Haha, I really enjoyed this, and I'm super impressed on how you did everything yourself. However, as pleased as I am that you created all of this yourself, I find Indiana Jones and Star Wars unoriginal. To be honest, I did think this was going to be Star Wars related, from Aldaron being in the title, though I wasn't completely sure. The reason being was the misspelling of Alderaan. Your walk cycle is incredibly smooth, but it would help if you could possibly move his arms to give it a more realistic feeling. Greedo's voice repeating would have to be what made me laugh the most. It was funny, and suites the film perfectly referring to how Greedo would talk to Han in Star Wars. I also liked the next part referring to Star Wars, when Jones is looking for his weapon, then after an excessive amount of searching and finding his weapon, a blast appeared which made me jump out of my seat unexpectedly. The joke of him finding the Golden Brick of Alderaan also made the film more interesting, since the trouble he caused of finding it (also ruining Han's wish of shooting Greedo himself). Altogether, technical wise this was a great film (animation, minimal light flicker, and clear voice acting), but the unoriginality of the two movies is what comes to the downside.