Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Carousel wrote:
minifig051 wrote:

Which episodes did you watch, Carousel?

The first two, I believe. Some people have told me they're not the best and that I should watch other later episodes. I might get around to doing it.

Yeah, those aren't even close to the best (they're also poor indicators of what the show is like).

Some better starter episodes are the ninth and tenth episodes. Try watching one of those sometime.

(EDIT: Oh look, the tenth page!)

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

minifig051 wrote:

Some better starter episodes are the ninth and tenth episodes. Try watching one of those sometime.

This one's not worth the effort.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

topitmunkeydog wrote:

EDIT: I just saw your 8-bit Hey Ocean! video. You especially did a really good job with getting the faces right, I could recognize everyone in the video even. That's so nice of them to give you free entry! I definitely recommend seeing one of their shows. If I had free entry to all of Hey Ocean!'s shows, I would become a full time groupie and go to every single concert...
You know at the moment they are having a contest for Make a New Dance Up? I was trying to make a brickfilm for that contest but I couldn't. But you should totally do that bro mini/cat

EDIT EDIT: OMG I love the way you designed Andrea's website! So retro! Best font EVER (Market Deco, right? for the bottom bit?)

Cheers. They also gave me their entire discography and junk. Sadly, being in Australia makes it a bit hard to make it to a Hey Ocean! show.

Yeah, Andrea wanted to go with something Art Decoish. She has good taste.

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

I went to this my little pony comic book signing yesterday

Got my comic books signed by the awesome people responsible for them

Also this guy is incredible

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Carousel wrote:
topitmonkeydog wrote:

Glad you have it a shot though. I hate those people whoa re like OMGFJDH I HATEZ PONEIZ but they've never even seen it before...

Hmmm, yes...

topitmonkeydog wrote:

Stereotypes are reserved for stupid shows like South Park.

topitmonkeydog wrote:

Yeah, sure, Family Guy. I haven't seen either of them and don't want to so I am just going off of their notoriety.

Seriously, why do people keep coming back to this!! Do you like watching shows that offend almost every demographic out there? And from what I've seen of these, Family Guy is extremely racist, homophobic, sexist, misogynistic, and every other word that can describe crude and offensive humor. Please just let it go, guys. You're not going to make me watch Family Guy and I'm not sure why you keep trying.
Anyway, it's not like I haven't seen any of that show. Some stupid people at my school watch it a lot so I've seen the kind of crap Seth McFarlane tries to pull.

Yeah, Andrea wanted to go with something Art Decoish. She has good taste.

Art Deco is always a good thing mini/smile

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

topitmunkeydog wrote:
Carousel wrote:
topitmonkeydog wrote:

Glad you have it a shot though. I hate those people whoa re like OMGFJDH I HATEZ PONEIZ but they've never even seen it before...

Hmmm, yes...

topitmonkeydog wrote:

Stereotypes are reserved for stupid shows like South Park.

topitmonkeydog wrote:

Yeah, sure, Family Guy. I haven't seen either of them and don't want to so I am just going off of their notoriety.

Seriously, why do people keep coming back to this!! Do you like watching shows that offend almost every demographic out there? And from what I've seen of these, Family Guy is extremely racist, homophobic, sexist, misogynistic, and every other word that can describe crude and offensive humor. Please just let it go, guys. You're not going to make me watch Family Guy and I'm not sure why you keep trying.
Anyway, it's not like I haven't seen any of that show. Some stupid people at my school watch it a lot so I've seen the kind of crap Seth McFarlane tries to pull.

I just think its hypocritical that you're judging a show based on misconceptions, I like South Park and even Family Guy to a certain extent, mostly because they poke fun of and parody so many stereotypes, situations and people out there in the world, and I respect that the two show's creators don't care about political correctness in a world where the grip of political correctness is extreme. Yes, sometimes things are downright offensive, crude or violent, but for majority of the time, it's for a reason, and I definitely still love South Park for its wit amongst other things. Don't call it stupid if you haven't even seen it, that's what annoys me. Maybe it doesn't appeal to what you include as humorous, but you should watch it properly first before judging it forever.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

No I'm never going to watch it ever never ever.
Can we get back on subject, please?

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

you're not helping your case very much topit

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

I give up.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

topitmunkeydog wrote:

No I'm never going to watch it ever never ever.

This sort of attitude is the basis of every single conflict that has happened since the beginning of history.

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

You guys don't understand sarcasm anymore....

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

I don't think there's any hope for Carousel liking the show.  I doubt he would even if he watched everyone's favourite episode.
Every once in a while, there's that rare individual who just doesn't quite fancy it, but that's okay.  He doesn't quite strike me as the sort of bloke who'd enjoy it anyway.

topitmunkeydog wrote:

You guys don't understand sarcasm anymore....

If it helps, I knew it was sarcastic.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Thanks Squid mini/smile

Anyways, I wasn't trying to get him to like the show. I could care less, actually, now that he's already watched it and demonstrated a dislike for it. I was just defending my dislike for Family Guy.

Sick of this... Let's just forget all about this and get on the topic of ponies because the moderators are probably going to close this if we keep arguing. If you haven't seen this, you need to:

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

I think you're right Squid, I'm definitely not one suited to My Little Pony. Never mind, I'll leave you guys to engage in your Brony activities, I'm perfectly happy with re-watching my favourite childhood cartoon: The Big Knights mini/smile

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Lets compare My Little Pony voices in English and Japanese.

This is surreal. The Japanese actors seem to fit their roles really well, in my opinion.

EDIT: Whoa. Nihongo no Poni Overload Desu. Oh, I am such a tool.

Last edited by Sonjira (April 9, 2013 (06:56pm))
Youtube @TheRealSonjira I consider it a personal defeat if my pee is not perfectly clear every time.]

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

This is awesome desu yo~
Twilight- Perfect!
Rainbow Dash- AWFUL.
Rarity- yes.
Fluttershy- mini/cat HNGGG
Pinkie- OMG yes

They did a great job choosing voice actors, except for Rainbow Dash. I just don't like that voice.

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Carousel wrote:

I think you're right Squid, I'm definitely not one suited to My Little Pony. Never mind, I'll leave you guys to engage in your Brony activities, I'm perfectly happy with re-watching my favourite childhood cartoon: The Big Knights mini/smile


Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

*long, resolved conversation between Carousel and bronies*

KTproductions121 wrote:
Carousel wrote:

I think you're right Squid, I'm definitely not one suited to My Little Pony. Never mind, I'll leave you guys to engage in your Brony activities, I'm perfectly happy with re-watching my favourite childhood cartoon: The Big Knights mini/smile


And then there's this guy...

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

shut up chris don't start it back up again

in other news EQLA is comin up soon, I've bought my full-weekend pass and i'll have tons of money to splurge like crazy while i'm there thanks to my birthday being 2 weeks before the event

anyone else going (i doubt it)

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Discussion Thread

Wow! Lucky! That looks like a great convention.
Hopefully in September I'm going to BFF because I live in Austin, so that will be my first convention.
Gosh I feel like Fluttershy in this song... Too shy IRL to chat at the convention... Lel.
