Usually, your films have a bit much dialog and not very much interesting stuff happening and people repeating stuff that's already been said and done, for this, you did a wonderful job, and your talking animation has more than tripled in excellence. Now for a long well thought out comment...
The Film
It was very good, the story was enjoyable, funny, and lighthearted. All the characters enjoyable and very nicely acted. The simplicity of this is brilliant, and the execution is spot on. The comedy is fantastic.
Sets and Bricks
I generally enjoyed the sets in this, though, sometimes coming off as a bit blank, especially some of the walls. I really liked how you had some tiny mini houses which with the focus not on them, gave a very convincing look of broadness to your landscape. Though the raising levels of ground should have been more smooth. The minifigures were very nice and well fitting for the time period. I especially love Mr. Twain, he seemed very convincing, and the one guy's black clothes were well fitting for his dark trickster character.
Sound Design
Seemed perfect to me. However, I do prefer it when a brickfilmer makes all sounds themselves. No one really does that besides me though.
As I've said before, talking animation was a huge improvement. I also enjoyed the moving camera stuff, and the pile of junk coming out of the frog. All other movements were pretty much spot on. Frog jumping was particularly good.
Historical Elements
I've never actually read this tale, and though it is ridiculous, it works nicely for nicely for historical fiction. The appearance of a real historical character was also pretty nice. But you definitely did best on setting the mood with the music, sets, and minifigures. I'm glad to see a ToY Film which combines that along with genuine comedy.
Other Notes
The stuff in pile of junk was well selected. I dislike how their hats were crooked at times. I see one of the minifigures has some scribble on it. I understand why you did, but it was a rather poor job.
Thanks for a good film. Despite the few negative things I mentioned, it's great, it was captivating, and entertaining. 
I expect it to get a very high ranking in ToY, possibly even the top three.
I'm thinking of giving it a Youtube favorite, which is very rare for me.
Still can't decide if I like this of Film Fire's more.