especially did a really good job with getting the faces right, I could recognize everyone in the video even. That's so nice of them to give you free entry! I definitely recommend seeing one of their shows. If I had free entry to all of Hey Ocean!'s shows, I would become a full time groupie and go to every single concert...
You know at the moment they are having a contest for Make a New Dance Up? I was trying to make a brickfilm for that contest but I couldn't. But you should totally do that bro mini/cat

EDIT EDIT: OMG I love the way you designed Andrea's website! So retro! Best font EVER (Market Deco, right? for the bottom bit?)

Last edited by topit (April 6, 2013 (06:19am))

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

On every forum I visit, be it Lego or not, my eyes are always assaulted by profile pictures of Ponies.

Says the guy with two and a half horses in his avatar...


Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Which episodes did you watch, Carousel?

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

topitmonkeydog wrote:

Glad you have it a shot though. I hate those people whoa re like OMGFJDH I HATEZ PONEIZ but they've never even seen it before...

Hmmm, yes...

topitmonkeydog wrote:

Stereotypes are reserved for stupid shows like South Park.

topitmonkeydog wrote:

Yeah, sure, Family Guy. I haven't seen either of them and don't want to so I am just going off of their notoriety.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Moving on,

Squash wrote:

On every forum I visit, be it Lego or not, my eyes are always assaulted by profile pictures of Ponies.

Says the guy with two and a half horses in his avatar...

There's four images of a single horse actually, Horace Horse, who being a silhouette is extremely different to the brightly coloured MLP Ponies. mini/wink

minifig051 wrote:

Which episodes did you watch, Carousel?

The first two, I believe. Some people have told me they're not the best and that I should watch other later episodes. I might get around to doing it.